Born Creative
James Victore
Look at Me
1seen, heard, loved
08:35 2knowing your butt
06:07 3why we're here
05:55 4your work is a gift
04:45 5a song to sing
6love (the assignment)
07:42love (the crit)
28:49Always the Other
8the ass divot
01:48 9like tarantino
04:30 10always the other (the assignment)
12:06 11the cliche
11:12 12always the other (the crit)
45:13Explodes in the Brain
13Explodes in the Brain
30:32Big Nothing Little Nothing
14big nothing little nothing (the assignment)
01:54 15don't fall in love
04:35 16big nothing little nothing (the crit)
53:23There Ain't No Rules
17ain't no rules
01:16 18yesterday, today, tomorrow
08:33Allow Freedom
19allow freedom
01:41 20show & tell
22:29Born (wildly) Creative
21born (wildly) creative
01:48Subscriber Bonus Lessons
22do the work
34:35 23show & tell (part 2)
16:04Class Description
Take a brief and make it your own and have meaning to you—and at the same time, make it meaningful to a wider audience.
Get insights into listening to your gut and see how your truth and story are valid and can be applied to your work.
Get a better understanding of the tools of communication like the cliche and the ‘sphincter of truth.’
Be more comfortable asking for more, from yourself, your work and your audience.
There is a power in you that's yet to be tapped.
It begins when you're brave enough to answer the question,
"What do I have to say?"
Designers are ‘my people’ so, of course, this first class was made for them, but the lessons apply across the board for any creative concern.
This masterclass is for anyone who has a song to sing. For people who want to tell a story. It is for those who want to align their thoughts and vision more accurately with what they make.
It is for makers held back by what they feel are the rules or the ‘right way.’
It’s for the weekend painter who wants to get more serious but doesn’t know where to start.
For the creative who feels ‘lost’ and is searching for their voice.
I love my job and I want you to love what you do, too. This way, we can invite more people to the party–and our work becomes a ‘gift.’
Designers who want to get paid for the work they love creating
Any of us who have forgotten how to use our voices
Those who want to put more of yourself into your work
Creators who want to find the joy of creating again
James is a MoMA artist, Designer to brave clients, Coach, Author, and Keynote Speaker. His passion is helping you get paid to do what you love and realize this simple truth: your work is a gift.
Class Materials
Class Materials
Ratings and Reviews
Richard Lynch
I really enjoyed the frank style that the class was delivered. Jealous of the 4 students who were in person. I work as an Aerospace engineer and am trying to find a way to relearn to be creative. This class and the exercises made me think and I have noticed that I enjoy taking different perspectives during boring meetings and drawing doodles that make me smile. Unexpectedly, my coworkers have said my work has improved lately. I think because I have become more open to possibilities outside of the tried and true.
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