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Recycle Your Art

Andrea Chebeleu

Recycle Your Art

Andrea Chebeleu

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Class Description

Do you struggle with what to do with old art projects that you don't have the heart to toss, but no longer want to display? Andrea Chebeleu will show you how to get more mileage out of your earlier endeavors in Recycle Your Art.

Andrea started out as a professional scrapbooker, but her interest in all-things-art called her to establish a studio that teaches a whole range of creative techniques. In this class, she’ll help you see the potential in pages from your art journal and show you how to make digital versions of your real life work. 

You’ll learn:

  • Photographing and copying tips (no special software needed!)
  • The best method for the smooth application of collage paper to canvas
  • A foolproof masking technique and how to add shadows for depth and dimension
  • Which paint and glue options are best for paper art projects
Not all art journaling experiments are 100% successful. But, most pages have several redeeming factors – recycling that work is a simple way to take the parts you love and make more art with them.

If you are looking for a fun, playful way to have more fun with your existing work, don’t miss Recycle Your Art with Andrea Chebeleu.

Class Materials

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Bonus Materials with Purchase

Image Transfer Your Art To Canvas Pouch Guide.pdf
Supplies List.pdf