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Adding Texture to Photographs

Dave Cross

Adding Texture to Photographs

Dave Cross

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Class Description

You can create interesting artistic effects by adding texture to your photos, and this session will explore different ways to create textures and blend the textures into your photos – including using non-destructive methods that allow for lots of experimentation.

Software Used: Adobe Photoshop CC 2017

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Example Textures Package

Ratings and Reviews

Beatriz Stollnitz

Great class for anyone looking to blend a photo with a texture for a creative effect. Dave discusses Blend If, smart objects, Apply Image and many other techniques that enable us to get the most out of Photoshop when adding texture to photos.

Laura D

Loved this class. Dave covered exactly what I needed to know to add textures, including a multitude of ways to make the texture more or less subtle. I learned a lot. You do need some Photoshop background to understand all the content.

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