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Advanced Photoshop Compositing

Jason Hoppe

Advanced Photoshop Compositing

Jason Hoppe

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Class Description

Take the next step with your photo compositing practice. Learn how to use selections to isolate hard-to-select objects using advanced methods. Take your masking skills to a new level, and blend the images using channels.  

Software Used: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Advanced Selections Shortcuts

Ratings and Reviews

Tomas Verver

:) Some nice ideas about how to make advanced compositions. I don't use the channels for things Jason does. I don't use often the channels for selecting though. I liked the ideas the instructior has for nice compositions. Is it a complete course? No, is it still fun and nice to view when you have an account for full acces? Yes it is!

Kimberly DeVos

Jason Hoppe is so easy to understand and explains things so well and in an interesting way. I have several of his Photoshop and Illustrator classes. He's an awesome instructor.

Oscar Javier Gallardo

Awesome! i learn a few cool tricks that definitively i'm going to use on my next projects. Thank you a lot.

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