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Drawing Fundamentals: Perspective and Angle

Amy Wynne

Drawing Fundamentals: Perspective and Angle

Amy Wynne

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Class Description

This beginner-friendly class will teach you essential techniques for drawing realistically. Understand perspective and how to sight angles for better accuracy. Instructor Amy currently teaches in the Fine Art departments of several New England colleges including Rhode Island School of Design's Certificate Program and she has exhibited her work nationally, winning numerous grants and awards.

This class covers:

  • Practicing 1-Point vs 2-Point perspective
  • Learning how to sight angles and place them with accuracy
  • Measuring relationships of height to width

A series of practice pages will be provided to get you started. You’ll draw three dimensional forms from multiple angles, and learn perspective that applies to landscape drawings, buildings, and still life.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Drawing Basics 3: Practice Pages

Ratings and Reviews

DiDi Hendley

Excellent instructor! Simple to understand instructions, told in few words. Thanks Ms. Wynne and CreativeLive!

Wendy Nelson

Fantastic - I learned so much and got answers to things I was struggling with. This is a great beginner class.


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