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Lesson 1 from: Acrobat

Jason Hoppe


Lesson 1 from: Acrobat

Jason Hoppe

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1. Acrobat


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So here we are with Acrobat 11 or some people say X I people don't know that acrobatics. I actually stands for Acrobat 11 back about 10. They just said acrobatics and have informed a lot of people that know we're actually on 11. The interesting thing with Acrobat is that Acrobat doesn't follow the same production cycle that all the other adobe APs follow. So the creative cloud actually came out little bit after Acrobat 11 came out and spent out for 68 months now and been using it. So while this is Creative Cloud Week, there's still a lot of stuff that we'd like to show people about Acrobat, because there's a lot of things that people don't know about Acrobat. The first thing that people usually tell me is, Well, of course I can make a PdF. Why do I need anything else? And so Acrobat 11 has come out with a lot of really cool features. Some of the best features. I've seen an acrobat so far, and we're gonna walk you through and we're doing a shameless self promotion here, not of May. But ...

if Kelly Brown, who's going to be coming back to creative life here. And so if you don't find Acrobat appealing, these cute little babe Ooh, look at how could you not want to watch this? I mean, yeah, so we do this on purpose because, Acrobat, that can be a very dry topic, but we make sure we make it really, really spicy. And with that, we'll start off with some of the new features that we have an acrobat. There's 10 really big features there's, but there's a whole bunch of other features that we have now just to get you started. This is Acrobat 11 and this is the professional version. They have the professional version. They have the standard version, and then they have Acrobat Reader. Adobe Reader, which everybody is very familiar with. Reader, does virtually nothing. It's their on everybody's machine. It comes as a default application. It's great for opening pdf's, but you can't do much else with pdf's. If you are gonna invest in Acrobat, you certainly want Teoh choose the Acrobat professional version because many of the things that I'm showing you today are going to be in the professional version. Only the standard version will allow you to do some light editing on this as well, but nothing like we're going to show you today and being able to get into forms and customized forms and use Adobe Form Central, an acrobat dot com, and being able to use a lot of the other features that are now included with your creative cloud subscription. You're gonna want the Acrobat professional version here. It doesn't look that much different, but once you start getting into it, you'll find the shortcomings of the standard version. So if you've got a birthday or something coming out there, definitely put that in your wish list. It's worth it. So starting off the interface hasn't changed substantially since Acrobat 10. But they have gone in, and they have reworked some of the nomenclature in the names and the placement of things, and they're trying to make this a whole lot easier for everybody to be able to go in and use. So one of the things is that they've revamped this section over here with the tools and the signature panel. In the comments here, we still see all of our content, but one of the things that I have noticed a lot of people don't realize. Is that all the options that you see over here in the tools? This isn't everything, okay? And so you have to go over to my little cheese grater right here. And here are all the other items that you're going to be looking for. And, surprisingly enough, all the ones that aren't checked or ones that you don't see. So the print production and there's all the items for print production. I've taught lots of people, and they're just like, what did they do with all those features? They're there for some reason, they're not showing up. So go in there and turn those all on so that you're not missing anything whatsoever. And now you've got all the panels here that you can actually use, and no, even if you don't use them, I'm sure there's something inside there that you're gonna find very useful, but they're all hidden under this little cheese grater here. That's where they are. Do that. Your very first thing. Second, across the top of our acrobat panel here is our little nest of tools right here, because acrobat, along with all the other applications out there, have so many little shortcuts and buttons. You can go in and you can learn all these buttons. Of course, just hover over any one of these, and it will actually tell you with a tool hint there. But there may be a whole bunch of little buttons that you want to have quick and easy access to, and it's really easy to go in and customize thes so that you can have the tools and the shortcuts that you want a perfect example here if we're dealing with things like interactive objects or content editing here, and we want to be able to go in and do some of our content editing, which, by the way, that is a very new feature. I'm downplaying it right now because there's a lot of good stuff, but you'll notice if I want to go in and I want to add text or at an image to my pdf, and I want to be able to access this readily. I'm gonna be doing this quite frequently whenever I hover any over any of my options here in my tool section. When I hover over this, I get this little serrated at It's like a little tear panel. This allows me to grab this and drag that little icon up into my bar up here. That allows me to basically set up all my tool shortcuts right there. And they stay here in my tool panels, but I have access to them. Over here is well as creating all those shortcuts. Now, an easy way to have access to what's called your properties bar here is right. Click on your properties bar and there's your properties, bar presets. And when you do that Sorry, I didn't want that. We want to go ahead and we want to do it. Tool sat here. Here we go. These are all the tools that are in my tool set right here. These are all the tools that I can add. So instead of going over here and flipping open all of my items and pulling them one by one, when I edit my tool set here, I can go through and open up each and every one of these. This really isn't a drop in drag kind of thing. What you need to do is you need to click on what you want to add and then go in and click the add button and you that. So as you go through and do this, it may be nice to be able to, you know, do a few other things just click and drag, but they don't let you do that very easily. So what I like to dio is I like to click and drag or click and drag feature here that I could just go right from here, Dragon and as I go than trying to go through and set your entire bar up with all of your items jammed up at the top here because I know I have a hard time keeping up with all these new icons because they change every single time. I think I've got about 40,000 icons memorized, and I still don't know what all of them are. I look at these and it's like, What is that? I think it's get rid of a page. It ISS So I do know what I'm doing here, at least for this anyway. So getting to the huge big feature with Acrobat here is the ability to go in and actually edit your acrobat file. We have never been able to go in and actually go into the file menu and say, Give me a new PdF just a blank Pdf that I can create all pdf's have basically been just for archival purposes. They're there so that we can take any type of application. Take a document Processes of is a pdf so that anybody in the world can read this without having a specific application that it was created in. So Pdf stands for portable document format. Anybody who's Adobe Reader can read it, but you can't do much editing. And even in the previous versions, you could do very, very, very limited, adding editing with this and I'm talking very limited. So it has gone from just being a piece of archival application to actually having editing capabilities like full on editing capabilities. Are they awesome? Well, they're better than they will ever have been there. Do they rock your world? No. But okay, So under the content editing of the tools here, you'll see that we have the ability to go in and edit text and images. And once I do that, all of a sudden we have the ability to click on all of our type and our logos and our pictures that easily. We could never do this before. We would be able to use our type selection tool and maybe highlight the type. And if we were lucky, the thought was embedded, Mayor may not be able to change it. In many cases, we weren't and so we were left with a very limited editing capability in the pdf. Now it's great. We can end at a text and images here. We can add text to our images. We can add an image in here so we can place images right in here is we go? We can export our file right off from Pete Acrobat right here as a PdF The big thing, editing text and images. There's my image right there. Once I click on my image, I can right click on this and I can cut copy paste. I can crop or replace the image with something else. I have another image. I don't have to go hunting it down and create a new PdF. It literally allows me to go in and remove this image, replace it with something else, and now we have the ability to bring things to the front send things to the back. We could never do that before. So if something isn't in the right position, we can now move these things around. I can also go in, and I can edit this photo right from here. We could do this before, but it was a really tricky process before now it's all nice and easy. And the way I got to this was just click on my edit text in images, then right, clicked on the image and I'm gonna go in. I'm gonna say edit using Adobe