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Working with Text in Adobe® Photoshop®

Khara Plicanic

Working with Text in Adobe® Photoshop®

Khara Plicanic

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Class Description

Above and beyond simply adding text, we'll explore different type styling tools (kerning, leading, etc.), the differences between the various type tools, as well as some different ways to get the most out of your Adobe® Photoshop® typography. We'll also talk about recommended resources for responsible typography.

Software Used: Adobe Photoshop CS6

Class Materials

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Quick Reference Guide

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Fun class, Khara! Enjoyed your presentation and your typography examples were terrific, particularly how you creatively used dingbats both as scaled up design elements and text paths:)

Kristin K Hand

Most enthusiastic presentation on Text I have ever seen! Khara makes a potentially dry subject so much more interesting. Kudos!

nancy marckus

I have taken several of Khara's courses and have been delighted with all of them. In this seminar, she explains in a clear and simple way how to access the best of photoshop's text features.

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