Thank You & Credits
Tamara Lackey
Day 1 Pre-Show
19:00 2Introduction
30:37 3Overview of Course
10:54 4Relationships to Self
39:37 5The Three I's: Impatience, Irritation & Insecurity
40:46 6Personal Recipe for Best Conditions
34:06 7Core Toolkit of Healthy Relationships
31:10Empathy and Stress Management
22:22 9Roleplay with Sara & Brian, and Relationships Toolkit
17:35 10Trust, Vulnerability and Courage
30:36 11The Lost Art of Listening
24:36 12Skype with Kyle Cease
20:37 13Day 2 Pre-Show
18:50 14Obstacles in Modern Relationships: Money
18:24 15Obstacles in Modern Relationships: Sex with guest Mike
34:13 16Obstacles in Modern Relationships: Loss of Connection
28:24 17Obstacles in Modern Relationships: Stress Overload
17:00 18Shared Lifestyle/Household Duties with Steve Lackey
24:43 19Fighting Fair & Neutralizing Arguments
24:19 20Making creativeLIVE History: The Proposal!
03:11 21Relationships with Children: Guest Jenny Solar
19:47 22Relationships with Children: Guest Jadah Sellner
47:35 23Thank You & Credits
11:28 24Toxic Relationships
10:24 25Friendships
28:58 26Social Media Relationships & Q & A
17:42 27Day 2 - Wrap-Up
04:37Lesson Info
Thank You & Credits
first of all, Thank you, Tamara, for all of the prizes that you brought gave away in addition to that Teoh triple scoop. And when it also to give you a chance to talk again about I hurt faces because you're gonna be doing an event there. Is that correct? Yes. Yes. They have an event in Columbus, Ohio, October 4 through six. A photography event. Very extremely. Women focused its from their very popular online community. We're gonna have a in person, really live conference, and I am honored to be the keynote speaker at that event. You can learn more about it. I hurt faces dot com. Very cool. Very cool. So, yes. So thank you for all of those prices again, we love triple scoop. And we love the fact that our new bride to be is, uh, Whitney. Nicole is also a triple scoop music artist was not fun, but I mean, it's just everything just went like this together. It was all in some kind of crazy relationship. All in one life, one life. They're just they're plugged it 11 life dot com. We would als...
o, of course, like to thank all of you out there creativelive audience. You are the reason that we exist. You are the reason that we're here. You're the reason that we keep bringing you world class experts like Tamara through those of you who support us. But thank you for always engaging so thoroughly in these workshops. That's the beauty of the live event. Is that you guys come on board and you ask the questions. And that's what actually drives the content of the score. So thank you all again for being here for this workshop. Next. Of course, we have the creative live crew. My goodness, there's been so much crewing a new birth so much brewing, the team here just does always. What I hear from instructors is that they go above and beyond. And so thank you again to all of them. We can give them some shout outs on Jo and Lacey, right? Especially. Yeah, that's right. Time tomorrow. Do you like to throw curveballs? Yes. No, no. Yes. Yes, I The beauty of live television here is that we get to change things up and be It's always something different, Always spontaneous, and our crew just again rolls with the punches. And that they on So again shout outs to everybody out there. Who makes this really possible. And not just the people, the crew on the workshop. But, of course, the bigger creativelive the company. Everybody across the board who makes this show happen. So thank you to all of you want to also thank our studio audience you. Not only were most of you here for the past workshop with chairman of the Children's Posing Guide Workshop, but you have been here fat days here live riches, which is just kudos to all of you. That's a huge chunk of time to take out of your life and give to yourself. But given that to yourself is also given that to your family, your clients, your future. So thank you for all of your active participation and, of course, opening up and especially in this particular workshop. Thank you, Neil, for just, you know, making today Whitney percent next up. We want to thank all of the guests that we've had over the course. Of course, of these to get two days we had Kyle yesterday Comedian hilarious, causing some earthquakes there. Mike, of course. This morning Rostowski Steve cameras, husband's handsome. Oh, Whitney. Special guests who didn't know what was happening and down and got in Southern California. Jenny, Sylar and Giada from a parking lot. That's right. I start vice in Dakotas. Did we say we like a car in a parking lot? Yeah, right. Did we say we roll with the punches? Were quite a beating of the love event. I want to give also a special shadow for Selena. Great job. Congratulations. The issue, I think. Don't you think she is extraordinarily smooth? Thank you. Thank you. Had a blast. Good pleasure to have you. And finally, of course. Then there is the woman herself. I don't even know what to say. Tamra, you are always such a pleasure toe have here, Creativelive. This is your seventh workshop here and you inaugurated the the the first when we moved to our Seattle studio. You had the first major workshop there. And here we are just a couple of workshops into our brand new San Francisco studios. This woman works hard. You didn't notice. But not only do you work hard for your family for your friends, but you give a lot. And so thank