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Lesson 10 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George


Lesson 10 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

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10. Quantizing

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OK. Let's now solo the drum track and talk about quantis quantis Midi in the piano role of Logic Pro for ipad is an important process for aligning musical notes to a specific grid, enhancing the timing and rhythm of your performances. Here's a step by step guide, select the notes you want to quantize using any of the methods we discussed earlier. So for this example, I'll select all of the midi notes. Once the notes are selected open the inspector with the eye icon at the bottom left of the screen and find time quantized at the top in the quantized menu. You'll find various settings such as note value and you can also find the strength setting here. The note value determines what degree your notes will be snapped to. For example, if you select one quarter notes, each note will be snapped to the nearest quarter note of the grid. For this example, though let's change this to 1/ notes as the high hats were playing these note values. OK. That sounds more suitable. Now, the strength paramet...

er controls the degree to which notes are quantized. For this example, let's change it to 50% to see the difference so we can keep some of the natural feeling of the part that was played but still quantize it a bit to keep it more in time. This can help give your part a more natural feeling while still keeping it in time. Let's listen back to this now and make sure the midi notes haven't been snapped to the wrong notes on the grid. The tight to the original performance is the less likely quantization will make mistakes. All music lies on the spectrum of perfect timing, tight to the grid on one end and free flowing expressive timing on the other dramas like hip hop pop and electronic music generally exist closer to the perfect timing side of the spectrum or dramas like jazz, blues and classic rock operate closer to the other side of the spectrum. When making your music be aware that you can operate along the spectrum. The strength function is one way to use quantis in a way that lets you determine how far along the spectrum you want to be. Quantis audio follows a similar process for audio regions as it does for Midi regions. So let me show you how to do this. Now, before we do this, let's close the inspector with the eye button and let's uns solo, the drum parts and then solo. The audio track, this audio region here is recordings of clap sounds. So let's quantize these, select the region you want to quantize open the inspector scroll down to quantize and change the quantize value and strength. Unlike quantis Midi or Quantis audio and logic Pro for MAC, it is not possible to make further adjustments to the timing of an audio track on the ipad version. This makes it even more important to get the performance as close to the correct timings as possible before quantis, the less tight you are in your performance, the more likely the ipad is going to make a mistake while quantis a mistake that can't be adjusted in audio.

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