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Quilting with Low Volume Fabrics

Cheryl Arkison

Quilting with Low Volume Fabrics

Cheryl Arkison

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Class Description

In the quilting community low-volume is synonymous with light, printed fabrics. In Quilting with Low Volume Fabrics, you’ll learn more about these ubiquitous fabrics and how to expertly incorporate them into your quilt blocks.

Cheryl Arkison will teach color theory basics and help you make more visually appealing quilt blocks. You’ll learn about:

  • Color saturation, hue, tints, tones, and shades
  • Blending low-volume fabrics of varying weights
  • Quilt block cutting and sewing techniques

You’ll learn how to achieve contrast through scale and texture by creating a monochromatic quilt block and how to add interest by adding a little pop of color.

Quilting with Low Volume Fabrics will inspire you to get the most out of your fabric stash and help you create designs that stand out.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Cheryl Arkison - Low Volume Basics - Tools.pdf
Cheryl Arkison - Low Volume Basics Bonus.pdf

Ratings and Reviews


Cheryl is an excellent instructor. Great clear explanations and demonstrations throughout the workshop. I also love her humor and non-judgmental approach. I very much appreciated her "value" explanation, since this can be very confusing. Cheryl also provided great tips and suggestions. This was a great experience for me. I signed up for all of her workshops and look forward to each of them. Thanks very much.

Beth Conkwright

I've already made a quilt top with low volume fabrics. You really changed my idea that quilts had to have a ton of color. I want to try using low volume for background fabric next. Thanks for such a fun class.

a Creativelive Student

Takes a bit to catch on as the progression develops from monochromatic, through the light, dark and medium values to backgrounds but then the click happens and wow! I also have gotten a much better understanding of value which is my own personal nemesis. I'm excited to play.

Student Work