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Optimizing Your Workflow

Lesson 24 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

Optimizing Your Workflow

Lesson 24 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

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24. Optimizing Your Workflow

Lesson Info

Optimizing Your Workflow

Welcome to this next lesson of the course where we'll focus on optimizing your workflow for efficient music production. Let's look at touch gestures or shortcuts for the ipad and go over some advice on the order in which to work throughout the production process, touch gestures or shortcuts, touch gestures work like keyboard shortcuts on the Mac. They're a great way to improve your workflow. Some common touch gestures include tapping, swiping, pinching and dragging to perform actions such as selecting zooming, scrolling and adjusting parameters. I'm not going to go over all of these touch gestures now so I can keep the course concise and they may not be so critical for everyone but attached to this video is a PDF that explains some of the most common touch gestures. So I recommend downloading this and checking this out if you want to learn about these common touch gestures. Although you can fully operate logic pro for ipad, by only using your fingers on the screen, you can add external...

input devices on your ipad that work similarly to gestures or extend their functionality and add precision. A trackpad uses the same gestures as on your touchscreen. You can use an apple pencil for one finger gestures which allows for more precise tap and drag operations. This is particularly useful for drawing in automation and regions. You can also use it as a text input device with handwriting for naming tracks or regions in the inspector. An external hardware midi controller like a midi keyboard can be used to record Midi regions or used to write automation. An external computer keyboard can be used with similar shortcuts as you would find in logic Pro for Mac. OK. So that's the end of this video. Next we'll talk about workflow order.

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