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Downloading and Installing Logic Pro for iPad

Lesson 1 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

Downloading and Installing Logic Pro for iPad

Lesson 1 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

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1. Downloading and Installing Logic Pro for iPad

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Downloading and Installing Logic Pro for iPad

Let's kick things off by ensuring you have Logic Pro for ipad properly installed on your ipad. If you haven't already head over to the app store and download the app, you will need to check here to see if your ipad is capable of running this app. But once you've installed the app, open it and let's explore the setup process when opening Logic Pro for ipad. For the first time, we will ask you to download free essential studio packs, the studio instrument essentials pack, the electronic essentials pack and the hip hop essentials pack. Each pack has over 250 apple loops, over instrument and audio patches, over 80 plugins and more than 50 samples in total, they take up around two gigabytes of storage on your ipad. But we recommend downloading these to make full use out of logic Pro for ipad.

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