Website Planning and Wireframing
Alexandra Moran
Introduction to Wireframing
06:41 2What is Wireframing?
04:21 3Setting Wireframing Expectations
04:48 4Defining The Problem To Solve
05:08 5Sketching and Refining the Idea
33:14 6Overview of Sketch Software
09:13 7Create a Wireframe in Sketch
17:31 8Effectively Presenting Your Work
02:12Class Description
Wireframing streamlines the process of designing and prototyping by stripping a website or app down to its most practical, feature-based foundations. Alexandra Moran is a web/UX industry expert, with experience addressing the design needs of clients both large and small.
Join this class, and you’ll learn:
- The fundamentals of Sketch software
- How to separate your site’s content from its visual design
- How to anticipate the needs of the end user and make a website that will engage them
Ratings and Reviews
China Rose
Alexandra shares useful specific ideas to build confidence in website planning and shares her clever techniques for wire framing.
Lisa Brink
Great information. Would have been nice if she had a large pad or dry erase boards for the sketching so both online and people in the room could see better - as opposed to the 8.5 x 11 laying on the desk.