Lesson Info
23. Oil Cloth Art Folder
Day 1
1T-Shirt Appliqué Prep
27:26 2Basic Stitching: Satin & Zig Zag
21:16 3Adding an Appliqué to Your Shirt
42:01 4Backpack: Rainbow Appliqué Prep
26:58 5Building the Fabric Rainbow
16:12 6Zig Zag Stitch: Layered Rainbow
19:46 7Creative Kids Clothing: Simple Skirts
36:32Adding Binding Tape to a Skirt
25:39 9Adding Elastic Waste Band to the Skirt
27:58 10Easy Superhero Cape
22:56 11Embellishing Your Cape
35:15 12Basting the Cape
20:26Day 2
13Oil Cloth Lunch Tote Prep
29:13 14Sewing Oil Cloth Lunch Tote
30:01 15Building the Lunch Tote Body
21:14 16Adding Pearl Snaps & Eyelets
29:00 17Creating Unique Cloth Napkins
42:27 18Prepping Images for Art Tote
32:25 19Creating Denim Frame Around Images
23:49 20Patching Together the Art Tote Bag
29:04 21Creating Box Corners on the Tote
26:14 22Adding Lining & Handles
24:05 23Oil Cloth Art Folder
30:49Lesson Info
Oil Cloth Art Folder
So our last project, if anybody wants to switch gears and work with oilcloth one last time is a very simple, very fun little ah homework or art folder I actually made two of them let's see pencils hereabouts drop there we go and just wanted to show the difference between the two. The first one with apples is just like a little eight and a half by eleven paper size it's. Very simple. I just made a perimeter that's folded over and it's got two folders. Toehold papers really liked this one, but then I thought, you know, a lot of what my daughter does with her art is a little oversize and I thought it'd be nice to make one that was bigger and I found these really nice boards where you can kids can practice there capital and lower case letters, and I thought this would be really nice to slip inside so that she or than my younger son who's three have a chance to do these raid on and wipe off boards and use these kind of a psa structure. I was also going toe laminate card stock or something l...
ike that that has some body to talk inside the folder since oilcloth it's so soft and flexible and then I've got some elastic here which just holds it in place if you can see it in the overhead imaging so making this oilcloth folder compared with us fully structured lying tote bag is definitely much faster and easier I am excited to put this one together and then the other nice thing is for these folders they just talk right inside this bag so yeah, you're going on an art playdate or doing something fun after school can fit everything in together and then with the bonus materials if you end up with this course packet I made ah this simple pencil case that holds eight pencils and colored pencils or drawing pens would be wonderful in here so it's kind of a nice little set and this apple case completely optional I'm not goingto when we make ours just now I'm not going to add the application I'll tell you exactly when and where you'll add it and it's also the same one from the course packet download and it's the same one that's actually on my shirt today that I stitch and cotton so it's the same stars even seeing throughout the course to make the oilcloth folder we're going to start with a twenty four inch wide and in nineteen and a half inch tall rectangle of oilcloth so for this one you're just gonna work on the wrong side as I mentioned before when you use pencil with oilcloth on the wrong side it just shows up really well it's really easy to see and it doesn't have nearly the kind of shiny nous and resistance that, for example, the, you know, the working, the beautiful side of the oil classes. So what we're going to do is, since I'm not going to use the ironing board, I'm gonna get some help moving the ironing board just off the table, since we're now thankfully did all done with ironing, I know nobody but people who so actually, like turning a live together, I think maybe they've got the lining the wrong way around before let's go back to the bag, we want your right sides facing. So yeah, so ok, why couldn't I saw it this way? And then look at this, like, um, because you feel, look, I shall see the raja's palestrina think of like, yeah, you were, yeah, you're going to be able to flip it, so yeah, let's go back as much as anybody else needs. I know this is quite a bit of sewing to pack into two days of projects. So while you're sewing, tuck the right side of your outer into the lining and so the right sites, all the pretty sides are facing each other and everything you see, the fact is the right way up on the lining is the wrong way up. Yeah perfects yeah you see yeah because you'll be flipping at later so you want all of your stitching to go to the wrong side and stay there thank you so much they don't just keep me here because I'm good looking you see this is spotted but he's spotted by day's end candy look good because I can't keep going the wrong way my right way wait soon now yeah exactly you'll want those facing just mentioned back is wrong and the bag inside the lining and you get these guys right off the bat goes inside the lining this's my right way though so