Tamara Lackey
Day 1 Pre-Show
19:00 2Introduction
30:37 3Overview of Course
10:54 4Relationships to Self
39:37 5The Three I's: Impatience, Irritation & Insecurity
40:46 6Personal Recipe for Best Conditions
34:06 7Core Toolkit of Healthy Relationships
31:10Empathy and Stress Management
22:22 9Roleplay with Sara & Brian, and Relationships Toolkit
17:35 10Trust, Vulnerability and Courage
30:36 11The Lost Art of Listening
24:36 12Skype with Kyle Cease
20:37 13Day 2 Pre-Show
18:50 14Obstacles in Modern Relationships: Money
18:24 15Obstacles in Modern Relationships: Sex with guest Mike
34:13 16Obstacles in Modern Relationships: Loss of Connection
28:24 17Obstacles in Modern Relationships: Stress Overload
17:00 18Shared Lifestyle/Household Duties with Steve Lackey
24:43 19Fighting Fair & Neutralizing Arguments
24:19 20Making creativeLIVE History: The Proposal!
03:11 21Relationships with Children: Guest Jenny Solar
19:47 22Relationships with Children: Guest Jadah Sellner
47:35 23Thank You & Credits
11:28 24Toxic Relationships
10:24 25Friendships
28:58 26Social Media Relationships & Q & A
17:42 27Day 2 - Wrap-Up
04:37Class Description
Relationships are integral to all aspects of a fulfilled life — from compassionately parenting your children to effectively communicating with business partners. Through strengthening your relationships, you are able to amplify your happiness, confidence, and business potential. Join renowned professional speaker Tamara Lackey for a 2-day workshop focused on improving the quality of your relationships — starting with developing a strong sense of self. Guided by Tamara and a panel of experts, you will learn the communication skills needed to be a great leader, a present parent, and a loving partner. Whether you are looking to expand your professional network or reprogram your dating life , this course will provide you with a roadmap for developing satisfying, functional relationships.
Class Materials
Ratings and Reviews
Trudi Butler LSWPP
Brilliant insightful course. Extremely helpful advice and practical solutions. I find Tamara a very warm, knowledgeable, fun and understanding instructor and almost everything she said rang true with me and probably everyone would find the same. I hesitate to say it's been a life-changing course for fear it sounds cheesy but it's definitely had a profound effect! Thank you so much Tamara for your honestly!
a Creativelive Student
I have read a review that i highly disagree with. I got more out of this course than I have from many overpriced therapy sessions, with so called qualified practitioners. She is honest about her qualifications and I feel lucky that she did not let her lack of formal training stop her from sharing her experiences and strategies she has put in place in her own life. I also thank her for sharing some private stories many people would not have felt comfortable to do so. My husband and I are both very grateful and much happier. THANK YOU!
a Creativelive Student
Insightful class. I recommend watching the course more than once.
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