Product Overview
18:31 2Photography Basics
09:40 3Button Layout: Top Deck
34:10 4Button Layout: Back
25:15 5Button Layout: Left, Right, Etc
15:09 6EF vs EF-S Lenses
02:08 7Q&A
19:26 8Lenses
17:58Lesson Info
Product Overview
Well, welcome everybody, thanks for joining us. Whether you're online watching this several years into the future or right here in the classroom, we have some students if you own a seventy camera, you can consider yourself, I think, quite lucky first off it's a really good cameras very, very capable of doing tons of different things, and if you're watching this, you're going to totally learn how to use the camera and so it's going to fully empower you to go out and take great pictures. And so this class is going to take you through kind of what the instruction manual does, hopefully in mohr user friendly way than the dry information in the instruction manual it's still a useful tool and I will talk about that, but hopefully by the end of the class, you're going to know basically everything that camera's capable of doing, you're going to know how to adjust the camera and hopefully you're going to feel confident enough that you can go in and do anything you want with the camera at that p...
oint. So that's where we should hopefully in the day up so let's, go ahead and get started with this class, so cannon seventy, we're going to be breaking the class into different parts the first part, I just want to go through a little bit of product overview to let you know, what's in the camera, what you got, what you've got yourself into, and then we're going to go through the buttons and menus, and then we're going to kind of get into the menu system towards the end. Now the instruction manual that comes with this camera has two hundred and seventy six pages. I figure you could reasonably spend about nine hours reading this, and I have gone through the instruction manual page by page to pull out all the important information on this and for many people, this is still going to be a reference because this class is going to be, well, it's going to be roughly about five hours in length, I think total with all the questions and everything else. And so how can I cram five hours of information? Excuse me nine hours into five hours? I can't do it. There is just stuff in the instruction manual that we're not going to go into if, for instance, one of the things that I find out found out about these cameras, which kind of surprised me, but I understand it is that these cameras are often designed, or a lot of the features are designed for people who don't have access to computers. And I'm guessing that's not the typical user with the cameras so there's a lot of processing that you could do in camera that would normally be done in photo shop on a computer in light room or a program like that and I'm not going to dive into that there's there is pages on how to print directly from the camera to a printer without going through a computer and I'm not even gonna get into that so every once in a while it's not that I'm copping out and I don't want to talk about something it's just that that's not the way that most people used the cameras so I'm going to try to stay relevant to what most people are doing with the camera but it's still an important resource and it's it's a handy thing to go take a look at every once in a while when you need more specific information about a certain topic that you want to know more about all right so now this class is not a photography wanna one class and unfortunately we're not going to be looking at a lot of photos here and composition and things like that we're going to be really diving in to how does this camera work how does this button do that sort of thing? What should I set this menu setting out and so if you do need help in photography if you're new to cameras and so forth you're gonna probably want to take more of a basic photography class, and I'll have mohr that as we get in there and we will cover just a few of the basics, just to make sure everyone's up to a certain level of understanding because it's kind of hard to talk about a camera when you don't know about apertures and depth of field and so forth, and so we will cover that very briefly a swell. So let's, uh, let's, do a little product overview, you know, there might be some people who are brand new to cannon, maybe they've switched from nikon or sony or some other brand, or they're stepping up from appointing two camera, and this is their first, and they always usually use the same term. This is my first real camera, you know, because the pointe shoes to them are not real cameras, but finally, when they get here, they've finally joined the the big club, and so the seventy, if I just had to narrow things down about what is really new and great about this camera. First off, I'd have to say the eighteen mega pixel sensor that's, the one point six crop factor we're going to talk about that one point six and there's some people who don't like that, but for what I like to use this camera for him. What a lot of people like to use this camera for that's a big benefit and there's some great advantages to that. We'll talk more about that eight frames a second. There are very few cameras at this style of camera shooting eighteen mega pixels in an slr that can shoot a eight frames a second to get more than this generally is going to cost you a lot of money, especially if you want to stay within the cannon family of cameras it's going to jump you up, who tow around seven thousand dollars sixty seven thousand dollars. This has a really, really good auto focus system on it and it's not just that it's, accurate it's that it's fast and very versatile. So if you're shooting sports, it's a very, very good sports camera and