you did you know that you're okay? Ok ok that's right? You're too right sides faces perfect and then you'll want tio align them so that they're nice and neat and pen around the perimeter and then you'll toucher handles and as long as you make it consistent and make sure the handles do not twist you're doing great you'll want to tuck them into the raw edges show above the seam there going to be tucked in between you're lining and your outer they'll have a chance to finish their toes but let's move on with the folder so essentially you're working with a large rectangle of oilcloth and I'm just going to check my dimensions I've gone ahead and um instead of cutting out live it should be nineteen and a half inches tall and then twenty four inches wide. So what? Using this, the first thing I'm going to do is measure five inches from the very bottom line, and with these that's so nice because they're so easy to see through that I'm going to be able to make a pencil mark very easily there no, I'm going to measure looking at my extremely handing notebook. Now I have everything marked here, I want to measure one inch on each side, so I'm going to go ahead and put this out of the way, so I don't knock it off the table by accident, that would be a dramatic finale and then measured one inch here and I'm going to be doing the same on this side serials for the folder. Do you want to have a go at that as well? Maybe come back to the bags you don't have to just suggestions and this one so simple that even if you just make the pencil markings and have time to make pencil markings now you could stitch it at home. Then I sing with the oilcloth is it's very easy to it? It doesn't fray, it doesn't need pressings, you can kind of to it when you have time, okay, now I'm measuring an inch from the top. And believe it or not this is essentially this oil class folder pattern it's just some pencil markings on the back but it's just the way I'm putting it together and I'll go over every bit of it step by step I'm let's see I'm gonna use so now we've got our oil cloth fabric and using it as ah long wide rectangle measure five inches from the bottom and make a mark there using your straight edge and a pencil and then each side and the top will each be one inch yeah, absolutely so if there any other questions you will be able to see what I'm doing very much larger right there, which is handy so the first thing I'm going to do is using again um one fold rather than measuring I'm going to measure my center spot this is going to be the spine of a folder when we're done in just a little easier than make sure that the corners air congratulating so yeah that's looking good sometimes oilcloth can be made and woven just a bit off off green is what you would call it four continents to sometimes it could be a little wavy in and not quite a straight and up and down greenness as fabric now the first thing we're going to do is full the top down independent in place and we're folding on that pencil line it's just one inch down it's all the way across, I find it the easiest to kind of go to my edges and secure those and then smoothed over a bit so the only other fat thing you'll need besides your oil cough is the's short pieces of elastic and they're totally optional but you can mark two inches over and I'll show you it's easier to see on this but from that top you know mark two inches over in place. This is a small little it's aa three eighths elastic it's just very inexpensive crafts or fabric store elastic mark two inches over before I start suing sis I did here and make a pencil mark there and that's where I'm going to feed my elastic through this's not like a absolute necessity as I mentioned it's just kind of nice to have a little corner that you can feed your card stock or in this case a swipe on board that I used to sort of my structure and then I'm going to do the same thing on the other side. So I've done now is folded down my one inch and then I'm measuring the two inch mark from the bench and tucking my last again it like a forty five degree and golder just pending that separately, so great I'll switch out my thread for white and we are going to switch just a speck you mention to the nonstick foot once we're sewing this one, it'll go pretty quickly because it's just some straight lines kind of creating the structure of this and becky thank you, sir, for treating the second bob because I was down to a pretty skinny little one and there's nothing we're frustrating than being right in the middle of along seem and your bob and runs out should that happen? Have you picked that up? You just put in a new bob and keep going or do you have to start? Yes, just yeah, just stop sewing and change your bobbing out and then you end up uh just trimming any threads and re stitching tio overlap where you're sitting thoughts and usually it could be pretty discreet even if it's in the middle of a scene so I'm going to use my automatic needle threat er can and then I'm going to use my nonstick put which, as