photo shop. It launches photo shop. And it tells me what's going to happen here. Basically were using this embedded image here, and so it's gonna flatten the file before it's saving it, just letting you know if you use layers. So if I go in here and I decide Teoh, go ahead and give it a little bit of contrast here and I adjust the contrast overall. Not that it needed anything. It's beautiful in and of itself, but we're just going to show you, so I'm gonna darken it up there, give a little bit more contrast and you notice how it comes up here as a temporary file because that's how it's stored in Acrobat. So I'm going to close this and I'm going to save it. Jump back over to Adobe Acrobat here, and it replaces the image that quickly so don't need to have the native image. It's all right there for me. Same with text. Here is my text. When I click on text here, you'll see that we have a very light formatting panel right here and this particular font that was being used. It now embeds in the file. So if I want to go through when I want to choose another font here, I can go in and try a totally different fought in most cases before. If you've ever tried to edit a PdF and I'm sure people online are saying this, most people like I've never been able to make it work. Now it actually works. You select your type, and there it is. There's the font change right there, and we have the ability to change the size as well from a drop down menu. Or we could just enter in an absolute value, change the size right there color before trying to change the color of something. We have better chance of changing the color of the type. But that was also slim Pickens right there. Now, when I go in, I can click on my little color right next to my fault right there. And I get a very basic color panel that you see in some of the basic editing applications. And I can click on that and change the color that simply I can always go and use other color dividers there when I always like this because I always choose my color is based on Kranz. You know, absolutely. If you're looking for that cherry red and you need that Cherry red, which they don't call Cherry anymore, go figure. It's called maraschino. Now I think it's more politically correct. So the ability to change the font, the point size, the color here absolutely fantastic, and we can now change the orientation because the biggest thing now is that we actually have text and image bounding boxes with never hand out before. So when we could clicked on text in previous pdf here, it was just kind of flowed in in that area, and if you went through and it went too long. We go off the end of your pdf. If you hit return, things could go all over the page. Now that we have bounding boxes, we can actually move these around, edit the text and actually pull these containers larger and smaller and pull that over. And you'll also notice that it's now giving us these really nice smart guides that show up here. And I don't think people knew that we actually had guides in Acrobat that they could use and you can actually pull from your rulers. But then again, why would we ever need them? Because you really couldn't do anything. So of course, you could always go under your view menu and turn on your rulers, which is command are. And there's your rulers and you can pull guides out from your rulers as well if you wanted to set existing guides here. But again, any time you pull on any container, image, graphic, whatever you now get your wonderful, smart guides that show up so we can now align things now that we have the ability to move things around so we can select our entire type here we go ahead and do bold italics or underlining. Now this is kind of like fakey, so you don't want to go overboard with those particular features. So basic formatting stuff here really simple and easy to use. And if you want to add some more copy to this not a problem. There's our add text button, so you want to put a little headline up here. Simply click and drag. There's your text fields, and we can add some text and go in use are point size. Increase that bit? There's our text change the color change, the orientation of the tap text, the alignment of it and just like that and move it around. Just take your cursor. Move the whole thing around there. You want to go ahead and you want toe. Move it around. If you want to keep it in position here, hold down your shift. Key shift will keep it so that it goes vertically or horizontally perfectly and pretty simple. Not rocket science, but at least we have the ability now to add text where we want to. Previously, if you ever wanted to add text, and I'm sure people know this, the typewriter tool was like the only way that you could go in and add text to a document, and it had American typewriter as the default there. And now we've got this to simply click and drag. Draw your text container. Of course, When you're done with it, just take your cursor. Click on it and away it goes, and it gets to lead it. Now, if you have nothing in your text container, it just goes away. So a little bit different than other applications, where you actually click on the container and then hit delete. If you delete the content out of there, it just disappears. You see, I just click there inadvertently and click off it. It's gone. We can also add images to this if you can place an image into photo shop or in design. JPEG, PNG illustrator file Whatever it is doesn't have to be actually pixel based image. Anything. You can place it in here. So I've got some of Kelly Brown's great photo shoot images here, and since this is Acrobat, of course, it automatically converts everything to a pdf, which is quite appropriate. And we get our loaded cursor here so we can see what our images and pretty easy. You just simply click and places the image, and then you can just go and scale the entire thing right there. Don't even have to hold down your shift key to keep it proportional. It automatically does that for you. If you hover over the outside of it as well, we'll be able to go in and rotate that image so that you can move it around, place it wherever you want to. Pretty simple. We have the ability to also crop our image, which is very important because now that we're dealing with text containers and bounding box is very similar, like in design, we don't want to just put it someplace. I notice that there's a lot of white space above her here, and I want to crop this a little tighter. So I'm just going to use my crop tool, and I just go in profit that simple still there. I can always un crop it if I want to. I can rotate, and I can also go in and use some basic flipper, the vertical horizontal rotate. However I want to do that. And if I decide Oh, this is the wrong image here. I've gotta replace image button. Click on the replace image. I'm gonna replace it with something else. Right here. Put that in there. And there it is. I rotate that I got my new image that simple. If you want any options with ease, you can always right click on your picture or right click on your text. And that's gonna bring up all of your items that you don't find in your format. Pallet. Over here, we also have a little button that says Edit using. And you're going to get the same thing if you right, click on the image as well. So add text had images all simple and easy to dio right here. An acrobat. I know it's a huge thing for May. I don't know if people are getting excited online about this stuff, but this has been, I think, the biggest things since Acrobat six that's ever come out. It actually blew my line grapes in the beginning when you started talking about excels like Wait, what you're editing a. Pdf never been an editing application. Never they have equal. Definitely doesn't. We do have one quick question. Sure. From Wednesday design when we edit the images and pdf are we only editing the embedded images? Is there an undo feature? If we don't like it, we are only embedded in the image that is in the pdf. So whenever you make a pdf, you're always making a copy of everything because Acrobat will down sample the images to fit how the pdf was written. So you'll notice if we go in and we click on this image right here and we decide. Teoh edit this file right here and I choose at it using photo shop. It will come up and it will come up as a temporary file. Okay, It doesn't have the file name here. So this is what's embedded in the document at whatever resolution and quality the pdf was written at. So once I do this, this is just stays with a pdf right here. Once I put it in here, I'm just going to go in and do a little bit of hue and saturation on this here so we can see some kind of difference with that and then save that file back. You have to save and close the file. And once you do that it's right there. Um, I don't know if there isn't undo. You know, there is an undue right there. Undo it and it comes back. So really nice toe. Have I know we don't have multiple undoes in here? That's gonna be the next thing. I was like it. When you tell people new features, they're always like, Well, what happens about doing this? And it's like, Wait a second. You didn't know about any of these features. And now you want this to your like, Well, yeah, If you can do this, you can certainly do that. The cool thing is is that you can actually take these pictures out and just save these pictures as a pdf as well. So if you ever want to do that, you can just go on right click and copy this and just take another pdf and put it right in there. Or take that file and make it Pdf. And if we do that and we actually copy this image right here under the create one of the things we have, this great pdf from clipboard, which, of course, whenever you copy anything, that's where it goes. Teoh, If I choose. PDF from clipboard. It'll go through and make a new PdF out of what I just copied, so it's a great way of because you can't create a new blank. Pdf