you for consistently giving to the creative life community on DWI Just truly appreciate everything. You dio you I actually feel very well. Tomorrow I'm gonna head it back over to you because you won t o be fun to close on asking are engaged Lee with Wait, Let me come out here. Newlyweds to be newlyweds to be engaged with this Currently that was so 10 o'clock. Neil, you've been with us for days. Tomorrow you were free. There's nothing that far side commercial. The bath I need my brain is for you to go back on and then I know that you just got back in town. But you've been here all day today and you've heard a lot about the course. I am very interested in hearing from you guys not to put you on the spot, but totally literally putting you on the spot. What you think from your perspective instead of me saying summarizing with this big thing about what I What do you guys feel you're going to take from this into your marriage and your marriage? Crazy? Think about, uh, yes. So we kind of going back to what we were talking about earlier. I think the communication in empathy thing has been huge for us, but it's also been a struggle. Um, probably more so for me. But, like right there, like there, I did it like, part of that is like, Well, I'm being honest too. And I'm admitting that, you know, and she's cool with it for now until I get better. Eso we've been I think really cool about that. And communicating as part of it has been so big for us because we weren't communicating well for, really? Like, they're not a really long time that there was a period that was rough on git was right around the period that I have talked about earlier when there was a lot of transition going on in our lives. You know, never mind the fact that we lived across the country and whatever. So I think getting I don't know, somehow getting through that we didn't talk every day on the phone. We didn't connect, you know, in some way, another. We live together. If we didn't have time every night and made these rules like dinner together, no phones down. Yeah, actually, I was gonna say one of the biggest things I've taken. And I know I haven't been here the whole time, but it really rang true. Making like, space making time, Teoh, like, no matter how stressful or how busy you are, how much you're working and how much is going on to really set aside time to be together and not do anything else other than focus on talking with each other. And it just rings through, like, true to what we want to do in the future with having a family and that kind of stuff. So just really making time for the people that matter to you. And yeah, I love that. First of all, you obviously know met physical affection. I'm sure they never did. This led to the score. Well, it's one day's E o. So what I'm hearing is physical affection just is a given. But communication, empathy and being very communicative about this is how I'm feeling. But I'm feeling which, by the way, is major like I'm not gonna put a label. This is just how I feel on Ben. Third is making a space recognizing that a relationship you can busy yourself out of a relationship on and most communication breakdowns occur when you don't make the time to say we're gonna have this. I didn't mention this. I think it all during the course. But one thing I would love to suggest to you guys that I wish that Steve and I had done earlier is we have a habit. You know, absolutely three kids during the school year, and then we have to do it separately when the kids are out of school. But during the school year, we have a habit of taking one hour. Every day. We drop the kids off and then we go get coffee and we sit down. And actually, one of things we do is we'll watch some creative. I will watch programs for business and will focus on something personal stuff, but also things that have to do relationships. And if somebody wants to buy this course and do that for themselves, think about amazing. Maybe an hour a day of just investing in your relationship as putting it at the party. It is it is the core priority for you. But where is he going with this? I've been talking for so you're doing great. Also also because it's 3 59 12 and we're closing in 40 seconds. I want Teoh me and that's a wrap. Everyone will see you next time.
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Ratings and Reviews
Trudi Butler LSWPP
Brilliant insightful course. Extremely helpful advice and practical solutions. I find Tamara a very warm, knowledgeable, fun and understanding instructor and almost everything she said rang true with me and probably everyone would find the same. I hesitate to say it's been a life-changing course for fear it sounds cheesy but it's definitely had a profound effect! Thank you so much Tamara for your honestly!
a Creativelive Student
I have read a review that i highly disagree with. I got more out of this course than I have from many overpriced therapy sessions, with so called qualified practitioners. She is honest about her qualifications and I feel lucky that she did not let her lack of formal training stop her from sharing her experiences and strategies she has put in place in her own life. I also thank her for sharing some private stories many people would not have felt comfortable to do so. My husband and I are both very grateful and much happier. THANK YOU!
a Creativelive Student
Insightful class. I recommend watching the course more than once.
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