I said before, if you don't have one, I would try putting tape on the bottom of a typical presser foot, so it has some more slick kind of texture for sewing. So now I'm going to take my oil whole folder, you know? So this very first scene here I'm not gonna back statistics this is going to end up being caught in the next seamus well, actually, no it just realizing the way I placed this elastic you make a quick correction and I'll just mentioning on the scholastic is completely optional. It's not a structural part of the folder, it's just a nice way to hold things in place. I'm going to measure three inches over from the edge not to because I was just realizing that the way I said it, I did it in my book, but I didn't. It should be two inches from the finished edge, not two inches from the rods. So now I'm going to pin this elastic right back in place the same way forty five degree angle just at the three inch mark from the raw edge and you get there so oh, sure. So no one is such ford not I corrected my own little pattern wrath and I've got it on a straight stitch. I'm gonna just my attention upward because with my oilcloth I like the higher attention seems to give a nice touch for me and I'm gonna use ah longer stay stitch length of between three and four you can see the nonstick but just really handles this oil bath nicely just moves really smooth since it's kind of a larger project it's gonna knock anything in its path, okay, the first scene is soon as I said, you can take or leave this elastic it's totally your call and now second I'm going to end up mentioning now that if you would like to add an athletic a design now is the perfect time you've got the sign and then you've got for reference you've got this much space between your pencil on you drew five inches up and the bottom of this here you can put anything you like here and to do it annoyed oilcloth applicator I simply used my same exact pattern pieces cut them out carefully used a piece of double sec tape you never use an iron your oilcloth and then sits two stars on in kind of a fun pattern and then kept going for this one I'm just going to keep it plain but I wanted to mention how you do it and you could add really any of the letters any of the numbers anything you like from the packet so our next step will be in the bottom fold into place and this one is five inches and you can see one way I like to do it so that I can easily see both sides is just right in here marking it with a pen. So then when I folded up I can see my pen really easily sticking out and it's much easier than trying to figure out the pencil where the pencil line is on the underside when it's all tucked underneath so now I'm going to go ahead and um trim anywhere that needs this elastic for example let's see where did I put those on this year's I'll just use the pinking shears um this elastics a little long time in a treatment and it's a little long here so in a treatment and then I'm going to fold my one inch over just like this you know catch the elastic and make a neat side of this folder one thing I noticed when I've made a few of these now is that this area ends up being a little bit thick and congested so I'm going to go ahead unpenalized ce and trim my oilcloth down just take some of it off because as you can see when you fold it you don't need every single bit of both layers it's just going to make it a little bit less that khun heavy so now that I'm folding my one inch over at each side it's this pencil mark that you made initially spence do the same thing at the top and then grab a couple more pens and do the same thing here with the strain and then I can just see here that even though I had trimmed this there's so little access so just go ahead and you can cut away a little bit more of this underside as long as it doesn't affect the outer part that shows that just makes it much easier neater fold trimming away that excess oilcloth so now we have our one inch folds at the top that's been stitched down and hear the side that is just about ready to stitch down and I'm just doing a finger press with my oil hoff instead of using an iron obviously you wouldn't do the same thing at this side starting with trimming that excess away merry go soon I'm gonna fold the server also the one inch pencil march rate and a place you wanna talk one pen in on both sides if you're using this option a little elastic that's a great place to put a pen so that it sees nice to meet and we'll do that just as he did on the top I like to pin the top in the bottom together to make sure that this isn't his all lying flat and me so as you can see this is just a series of a few folds at the right spots and then some stitching tio straight stitching was single and then double layers and the elastic is just a very simple little extra that's going to help hold so we're gonna dio our sides first just one two and then we have one more victory lap to go so for my first side I'll start sinking the needle and taking out my one pen drop my nonstick foot