There is nothing as there is no file Create blank pdf, so you have to create it from something. So if you ever want to capture something like that, you have the ability to go ahead and do that. And speaking of capturing one of the things that we've always had on the Mac that we've never had on the PC was the ability to go in and on the PC. You only have print screen, just print screen. It copies the entire screen that you have to paste it into an application in order to see what's going on. Well, in, um, the Mac we actually have get a PdF from a screen, capture a window, capture a selection capture, and these are all built in to the Mac right here, which is really nice, because I can just do an entire screen. I can just do my entire acrobat window or just go in and actually select something to go ahead and take a snapshot off This is a Mac only thing. So that's kind of nice if people ever use that sorry PC users, but that's just the way it ISS. Maybe when you upgrade to Windows 37 or whatever, get that. But that's what you have. So being able to edit, move the images around, move the content around all that stuff Super easy, fantastic, great, totally edible and pretty darn awesome. So another nice feature that they have here ISS underneath the pages panel. They've cleaned this up a little bit because not everybody has the pages panel over here on the left hand side. And what they have done is they've hidden everything really nicely. If you ever want to get to any of your panels, they've hidden it under view show high navigation pains. You have to really drill down. So one of the things that they did was a quick little shortcut under manipulate pages. Here is just click on this and it brings up your page thumbnails nice and easy, and previously you had to drag this whole thing out. But now you can just click on this and actually take over your whole screen so you can quickly see all of your page thumbnails nice and easy. And they've also gone in and put a few other shortcuts right up here as well and a little bit easier to go in and view your pages larger, smaller, so you don't have to view it just page by page. No, not much of, ah, change, but few little extra things, right? Their course. All of your options are still under here, and those all remain the same as well, get it back right to our original page. Okay, so another feature that they've actually gone through and done is being able Teoh insert pages from another file. Previously, when you did this, you had to You go in and navigate and get around, search for other files to go ahead and put in there, and we do have the ability to go in here and insert from other files here. But this is where you can actually put a blank page into your pdf. So he said, there is no real way to go in and actually take a pdf and create a blank one. But under here, we actually have the ability to actually insert a blank page. So technically, if you ever wanted to create a blank PdF, you could open up something as a PdF put in a blank page and get rid of all your other pages. And then you have a blank pdf that you could actually create something in. If you know that much about Acrobat, you probably know a lot more about other software. But that's just one of those little back door kind of things right there. So the combined panel, they've gone ahead and they've cleaned up a little bit more. So the combined PdF's into a file here is a little bit more helpful, and we can go in and we can add. Any type of object doesn't have to be a pdf. If it's a J peg or Photoshopped file orbit map or PNG or an illustrator file, it'll automatically converted when it brings into Acrobat so I can add files to this and I can go through. And I could select several files here images and put them all in, and now we can actually see all of the files and zoom in on the files. Previously, it would just come up is a list and we would just move the list around. We really didn't know what we were getting before. So here we can actually see this. It's actually kind of like a little bit of bridge built in here. We can see these files and I can see where they're going to be. Aiken. Drag them around. I can zoom in and I can actually see them. And it's like, Oh, I you know, maybe I want that one. Maybe I don't I can go ahead and I could just right click on here and remove the documents very easily. Previously, I had to click on it, go down to the bottom and click the delete button here. It wasn't that easy. So we can view everything is a list, which is what we saw. And we can also have options here for how big or how small the files are gonna process as we go in. So not a huge difference, but just nice little added features here, which help you through the entire process of being able to put a lot of different files into one. PdF. So I don't need to make PdF's to begin with here. Aiken, take him from anywhere. As long as I can select a file through the combined window, I could go ahead and add them as a pdf works out quite well. Okay, So another thing I don't know how many people try to get something from a pdf, and they can't do anything with the pdf other than printed. And the biggest thing that you get is somebody gives you a word document you make into a pdf. And now you have a pdf, and you don't have the original word document. And so I want to go. And I want to be able to put this into a word document. I want to put this into a power point document. Not that I encourage that, but it's something that a lot of people ask for and we get a lot of files as people go through their look at something and they're like, Oh, this is great, you know? Did you put that in word for me? And previously? The only way we could ever do that is if we opened up this, pdf into illustrator, copied the images, pasted them in the word, flowed the copy into a word, and it was really quite tricky. So what I'm gonna do here? Because we now have fully edible type on all these pages and images. I'm just going to take this file and I'm going to just right click on it. And I'm going to extract this page as its own separate file. So it's his own separate, Pdf. And now I want to be able to go in and actually export this to a word document so I could give this to somebody inward and see what is going to actually turn out. Like So hold your breath here. What? We're gonna dio Yeah. There you go. So, under the file menu we choose save as other. We've got Microsoft Word and say, This is our word document. Send this to the desktop. Here, save it right there. And now I'm going to switch over the word. Open this. We're going to see how it actually works. There it is. I click open. There it is. So there is my word document. It did the best it could with picking the fonts here. One of the reasons is I don't have the specific bonds on my machine year. They are embedded in the acrobat file, but that doesn't mean that we have access to demand on the machine. But it kept the colors and kept the bullets and pretty much the same basic formatting here as well as all the images, the footer, everything else and it's all fully auditable, so I'd have to do a little bit of manipulation. But it sure is a whole lot easier to do than it is to try to recreate the entire file and do a lot of copying and pasting. Now, this isn't a new feature, an acrobat 11 here. This has been around for a couple of versions here, but this actually works really well people. A lot of people don't know that you can actually do this. The new feature that is an acrobat 11 here is the ability to take this entire file and actually save it out as a power point presentation. Now Acrobat has its own built in presentation feature, which will looks very much like any type of presentation software out there, PowerPoint or keynote. But in some cases you may have a file that somebody absolutely needs to have a power point presentation of and before If you wanted to do anything, you'd have to import the pdf into Power point presentation. If you have an older one, you'd have to convert it to a Photoshopped file and then save it is a J peg and bring in each slide there and everybody who does a presentation like this. The key thing is they have to edit the type. Nobody wants a presentation that they can't go in there and get their sticky fingers on. So if I take this and I say this as a power point presentation, save this to my desktop here, we'll switch over to Power Point and open it up. And there's my power point presentation right there. So does a pretty good job all my text containers here. Because of the way this was set up, I would need to go in and need to clean this up a little bit more to make this work. So it wasn't a perfect, perfect translation and a lot of that comes down. Teoh thing, actual fonts here. For some reason, this decided to force justify everything, but that's easily correctable. We could go in and take this all, make it all flush left and our bullets almost lineup. But at least we have the content here that's readily available, and I don't have to do that much work to go ahead and clean it up. So does take a little bit of time after the fact, but it's a huge benefit to be able to go directly from this into power point or word. If you have to go in and edit this, a lot of times clients will come to May with files that are 234 years old and it's like, You know, we don't know who the designer waas. We need to be able to edit these things. How could we do this? We want to make changes owned by the way, just can you put the whole thing in the word? And it's like, Sure we can do that. You know that we can have all the files, put everything in and actually make it work. So big feature here is being able to export right to power point here as well as word. But we've had that for a while as well. Jason, we've just got lots of comments from the Internet that is pretty clever I didn't know I could do that. There's a lot more under the hood than I