finally, my fifth kind of big point on this is it's really well built? It's, whether sealed, we'll talk a little bit about that, but it's just a well built camera that feels, in my opinion, it feels professional in the hands. I've had a lot of professional cameras in the past, and this feels very, very solid and very well built and so it's going to be a camera that should last you a very long time. And that's the solid construction. Sometimes I get behind on my point sometimes, all right, so if you're new to the canon family first off, welcome to the cannon family of cameras they've been around for a long time. They started back in nineteen thirty three, making little range finder cameras, and then in nineteen fifty nine, they started making single lens reflex is, which had interchangeable lenses viewing through the lens, which was quite nice, and then they start to get more serious in nineteen seventy one with the professional f one camera. And then in nineteen, eighty seven, things took a kind of big change when they introduced auto focus, and they introduced a whole new lens mountain, and that kind of ticked off some of their older customers because they had to get all new lenses. And so if you go to a garage sale and have a bunch of cannon lenses from the seventies, they're not going to work on this camera, at least not without lots of adapters, and they're probably not worth using, so I wouldn't recommend it. So you can kind of go back to nineteen, eighty seven and use all of those lenses on this particular camera. And then in two thousand, we went digital in the first canon slr that was digital came out d thirty it had three megapixels and sold for three thousand dollars on that's you know fifty per cent more than this cameron this camera has eighteen megapixels and look at how small that little screen is on the back of the camera you know you know back then that you can always tell hold the cameras by how small the screen is on it so one of the things that I like most about the cannon system is that they have a huge range of cameras to choose from and if you're just beginning they got cameras for you if you're uh super professional they've got cameras for you and all the steps in between they also have a tremendous number of lenses that's going to cover just about everything that you can imagine doing and then of course they have a very good flash system uh the camera has a built in flash we'll talk a bit about that but you can add on flashes and you could hook it up to other systems for much better lighting in your photographs now the camera's position and within the family is kind of towards the middle I would call it the upper middle class upper middle in of the cannon family it's got it's built to professional standards in many cases I would I would say it's definitely not on the entry level but some people would call it intermediate to the professional level so it's a very, very good camera in that regard now it's kind of heritage comes from the forty d and from the five d mark two and then kind of from the fifty d as well and what they did is they kind of combined features from both and they kind of they were they wanted to have their crop frame camera brought up to another level, and so what they did is they put a whole new package of features together and they introduced a lot of new things with this camera when it first came out. All right, so let's, let's take this box and we're gonna go ahead and open it up and take a look at what's on the inside and I kinda have listed on the screen the stuff, but uh, get open a new box right now. This is kind of a rare experience, you know, because I I in some ways I don't like buying new cameras because there's so much involved of learning the new camera, I got to get a new strap for it. I've got to get this for it. I've got to get that for it. I've got to get the extra batteries and so some stuff that as we go through here, so we have instructs jones okay that's not gonna do me any good at all the instructions are much better for this for me, and so this is that very lengthy two hundred and seventy six page instruction manual which is going to be helpful warranty cards let you know that you got in official product and it's not some sort of black market stolen item there's a number of dvds and frankly, I've never loaded these on my computer. It kind of depends on what softly like to use. I used a program called adobe light room and it's a great program for downloading j pegs or raw images organizing them kanan supplies you with their own but I don't know a lot of people that use it it's a little clunky I guess would be the word to use but it is available if you want to. You want to get into it promotion material uh let's go for the good stuff, eh? Well packaged bubble wrap simply pop one of these you know, those are really good. They got they got new ones out now, all right, way want to do a sniff test know that somebody else on the internet um and then of course it's going to give you a bunch of other little accessories in here there's a battery, but you know what? I have a pre charged battery of my own there's a little travel charger in here on dh these air kind of nice because they just have a little flip out where they plugged right into the wall so it's very nice for travel charger we'll talk a little bit about other charger's if you're professional and you need to charge your batteries really quick there's sometimes other options on that ah camera strap and uh big old bright labeled theo seventy and a cz these air well built super great straps but I kind of like a little bit more subtle strap and now you have a donkey strap that I really like and how do you like that strap? Yeah and it's not like it because it's ah loki and it doesn't