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New Documents, Crop, Resize & Save in Adobe Photoshop

Lesson 2 from: 2024 Adobe Photoshop: The A to Z Bootcamp

Ben Willmore

New Documents, Crop, Resize & Save in Adobe Photoshop

Lesson 2 from: 2024 Adobe Photoshop: The A to Z Bootcamp

Ben Willmore

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Lesson Info

2. New Documents, Crop, Resize & Save in Adobe Photoshop

<b>Learn to create new documents from scratch, crop and resize existing images and save your results using the best file formats for each use case. You&#8217;ll also learn about the concept of resolution and which settings to use for different types of images.</b>

Lesson Info

New Documents, Crop, Resize & Save in Adobe Photoshop

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Ratings and Reviews


There were several mind-blowing moments of things I never knew, that were incredible. However, it was very strange how each lesson ended abruptly in the middle of him teaching something. It seems that this class must have been pieced together from longer lessons and we don't get the full lessons here. It was frustrating when the lesson would end mid-sentence when there was something I was very interested in watching to completion. Perhaps it should be re-named the A-W Bootcamp! LOL! Where not cut off, the material was excellent, deep and thorough. Definitely worth watching!

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