realized. Oh, yeah, You're blowing people's minds. Well, Acrobat 11 they've really stepped it up a whole lot more so. And I can't stress enough that if you buy the standard version of Acrobat, a lot of the stuff isn't gonna be in there. So you got to buy the professional version because, like all those little tidbits that you're going to go in there, it's like getting candy and find out somebody sucked out the middle of the candy before you got it. You know, it's like I know you definitely want the professional version. Don't take candy from the from the baby's know little things. Aren't they cute? If only they stayed that way forever, like little puppies. You know, I know we'll have a moment of silence. No, not really. Have a lot more to cover right here singing. So the feature here that I personally love so much is being able to sign a document. And if you've ever gone in and tried to sign a PdF and what happens, I don't know if anybody's ever tried to sign a pdf. Here you get a little signature field and they go in and you say signed the document and it says, Well, do you go ahead and you know, do you have your digital signature and all that other stuff? It's like, What? What's a digital signature? And how do I create one and everything else adobes like? Well, it's easy. Just go online and type in your password. It's like, what password? What do we dio? And then it puts some weird little stamp on there. And you're like, I just want a signature, A signature. So this is awesome. Now they have, and I don't know if anybody has seen this, but now you can go in and they have a doc. You sign as well a whole bunch of different signature type applications out there where you can actually go on your IPad or on the screen. You can literally use your finger and draw on the on the display and actually sign your name physically signing the document well before, if you needed a physical wet signature here, you'd have to print out the pdf sign it, and then you'd have to scan it back in and make into a pdf and send it back, and it's like it's crazy. So what I got in the habit of doing is I got in the habit of just signing something, and I scanned that signature in, and I kept that signature on file. And then I could place that signature as an image because it's just a image of what I was doing, and I would go about it that way. And so every time I sign a PdF, I used the exact same signature, and we could do that by going in. And they actually downloaded Jack Lew's signature off the Internet. Because, of course, he was famous for his little loop de loops there. And they told they told him that they had to improve his signature before he started signing money. And so, if you've ever seen Jack Lew's signature here and just placing, this is a file right there. That's Jack Lew's signature, Okay, so if I needed to sign a document, that's what I do. I just take my name and I just sign it and you just drop it in. There is a PNG or a J peg, and there is my signature. It's like, OK, you know, how legal is that? Well, I don't know. So Acrobat decided. Okay, let's make this a little bit easier here to make sure that we have a signature. So under the sign panel, now it's its own little section, which we didn't have before. It used to be under tools and used to be just signature here. Now we actually have a full on sign version, and we've got three different things we can go in and add or at a text here, which this is now our typewriter tool. By the way, if you ever found nowhere, it went. It went into the signature panel where I could just go when click and type my name, and it's just typing it out. I could add a check mark, but in this case I actually want to place a signature. And in order to place a signature, I can go in and choose that, and I have the options of how do I actually want to place my signature? Do I want to type it in there? Do I actually want to draw it? Do I want to use an image like an actual scan signature. So if I type my signature well, that's pretty easy. That's a given. I can draw my signature. And here it is. So there's my signature. Okay, there it is. Fantastic. There it is. I consign it on, I do it right there, and I've just signed it. That's my signature. Now, of course, if you really wanted to go in and sign it, you certainly could. The nice part about this is that you sign your signature different every time, so it's gonna be a unique signature. It is just a place to image in there, but it makes it really easy to dio. And you can draw anything that you want to in that window. So when I place a signature here, I could go ahead and sign the document. I don't want to send it yet here, but I can choose whatever it is that I want. Place it or place initials or go in and scan something in what I always dio and place your signature by going in. And here's all your choices. Right there. You want to use Jack Lew's signature? Use the image right there. Browse for it. Grab that there it is, and there's a signature right there. So signing this could be made really, really easy now. Another thing that they have. And I don't know if you've noticed, because it's a creative cloud week when Adobe came out with a creative cloud. They have a lot of other added value items that they have added to the entire creative suite and beyond. And there are four things that they actually added to Acrobat 10 or part of the creative cloud version of Acrobat 10 that you get when you actually have the cloud with Acrobat. And one of them is adobes, echo sign. And this is the ability to create a document that has signature fields in it that allow people to go in and do exactly what we just did. Sign it with those different options. Now the basics of eco sign our and there's a whole bunch of other companies out there that do very much the same bear a sign or whatever else. And I just did this with some papers and we're selling our house. You go in and you literally opening up on the IPad. You take your finger and you just initial when you draw your initials or sign your name, and that's exactly what it does. Well, Echo Sign is basically that it's adobes version of being able to do a live signature on any pieces of paper here. Now Echo Sinus. Pretty basic. If you are going to be doing this for a company where you're gonna be producing, pdf's here where you want the full versions of Eco Sign and you want to be able to verify the signatures. That's going to be a pay feature, but Echo sign is just a little simple. Add on and you could go to the Adobe website there, and it's all part of Acrobat, and this is their way of going in and adding a signature. So I love the signature feature because got to do it all the time, and now I don't have to go and scan it printed out, fax it printed, do all that other stuff right there. You can also go and get other sign to, and this is the echo sign where you're going to send others to get signatures on it. Previously, if you've ever worked with a signature feature, it was kind of difficult to add multiple signatures because in some cases, if you used a signature, it would lock the pdf so nobody else could sign it. Then you had to go through this elaborate process to unlock it and make sure that everybody had signed it, not manipulated it. But this is the echo sign where you could go and track the progress. And this is where you'd actually use the pay feature of Eco sign. If you wanted to make sure people signed it, track the whole thing, make sure the signatures are good and everything else So a whole bunch more new in the signatures panel right here. It's now its own unique set of items right there, but big improvement over what they had before. We have a lot of questions like, Yeah, that's how my last signature looked and like, thinks this is a good kind of like. The surprise of this is a very useful feature. Yeah, it really is. I mean, most people don't jump up down over digital signatures, but this works quite well and you jump up and down about what e a question from sunny girl from the Internet asking if you don't own creative cloud yet. How can you get acrobat and will offer these tools? Well, interestingly enough, Acrobat is still you can still purchase it as a stand alone. So you don't have to have the creative cloud. It can be part of the creative cloud, but if you don't have it, I actually, When I first came out, I got it initially. And now when it comes for updates, it's kind of been grouped into the creative cloud so you can actually buy it separately, Which is one of the things you can't deal with. Creative Cloud. Now it's a subscription based service. So everything has to be grouped together and managed under the Cloud Acrobat. I still got a CD sent to me in the mail, all by itself. The real thing. So you can actually buy that separately when you go into Creative Cloud here. Um, I want to get to my abs here. I don't want to update them. You can see all of the items right there and course it wanted update. I didn't want to. I was going to show you the list of all the things that were there in Creative Cloud One of the nice things about having the creative cloud is that everything does update for you automatically. I know a lot of people will be using a particular piece of software and they'll have issues with it and they'll never go in and update their software. Well, creative cloud now does that for you so that any bugs are automatically fixed for you. It just uploads constantly. The downside to that is if everything was working and now something goes wrong, it's because of an update. You have to wait until the next update, and it's not scheduled thing. Acrobats super stable, though I've never really run into any huge issues with it. So once you get creative Cloud, it's gonna be a knack tive part of it right there. So a couple of the things that we have when you have a particular document and I want to send this document out here and I want to make sure that I set up some password