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Writing a Well-Crafted AI Prompt

Lesson 5 from: 10x Your Marketing Efforts with ChatGPT, Midjourney, and More

Mark Hinkle

Writing a Well-Crafted AI Prompt

Lesson 5 from: 10x Your Marketing Efforts with ChatGPT, Midjourney, and More

Mark Hinkle

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5. Writing a Well-Crafted AI Prompt

Delve into the art of crafting effective prompts for AI. Understand the nuances and techniques to get the desired output from your AI tool.

Lesson Info

Writing a Well-Crafted AI Prompt

The prompt is the way that we interact. It's the natural language that we use but it's just like communicating with a person. The more succinct and clear and concise you are with your communication, the better that person should be able to understand. The same thing works with ChatGPT. These prompts are specific constructions or questions, given to an artificial intelligence system to generate a response or output. They can be in various forms. They can be questions, they can be instructions. It just depends on the task at hand and they are very much like our human spoken language but there are a lot of tips and tricks and we're gonna walk through some of them today. Here's an example of a well-crafted prompt. So this is a prompt to create an 800-word blog post, not unlike the exercise where we started with earlier. Some tips when we create prompts are we want to be specific, we want to provide as much context as appropriate, we want to use clear language, no jargon. We want to include...

examples when possible. We want to break it down into sentences that make the steps clear and concise and we want to set constraints. And once we do that, almost always you'll want to iterate and refine these prompts. Why don't we go back to ChatGPT and we'll take a look at what this prompt might do. I'm gonna use the GPT-4 model because I want to be able to use some web plugins. I want to use the search. I'm gonna paste it in there and I'm gonna see what ChatGPT comes up with. It came up with a title. Since we asked it to use SEO best practices, it put the keywords in the title. It puts the keywords into the headings and then it writes our article and within a few seconds we're gonna have a decent article around generative AI for marketing and the comprehensive guide for beginners. The thing that's interesting about this is that it creates a very complex piece of text in probably about 30 seconds. But you don't have to stay with that piece of text. If you decide that you want to iterate or add stuff, you can add things at any point. Because we have a conversation and it knows what it just did, we could say, "Add a section on social media." And what it's doing is it's creating the section around social media that you can paste back into your overall blog post. Now I showed you a very simple prompt but once you got a prompt that you really like, I call these things super prompts. Super prompts are prompts that I've iterated on over and over and I keep a library of them and I use a program called Notion to save those prompts and here's my Notion. So I have what I call my super prompts and those are the complex prompts that I've worked on, I know what the outputs are gonna be and over here on the right, if you notice, it's formatted like a Word processing document and the reason I do that is it makes it easier for me to edit it. Then when I cut and paste it, it'll be cut and paste as unformatted text into the prompt. So here I had defined a role, I had talked about the result, I provided examples and this is the overall prompt that I would cut and paste in there. You can save your prompts in a Word document, in an Excel spreadsheet, whatever makes sense for you but the point is that once you have a prompt you like, you'll probably want to use it over and over again. There's also one of the things that I do is I create variables and I use the convention of square brackets. So if I was writing this in a different language, I could change the target language to English or to French or to Spanish. This is not something that's actually recognized by the AI, it's just a convention I use. It'll ignore the brackets but if I was going to write this in French, I would just edit it over here and then when I use that prompt, it would do it in French. So that's how I save prompts for future use.

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