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Graphic Design Fundamentals: Form & Image

Timothy Samara

Graphic Design Fundamentals: Form & Image

Timothy Samara

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Class Description

You only need basic understanding of line and form to appreciate art and design, but you need a lot more than that to create it. Deepen your understanding of these fundamentals in Graphic Design: Form & Image with Timothy Samara.

In this class, Timothy will teach you about the primary form categories and how they apply across mediums. You’ll learn about:

  • Geometric vs organic forms
  • Pictorial vs non-pictorial images
  • Form relationships and meaning
  • Juxtaposition and sequence

You’ll learn how the medium you are working in affects how the viewer interprets your work and get tips for getting the results you are after.

Graphic Design: Form & Image will help you confidently create images that are visually balanced and sophisticated. 

Ratings and Reviews

Santosh Sharma

I am a big fan of Tim since I started reading his books long back. Its good to see himself teaching, though its a video. This course made things more clearer about concepts and image making. Thank.

Indumathi Manohar

Tim is just SO much fun!!! I love his lectures. He just packs information in, but the material just flows intuitively from one subject to the next. He clearly knows his stuff!

Susan Quigley

Very good. Note the graphic elements of the instructor's shirt. I have a BIG art background. Good stuff. CHEAP.

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