protection on this because if I'm gonna send this out to people, I want to make sure they can read it. But I really don't want it to be redistributed so people can copy it or printed or do anything else so previously. And when I had to go in and do any type of password protection here, but we'd have to do is we'd have to go under the file menu under document properties, and then we'd have to go on a security and we'd have to set the type of security that we want here and go through. It was kind of a tricky little thing to go through and do this. We can still do it that way, And we've got a couple different levels of basic security here, which is requiring our password to open the document or requiring a password so that we can restrict access. If they get in there. I can have two passwords or one password, while depending on the type of security. So that's still there under the document properties. But under protection here we have a little quick and easy way of doing it now. Now they have a quick little button right here that just says, restrict editing, and it's a faster way of getting to the exact same section with a password. So if I click on restrict editing, all it does is say OK, put in a password so that you can't go in and edit this whole thing. If you want to get more elaborate from here, then you can go back on your file menu and choose your document properties to really go and fine tune it. But if you just want to throw some security on there so people can't really go in and mess with it Perfect. You type in your password. And of course, if you use the word password, it tells you it's like super lame. So once you do that and you put in your password here, you have to confirm your password so that you don't close it, but quick and easy way to go ahead and restrict it. Once we set the password, we can easily unrestricted by clicking this button Here, bring it back in. We can remove the security off of it right there as well. This type of encryption and more protection here has always been here. This require certificates and things like that, and so that's for another acrobat class so that this protection isn't new. It's just a really quick way of accessing it right there you still want to go through the old way where you can go in and pick and choose what you want under file document properties here, Security right there for you. And we can still do everything. Nothing's changed in the level of security. It just has made it made a little bit easier to get to it right there because not very many people knew that it resided under properties, security, everything else. Okay, So when it comes to distributing your files, another feature that they've added in Acrobat here is the ability to actually send the file out because previously when you were done with their pdf file, you'd have to then attach it to your email or something like that. And there really was no link to be able to send this out or make it go anyplace. So now, if you go into the file and it's you send file now, you can go ahead. And if you want to send this out, I've had it signatures here. I'm just gonna go through the changes here and say, Send email and I can set this for whatever default male application I have. So if I'm running Mac or Windows and I'm running out. Look, I'm running Mack Male, Oregon. Use Web mail, Gmail, yahoo, everything else. I can set this all up right here. And just simply put this in here, type my message, attached the whole thing, and away it goes. Now, you'll also notice here that we have this a link here for Adobe sent now. Oh, what's that? Well, here's another one of the four features that they've added into Acrobat 10 that we have access to. And that is we had the echo sign. And now we have Adobe send now. And of course, you see a lot of free places online that allow you to go ahead and send files. Be able to compress them, store them everything else. And this is adobes version of all those other type of file sharing file storage services. Right here. This is part of the adobe acrobat when you get it right here. And if you click on this, it will bring you to the website and give you a brief little explanation of it there. But you can access it from your phone, your IPad mobile, Any place where you're gonna go. Just like a lot of the other services there. Now, another place that you also get to be able to store stuff is acrobat dot com and acrobat dot com is yet another service that Adobe offers and has offered for many, many years. For when you have Acrobat, it's also a place to store files being able Teoh have access to them, preview them and kind of like a bridge like setting where you can see the pictures of things. And it's just a way that you can keep things nice and handy. Send now is obviously sending very large Pdf documents because, Aziz, we get more and more intricate finals here, the bigger they get. And it's just nice to be able to go through and do that directly from the file menu instead of getting exiting out of Acrobat, launching your mail, doing something, attaching it and sending it on right through here, just yet another feature of bringing it closer home so that you do everything right within the Adobe application. Uh, a lot of people like that because it's so handy. Just go in and say, Send the file when I'm done with saving it, saving just top. Can't find it. Put it wherever you need. Teoh. Yeah, right there. So good to have so another thing that they've also changed with Acrobat. And I know if you've noticed this with the creative cloud as well, they're changing their interfaces so that they can make them more friendly for people. And one of the things you see very prominently here now is the customized. But up here and the customized button lets you go through all the default tools like you normally see. Or if we click on the common tools here. These are the things that are most commonly used. We lose all of our tools panels over here. But we can work with a scan to document. How do we go in and do that? Export to another format here, nice and easy. Export all the images. Something we could do before. Did you know that you could take all your images out of the document and just export them? Well, you could. It just makes them really easy. Yeah, we've been able to do that over here, where you can go in and actually go and take out all of your images. Here save your images or save each page as an image here. But now we can actually export all the images from the document again. These air commonly used tools, these air all in the tools panel here. But these are the most common things that people look for, how to create a presentation. But you're going to a class on to how to add navigation as well. So these are the common tools here. The default tools are there, but you have to hunt through all of those right there. You want to find out more tools, more plug ins and stuff like this. There's a whole bunch of other cool stuff that is value added not necessarily from Adobe, but from other vendors that actually add plug ins and such that actually add more value or compatibility or more features to acrobat right here. And you can find this right here by going online. So if you work and you use Acrobat in a very particular way, one of the things you can do is you can actually create a new tool set here, which, of course, we showed you how to do with a quick toolbar here, which allows us to go in and say, you know, I'm gonna go in and, you know, use my interactive button here and then being able to use forms or action wizard and create a new action and be ableto create a whole new set of tools. So what I'm doing is I'm basically creating a workspace like we're very familiar with and all the other adobe software. The workspace customizes the work environment, so weaken for working on a particular type of publication or in a particular method. Then we can go in, and we can use our new tool sense here. So that's something that's nice and handy to have right there. Yes, do we want discard the changes? There was changed the dialogue box every time. So quick and easy way right there under the customized tools. Common tools. That's pretty awesome. If you want to familiarize yourself with Acrobat, this is a really cool way of doing it. So another thing that they've added here is forms, and I don't know how many people actually get into interactive forms here, but forms are absolutely awesome. Being able to go in and create forms would require a PD in existing pdf before where we'd have to go in and we have to grab a pdf and we'd have to take this pdf that's already been created another application and actually create forms out of it. So when we go in and we would grab what we're looking for here that will create one here Ah, there's some legal notices right there. All right, there. Here's some basic boring stuff you know need to create little check boxes or forms everything else from this file. We couldn't go in and actually create a form unless we started off with a pdf file. Well, for those of you that are on a PC for years and years and years, we've been able to actually create forms using form Central never could do it on a Mac before you had to buy adobe form Central or just form Central to do this. And we were left out for years on the Mac. So what you'd have to do is if you took an existing PDF file here and you want to put some forms in check boxes, you know, signature fields, everything else we would have to go in and take a existing PdF here from another document. Great. A pdf of it. Get back to our default tools, and then I would have to go into my forms here, and I'd have to go into my edit and under my edit forms here, they don't have to go in, and I'd have to draw text containers that we could import text right here. Then I'd have to go with him. And if I wanted to do a check box, I would need to go in and create check boxes here all the way through. Create buttons, everything