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Legal Steps Every Business Owner Should Take

Christina Scalera

Legal Steps Every Business Owner Should Take

Christina Scalera

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Class Description

The content and opinions expressed in this course are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem

Brought to you in partnership with

Navigating the legal waters when it comes to your business can feel overwhelming. Attorney Christina Scalera breaks down all the information that you need to know, empowering you to run your business with confidence. This class will teach you:

  • The differences between an LLC, a sole proprietorship and an S corp -- and which one is right for you

  • How to protect your business with legally sound contracts and where to find them

  • What to do when faced with a dispute

By the end of this class, you’ll be able to start the process of setting up your business structure, follow legal best practices and understand the resources available to you.

Ready to protect your business with top-notch legal contracts? Click here to start your free 7-day HoneyBook trial.

Class Materials

Free Bonus Material

How to Run Your Business Like a Boss
Legal Resource Guide

Ratings and Reviews


I loved this course! Covered so many topics I've been wondering about in an easy and understandable way!! Brilliant! Thank you!


Every minute of this is filled with such valuable info! She covers every legal topic you could possibly need to know about as a creative small business owner and clarifies lots of confusing topics. I feel super confident about my small business ownership after watching this. Thank you Christina!


Amazing! This stuff can be so hard to try and wrap your brain around but this is simple, easy to follow advice.

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