and I'm going to dio straight stretch with a backstage to hold it and go forward see take a few pins out in advance and keep going and then that's going to get caught and another seems I'm not gonna worry about that one now going to do the same thing but stitch downward on the side, catch that elastic ray where upended at that forty five degree angle if you find your elastics excuse me, oil costs starting to shift a bit, just lift your presser footing adjusted than keep goin she's gonna little access here, so I'm just going to smooth it out with my fingers and gets closer talk this little access in that should work so now it's time to do one last very quick victory lap around the entire folder as you can see on this one, which I finished earlier we've just got a line of st stitching going all the way around and it just gives it that one last bit of stability and structure it's going to stop at the corner of it doing ninety degree turn and so for it again I'm at my corner again for another pivot and then the final stitching is across the bottom so you can just do a quick finger press if it's kind of on a curve and just hold it together with your fingertips so then I will quickly do it have it and reverse toe hold at my original spot and now the very last pit here's our folder and we're just going to make a neat clean little spine sir for this one I actually think it's a little unscientific you khun certainly measure and do this but I actually just really like to make a fold because that way you don't end up with a pencil mark right here in the one place you actually will see it and so it's fine if you do make a pencil mark it's not going to be terrible but it just will show so it's kind of nice to just have only this dish is show so then when you reach this folder you're going to want to make sure it lies nascent platt figures and then the very last seam is just a simple is that one hell just spool jer folder down length us line it all up thiss bound scene which has a stitch right there which is what holds your nice need folders together at the bottom all we're going to dio is hoops the last seam of the workshop and my threat has to come out of course it goes no all we're gonna do is stitch up the spine of this folder and we are totally done this's another place where I'm just finger pressing I'm just holding it in place with my hand and it's just clinging to itself so here's another oilcloth folder it's got two nice deep pockets for putting projects are papers or anything else in? And you can hold your nice thirty, uh, wipe off boards inside, using these elastic placements, if you choose to add them. Yeah, I really like how this very quick, very simple, very effective. Very. Thank you, I think, would be a great little, not only back to school, but it would be a fun kids birthday present, be paired with an applicator, t shirt or some art supplies, and just let somebody have a lot of money, just filling this with their own. Our work.
Class Materials
bonus material with purchase
Ratings and Reviews
Amanda Siska
Susan's projects were the best introduction to sewing I could have hoped for! I wasn't able to watch every project, but the ones I saw were simple, VERY clearly explained, and perfect for a beginning seamstress like myself. I'd never used binding tape before, or elastic, but now I'm confident about making my own binding tape and adding elastic waistbands to pretty much anything. I was immediately inspired to make a few skirts for myself after watching the simple children's skirt in this course, and I'm planning to make cloth napkins and an oilcloth lunch sack as well. I wish I'd gotten to see the applique portion, so I think I'll have to purchase the course in order to see that part. I'm positive that it will be just what I need to learn the process! I see that the previous reviewer was disappointed by the lack of diversity of crafts for this course, but I find that the name "Simple Sewing Projects for Beginners" was completely accurate for what it was. Perhaps it was categorized in a craft category, which would still seem applicable. I think it was advertised as having back to school projects to make for your kids, which is an even more detailed description of the course, since it includes clothing for boys and girls, as well as a lunch tote, cloth napkin, cape, and maybe more things I missed. Overall, this was my first Creative Live experience, and I was blown away by how informative and fun it was to watch!
What a great class! Susan does a fabulous job explaining each project and is great at giving you a heads up on what issues you might face with each project. I've now made two applique projects with another in the works. I've also made two of the girls skirts. Susan gave me the confidence to try and I am really happy with the results. Hope to try the binding tape soon. Thanks for offering this video.
Fun projects to make for your little one. Susan explains things so clearly. Very nice that she also offers patterns and written instructions for free