else. And if you're into form editing, which I absolutely love doing, and there has been a couple PdF classes this year, in fact, on how you can create forms at it, forms create interactive pdf's then we've already covered that so you can buy those classes for forms. But the cool part is here is that when you take an existing file like this, that means you have to create it someplace else. So if you don't know in design and you don't want to create a form that way, or you do it all in word, your limited to the application that you created it in. So how do we go in and actually create a form without using Acrobat to begin with? Well, here we have it. And when we go in and we're looking at our customized tools on the common tools here, one of the things is working with a scan document, and we can go in and we can scan something in or we can actually create a form from scratch. No content from anything else just going in and creating it right through adobe form Central. And this is kind of tucked away in here, and Adobe Form Central is an app that comes with Acrobat there. But it's not like prominent on the screen here, where you're just gonna click on a button you're gonna get. It's kind of launched in there, so you'll notice when I click on the create form, it says, Oh, created from scratch or a template. I don't know why they downplay this so much because this is great. I mean, if you have no other way of creating a form, this is it. I create all my forms an acrobat because our in in design, because that's what I Dio. It's easy. Laid out quickly, can do forms inaccurate in design and then bring him right in Acrobat. So I'm gonna create this from scratch or a template, and he knows how. There is no open. It's the launch button because what you're doing is you're actually launching the application called Adobe Form Central. And here it is. So this comes with it here, and I want to go in and I'm not gonna update this now. Here it ISS. Here's Adobe Form Central. Previously you had to pay for this, Okay? You had to go ahead and buy the application. Years ago was PC only now you'd have to go online, But here, you actually have it with creating a blank for you. Just get a blank form right here or you've got templates. Now you have a limited number of templates here. You can buy more templates, they rope you in. So if I start with a template here, I can go online. And here is what I have. And some of these are going to require that you pay eso if I know he's just a basic contact for him right there. So I click on that basic form right here and we're not in Acrobat. Technically. Okay, we're in Adobe Form Central. So this is its own little application here, separate from Acrobat. But there it ISS, and it's pretty simple. So this is a template that's part of adobe form Central. Here, you can go in and you can edit this kind of stuff and you can see we have basic editing here. You can click on it and use all over editing tools as well, and we can go in and click on the pre existing forms right here. And it's a very different layout. If you've never used forms before, this may be a really good way to get into it, because you can set up a whole bunch of really nice stuff using either freeform or the provided forms that you have there. And we have the ability to go in and edit any of the content here at it, any of the field as well, because these are all very much edible. You can also get rid of the fields here, but you can also set it to be specific field entries here, and if you know anything about forms This has been extremely simplified, streamlined and made very user friendly. If you don't know anything about forms and you think this is tedious, wait to you build to form years ago using the older versions of Acrobat that took a lot of time and a lot of patients. So this is great. You want to do something really quick, use one of the forms here and you're all good file menu. We can go in and do basic stuff you can. When you're done, you can save. This is a pdf form which will bring it right into acrobat, and you will have all the contents and features that you're used to. You can actually set that up. Basic editing here, being able to go in cut, copy and paste you go in and certain other types of fields as well Drop down menus, boxes, things like that. Because even though this is a template, that doesn't mean that we can't add more features to this. This is just a starting point for us, okay? And any type of help that you need is right here. So using form central absolutely awesome. And if you want to create anything new as well. You can go in and close out of this file. Go back to your form central right here. Click on your templates. And we've got all sorts of templates here. Tons and tons and tons of templates. You really don't have to create your own. But if you ever want to go in and create your own, you can click on a new form and you start literally from scratch. Okay, People who have done this before, we now have forms and word and such so that you can do that as well. It's pretty simple basic icons. Here there is a text field. Here is a multi line text field. You can add dates from calendar little radio buttons, check boxes. You can do a drop down menu and such, and it literally is. You click on it and you put a label on this, you know, come to my party there, it iss you select your type, you've got your text right there. It said, whatever it is that you want basic stuff now we can't use comic sans ever. Yeah, no, Now that's the one thing. If you use comic sans here, it'll actually erase your entire credit cloud account that I guarantee I'll come to your house and erase your creative cloud account. Well, when you combine the two together, it's like finding two chemicals that, like together, they're you know, they separate their inert. But you put these together than all of a sudden that creates, like, this hole in the ozone and just it's bad to get together and just form this really bad. You know, combination. Like watering the gremlins after midnight. Erso worse than math. Really worse than that. Like explosive deadly. You know, things happen. People go crazy, you know, People act weird. Yeah, the whole Piras, you know, Sands thing. It's just a I can't describe it. You heard it. Hear from Jason. Hoppy, do not go there, people. Yeah, it's like the end of the planet as we know it. When she combined that global warming is nothing, that is, that pales in comparison to the combination of comic sans and papyrus. You heard it here. Well, we're bantering and Jason are bantering. I have a couple questions. Absolutely. Please, Dio So this is going back to the sun now? But is there a trail? Does acrobat have a trail that, since some kind of receipt to you to let you know that you've sent something out from there, are That's a good question, because with the I haven't used the scent now feature because I'm so used to doing it the old way because, you know, I use this all the time. So I do. I really don't know if there is a trail that gets in. I know there's a trail when we do signatures. I know when we sent out forms. There's always a trail, but that's a great question. I'm sure somebody online will let us know. Thanks, Fianna, for that question. Other than you know, it just shows up in your sent mail, right? Yeah. Yeah. So I don't know of Acrobat actually does that with a trail in and of itself. And Joe, did you have a question? He saw that question. That's my job. To answer that question before never comes out alright. Donna Schultz does have another one wondering. Don't miss a lot of this. Depend on how the pdf was created. For example, flatten layers in PSD fonts converted into curves says I have had clients give me old Pdf, which before today I have been taking into illustrator. But I found how the pdf was created. Limits can be captured or edited, and that was that was a huge feature and that's you're absolutely right with that. You are so true that before when we would go through and make a pdf here, one of the things is that we we didn't know if the thoughts were edible if they were actually in there, and in many cases they were in there. And yes, you can open it up in Illustrator because illustrator and acrobat basically used the exact same engine to create their artwork is a lot of the stuff is vector. So even though it was edible type, you would have to have the font on your and in order to be able to edit it in illustrator and in many cases, what they would do. Is it Onley? Embed the font set for just the characters that were used in Acrobat so we wouldn't have any editing beyond them. So it doesn't matter how the PDS were created, especially when you use smallest file size. It would strip everything out of the file pdf's don't really have layers from a Photoshopped file. It ends up flattening the whole thing. We have transparency, flat owners and all that stuff to make sure, because in a lot of cases, when you get in Vector and Raster images together, it kind of has to pick that happy balance toe where that comes through. But you'll notice when we went in and we edited this particular file or any of these images in here when I did the content editing and I clicked on this and I chose at it using one of the things that said Waas. If there are layers, including vector or text, layers are added to this year, photo shop will flatten the image, so we're never opening. A layered Photoshopped final from here were opening a compressed, reduced size flattened image here. So even though we may have used layers in order to create the file to begin with here, it does not get stored in the pdf as a layered file. And even if we do layers in this file and we save it, it flattens everything with the transparency and the layers in order to make sure that when we put into it back and acrobat, we have that. So get back getting back to the question here, all the editing that you used to do an illustrator