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Sony A6000 Fast Start

John Greengo

Sony A6000 Fast Start

John Greengo

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Class Description

Dense technical manuals make for a terrible first date. Get the most out of your new Sony A6000 with this complete step-by-step walkthrough of the camera’s features. Join expert photographer John Greengo for a fast-track introduction, and unlock your camera’s full potential.

In this fast start, you’ll learn:

  • How to use the autofocus system
  • How to use and customize the menus
  • How to use the A6000’s video capabilities

This fast start includes a complete breakdown of your camera’s exposure, focus, metering, video and more. John will also explain how to customize the A6000’s settings to work for your style of photography.  

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Sony A6000 Recommended Settings

Ratings and Reviews


You've invested in the Sony A6000 so let John help you discover and understand all it can do with his terrific video class. I'm a visual learner so this was perfect for me. I printed his class materials for easy reference. Thanks to John I'm a beginner with the confidence to go out and play with my new camera!

Debbie Walker

MERCY!!! this was excellent for me!! I am not familar with cameras so this definitely helped me understand better how to use my Sony A6000; I was honestly ready to give up!!! Great explanations ! well worth the time!!!


Very helpful in learning all the settings on the camera. Excellent clear and useful presentation of a topic that could be dry. I found the suggested settings for different shooting situations a great place to start when venturing into shooting in manual mode.

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