you can now do in Acrobat, which is great. Unless, of course, somebody has converted the Type two outlines. If they've converted the Type two outlines, which we would do years ago because of rendering issues, then of course you'd have to open it up in Illustrator or you could actually yeah, illustrator to be able to edit defector shapes. But then the type would just be on outlines if it's on a curve, I don't know how on a curve would actually work, but I'm going to guess that it works a whole lot better now with Acrobat 11 than it ever has before. So chances, or you have a much, much, much better way of being able to handle text in here. If you could do an illustrator, I'm pretty sure you go ahead and do it in here, but I'd be curious. I know texting a path would probably break it up. I'm curious like text on the flowing line here where you're going to get multiple, you know, curves and things like that. How that would actually work in making this a pdf decent. I always love how thorough your answers are like I don't think anyone can stump Jason I never want to get. I'd like to get off on tangents, but I always want to make sure you come back around the entire question completely because all of a sudden it's like squirrel, right? And then you got to get back to the whole thing. So now, of course, I really want to know if that's going to work. So I have to go ahead. And I have to try that with type on a curve here in order to make that work. So what? Do you have any other questions while illustrators launching here? We do have one other question from coffee Carney and just wondering if it's better to start from scratch or use a template starter page for forms for saving time. Do you know, having developed all the forms myself before, I like to have everything laid out because I'm very used to using in design and how it works. One of the things here you'll notice with form Central as you go through. It basically puts it into sections here. So this little bar drops down as we begin to add items here. So say, I add, you know, like a drop down menu here with this. Here's my drop down menu, and as I'm working with this, I go in and I say, OK, here's what's gonna be in my drop down menu number one. Number two and I can add more. Sometimes you get caught up in trying to use all the functions and features out this rather than paying attention to the design. So if you're not used to designing forms and you're trying to design forms of the first time and using form Central for the first time, I know I would always suggest that you sketch out something first before you jump in and build this because, as you see as we go, OK, so there's my party. There is my drop down menu. It's like, Oh, does everything get stacked on top of itself? And it's like, Well, it can, but it doesn't have to be because there's ways that you can go in and move these things down and move these around so that you don't have these items, you know, completely filling the page. It's like, Oh, well, how do I go ahead and do that? Well, I learned a little bit of Foreign Central, so I wouldn't recommend jumping into both at the same time. I like in design because you can put it anywhere, do anything, and you can actually build forms and then design as well. But clearly, if you don't have in design, this is going to be a really good way of doing it. Simple, straightforward. So the thing is, templates now offer such a great array of pre existing forms that you can go in there and edit. I'm going to guess that if you go in and you are working with any of these templates here, you're going to find something that you like. I mean, there's hundreds, if not thousands, of forms out there. These are the free ones. There's ones that you can pay 99 cents or a dollar 99 4 That will give you all this stuff. So, you know, here's a custom satisfactory satisfaction survey right there. If you needed to build, this informs you'd be like, seriously, how do I go about doing tables and you know, radio buttons where I'm only going to get one button out of the five. And it's like, Wow, I don't know simple. It's already built for you. Use the online tutorial here to go through help. Menu's great whole bunch of form Central help a lot of adobe TV applications to really show you how this stuff works, But that would be my recommendation, Rose. You could just give me a call. And I'll design a form just like that for you when you can find me on the Web place where wherever it may be. Jason hoppy dot com Absolutely. So now I'm gonna answer. The other person's question here is if I put type on a path here, what it's actually gonna show up like when we use something like this. Okay, so type on a path feature. Don't worry, I can't spell. So if I spelled it all Oh, I actually spilled it pretty good. Never get Let's use some funky little font here while we do this. There it is. Of course, you all know the nice new feature and illustrator where you can now go in and just put your cursor up in the little font menu there and user up or down arrow to cycle through the font instead of having to select it from the drop down menu. I'm sure somebody showed you that in the new illustrator Creative Cloud. So I'm going to save this file as pdf right here. And this is gonna be my type on a path and Mexican do one more piece right here. Say that to my desktop and save the pdf view the pdf after saving right there helping it up. Okay, so now the real test is Can we go in and out of the text of the images? And it did exactly what I thought it was gonna dio. It didn't keep it as a path, but the type is edible. And I had the suspicion that it was gonna break it up like this. And even though we didn't converted to outlines here, we still have edit herbal type. But because it doesn't understand basically anything beyond the horizontal or vertical planes here we do have edible type, and each and every is basically a rotated container. And I know that's one of the features that's now new and illustrators. You go in and you can rotate each image, each piece of type separately, each letter. And I'm gonna guess that's why they did. Then Illustrator is because they found out an acrobat. They could do that so they didn't illustrator as well. But that's what type on a path looks like. You can edit it. Each one's there, but you're gonna have a little bit of fun time trying to rotate everything back there. But these are the reasons why we do these classes because there's never a class that I don't learn something with. So there have type of a path when you edit that an illustrator or edited in acrobat from Illustrator right there. Okay. Oh, certainly so one of the other things that may seem like a really odd kind of thing, and most people wouldn't know. This type of feature is when you go in and you are saving a file here. We've got a lot of different file formats to save here. But what's interesting is the PdF a pdf exe and pdf e files. And there's all these different types of formatting and standards that we have. If you've ever wanted to go in and save the file. If you've heard of a PdF, exe or next one? A. Things like that. X stands for the graphic Standard A stands for archival quality and E stands for basically architectural style drawings. Things like that. Pdf A is for archival quality. Um, pdf's. And when you create a P eating out, we would have to run this whole thing through a pre flight to make sure that it was PdF a compliant, and it either would be or it wouldn't be. And sometimes we'd apply fixes that actually didn't work. You're probably wondering, why would I ever want to know something about this? Well, interestingly enough, one of my big group of clients is dealing with law firms because what's happened in the last year or so is that the entire U. S court system requires no paper, and everything has to be submitted in a pdf A format, and not just any PdF a format. It has to be a PDF format that actually functions and works exactly like it's supposed to be. If there's anything wrong with it and they run it through their system to make sure that it's all compatible. There's anything wrong. They kick it out. Well, nothing like getting a lawsuit kicked out because you weren't completely. PdF a compliant. It's a big deal. It may not seem like a big deal to most people because it's like, you know, I'm more worried about the price of gas than having my documents. Pdf a compliant. But you have to do that. If somebody requires this, you don't want to really screw things up. So if I go in and save this as a PdF a compliant one right here, this will allow me to go through and save this as a PdF a compliant file. And I can go ahead and choose my settings here for doing this. Here we go, and I've got all these different types of pdf a compliance. I'm sure this is far more than you'd ever want to know. But if you're ever on jeopardy, is the daily double question This could be your time. Okay, you could win everything so previously when we would try to save something is pdf A. It would get us close as possible and that was it. We could run a little fix program there and it would try to fix it, and in some cases it would. In some cases it wouldn't. But now it will actually go in, and you can set whatever pdf a setting is, and I do not know the each specific one of all this, but I do know that there are certain government and industry standards that require different archival quality. Pdf's So what I'm gonna do here is I choose one that I'm going to use, and then I can go in and it will go through. And it will actually fix the files to make them compliant. So it'll actually apply any corrections here. It'll convert the pages with problems into images, which will then render it as an image, which is fine. And But it will get rid of all the problems, and it can convert all the pages into images if necessary. If there's any problems and now I can actually do this. This is a huge step forward before, because in a lot of cases you would run this whole thing, you'd have to run it through preflight, find out where your problems are, and then find out that you can't actually get in to fix the problems. So this is a huge, huge, huge benefit right here on. I know most people are like I'll never use that, Yes, but the chance or the one time that you ever need to use that it's here and it's a simple is going into the file menu under saves other, and it is right here as well. Now, for those of you in the graphic industry, when you have a pdf that you're going to say for print purposes and somebody says, Well, just send me a PdF What PD after I send them first, all never, ever, ever create a smallest PdF it sucks all the life force out of it, and you've ever seen grapes turn into raisins. Take a nice PdF saving as a pdf that smallest file size and will get worse than a raisin. Then you get a kidney stone out of it. It's that bad. So all this file size takes everything out of the file that it possibly can renders the images super low quality strips, all the fonts out of it, And if you're ever gonna use it for any decent quality, you never want to do that. So what do you know about a pdf to get good print quality out of it? Well, I don't know. I do now, but I'm playing Devil's Advocate here, so I'm gonna say this as a press ready. Pdf Perfect. This is an option that I had before, but it was really tied up in other areas. So this press quality pdf pdf Exe which X stands for graphics standards. I can set this. And again I can choose my settings for the pdf graphic standards here and all the different versions of compliance. These air just older versions. The pdf x one A is the 1st 1 back in, like 2001. And this is like the 2008 or 2012 whatever for it. And basically, what it does is it. Make sure all the fonts are embedded. Convert all your images to the right color profiles and takes everything doesn't down sample all your images and gives you a fairly good file size but really nice quality that's going to be compatible with today's printing devices. You don't need to know anything else about that as long as you have a decent pdf. To start with, you can convert it into a pdf exe file and you know, choose whatever it is that you want. It gives you the listings here of it is. And if you have any questions, there's always the help menu right there to go ahead and find out say, Hey, what is this? What do we need to know about this? And adobe dot com is really good with using their help menu so that you can eat. You go to the Adobe Acrobat community to find the answer, or Adobe actually has it published on their site. So if you don't know, you can use the basic setting here. It'll work just fine for graphic standards, but that's a really good way to go in. And make sure your graphics your Pdf, will print today's graphic standards or to the pdf a archival quality standards so that any government agency or an illegal portion of the world that you're ever going to be dealing with has a file that's going to be completely compliant. So what, we have run away? No questions, All right, Jessica D. Is enquiring if you don't check, quote keep editing capabilities to make the file smaller, slash more manageable. That means you won't be able to use any of these editing capabilities. And acrobat, is that correct? I am. So we're going back to illustrator here. And when I did a file save as here when I say this as an actual pdf file that is actually saying when I preserve the illustrator editing capabilities, that means that if I save this without this, it doesn't save it as an illustrator file. It just renders as a pdf file. Can I still open the pdf file back up in Illustrator? Yes, but I'm not gonna have all the full features and capabilities that I put in there by doing this thing only reason why I would do this. It is. I was sending this to somebody like a company or a new individual designer or somebody that didn't have illustrator. But I know that other people would be using the file. I would keep the preserve it illustrator editing capabilities makes the final little bit larger, but for the end user, they never know the difference. They can place it, see if printed with that. But if anybody opened it with illustrator. I'd have that. So this actually has no bearing on the acrobat portion of this. This has it. If I send somebody a pdf and like the person online there, they would know that they can open a PdF up in illustrator. This just enables those features back. An illustrator? Yes, indeed. So the one last thing that I want to show you Did you have a question, Kathy? You one from Donna Schultz. My printer always asked for pdf x one a. Does it really matter which X format is provided? The X one a was the first version that they had out there for the graphic standards. Technical thing. It basically just includes another. No color profiles with your images. The newer versions include color profiles with them, and the printer has the ability to use those profiles or override those profiles. So I'm going to guess that's not a huge deal with it. The Pdf A is an old standard. It's like over 10 years old now. So, yeah, I talked to the printer and find out because in a lot of cases, the answer is no. You can use newer ones. That's probably the ones that they use work, and they know we're gonna work without any hassle. Okay, great. Thanks. Certainly. So one last thing just to show you is the ability to go in and use actions and under the tools Here we have our action wizard. I don't know if people actually use actions in Acrobat. We use them in photo shop all the time to go ahead and do a series of steps to our images to be able to blur, sharpen color, correct, apply filters and such. But if you've ever wanted to go into Acrobat and now fully use all of its capabilities and functions under the acrobat feature here we can go in and we can create a new action here. And this is actually cool for people who you can send the file to Andi, actually have them play in action. Or it's something that you can simply set up to do for yourself. And all in action is is basically a set of recorded steps that you're going to go through and I could go through and I could do something. Somebody sends me a form that's been scanned in, and I want to go in and convert this entire form to foreign fields. I can actually create an action that does that whole thing. And by the way, here's a whole bunch of actions that are already done for you. Prepare for distribution, optimize a scam document published sensitive info, archive documents and all these are Is this in action with all these groups that are recorded to go right in? So if I open up a file here and I want to do certain things to it, I could go in and I could go into the recognized text and say, Every time I get a skin document while you have to go in and recognise attacks, do certain stuff to it, convert it, then go ahead and run Forum fields here and I have to keep pressing these buttons all the time. Why don't I just create an action that is going to do it all at once? I click on this action. It runs through all these processes and brings me right to that point, instead of having to do all these steps manually and it's simple, I could go in and say, OK, we're gonna open the file And right now, with currently open file is default, which means you open the file and then you run this action. So I'm going to run my OCR right here. But I'm gonna put it in one of the steps and it's gonna come up with a little things saying, Okay, there's gonna be settings that we're gonna have to work with. It's like, Great. Once we do that, then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna run the auto detect form fields here. I'm gonna put that in here as well. And those are the basic things in video running OCR. Detect foreign fields, bring the whole thing in, and that's gonna be my quick little process right there. And there it is. So I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna label this as my scanned document process here and there it is, and I click save. And so my action is here. If I want to describe this is somebody takes scanned Doc OCR. The text converts Teoh auto form fields. So if somebody wants to know do this is my order, Detective scan function, click save. And there is my little action right there. And I can take any file right there. And if I were to do this, I click on that. I press the start button. It would go away to know CR the entire thing. Detect foreign fields just like that. Calls it up. Searchable document. Okay. Runs through. Looks at everything. Scans anything for any placed images that need to be recognized. His text runs through the whole thing. And okay, if this is made for fallible fields, do I want to go ahead and skip this or yes, detect form fields. Looks through the whole thing to see if there's any foreign fields makes foreign fields out of anything. Right there does that whole process. And I have the ability to go in and put any type of steps that I want to in here. Anything that we confined into the window menus, anything that we confined under the panel menus. Here we just go in. We create in action. We record all those things as we go. We save it as an action, press the button and all these things happen. I'm done with my whole thing and it's gone through an OCR. Everything put in my forum field is such now I could go into my forum fields here. I can go into the edit menu and find out where my forum fields are. Perform a search on my OCR, everything else. So actions are not new in here, but they're becoming Mawr and Maura available for you to use under the actions menu here Action wizard and check him out. There's a lot of cool stuff. If you want to know more about this or actually download actions from online Planet, Pdf is a great place to start for the stuff. There's a lot of cool stuff you can do with these automatic actions.