scream uh seven d yeah and it's not the biggest not too, but he's got those that rubber sewn in yeah, so doesn't slip off the shoulder like that, right? I think that's a really good strap that's one of my favorite favorite straps, so the other little things that comes with a usb cord for downloading the pictures to the computer, but frankly, I use a card reader and I'll talk about that. I think it's a lot faster and a lot easier to have a card reader and a lot of laptops now have direct well, they're not gonna have a plug ins for this so you need a card reader they're goingto have cable so that you could hook it up to a tv to do a slide show but that's not something that everybody uses, so a lot of people end up with those little extra accessories, so I'm going to set some of this stuff aside and grab my a few things here pardon me while I get this set up, and so I have a pre charged battery, dan, then because I might want to take some pictures, I'm going to throw in a memory card here and we'll talk specifically about what types of memory cards and then I have a nice little general lens to put on here and let's turn this camera on and really see if, uh, right there, perfect okay, so we got this. We're ready to go and that's what you kind of expect from the box that you're going to get that you should officially get stuff now, sometimes you can buy it with a lens or you can get it body only, and for a lot of people brand new into it, they're going to probably want to get the lens with it. It's just a really good deal now the lens that comes supplied with the seventy depends on where you buy usually it's a eighteen to one thirty five or it's an eighteen to two hundred and neither one of those are the greatest lenses in the world, but if you're just getting started, it's a nice starter, lands so I don't have a problem with somebody getting that lens once you get into photography, I think everyone here in the audience has something other than the kit lands and I'm guessing that it's because they know a little bit more about what they're doing and they have something more specific that there that they're trying to gear towards. And so the kit lenses are a great starter it's kind of like a teenager when they get a car, you know, it's it's not the perfect car in the world but it's enough to get you around so let's let's move on now, one of the things that they have in this cameras, they have all sorts of dire warnings about what not to do with the camera, you know don't get it too hot, too cold one of my favorite don't fire the flash at someone driving a car don't swallow the battery is actually one of the things that's in there. I told you I went through the instruction manual eso it's pretty amazing, and I think most of us get this don't be stupid with the camera and so don't do obvious things like leaving it in a hot car in phoenix in the summertime now one of the things that it does say on here that we have to be careful about is about water now I will mention here that it does have a magnesium alloy body to it which is a really well built camera body and where is that body there it is on dh so that it's got a nice metal structure to it. Yeah, and as I was saying, one of the things that they say is this camera is not waterproof do not get it wept now the camera does have weather ceiling and it can handle a fair bit of water but I typically don't like to test it and just to give you a real good visual of how I deal with wet weather I was recently down on the oregon coast in february which is not the best time to be on the oregon coast and I wanted to shoot some pictures in the rain so I brought a little video clip in of how I shoot pictures in the rain. All right, so let's uh let's take a look at this you can hear it's raining pretty hard, but there's a shot I really want to get so I got to go outside and get it really quick. Okay, wait. All right. Still little closer, teo little back top shot here right about there okay, back to the car with you, okay, so maybe that helps you kind of visualize how you're going to shoot in the rain I mean, I haven't umbrella didn't have anything to cover up the camera and it's okay, if it's raining out there to go get a shot like that, I just want to stand out there like a fool for an hour shooting. So if you are shooting something where you are in the rain a lot let's say, like you had to shoot a high school football game and it's in the rain it's state championship, you can't reschedule, you know, for your convenience, I would get a rain cover for it. Probably the camera does do better than most actually have a slide here that shows some of the weather ceiling on the camera and the strengthened magnesium seals were the cameras reinforced and so it's a well built camera it's pretty weather sealed it's kind of hard to get a gauge exactly on what exactly do they mean by its weather? Sealed how long? A rain it comes down to don't push it to its limit. I'm sure that if you drop it in the river it's going to have problems and so do be careful if it gets wet now, the other thing is is that if it does get wet, what do you do? Well, a lot of times what will solve the problem is if you just start opening up everything, you take the memory card out, you'll take the battery out you take the lens off maybe even you'd pop up the flash so it's not gonna do that now without all the battery in there but just let it air dry you don't want to take a hair dryer and blew it off for anything foolish like that just let it air dry and if the water is on some sort of the electronics and it dries off it might come back to life and so just doing that will probably solve the problem about half the time thie other thing is is that cannon is not going to be liable for damage if you hook up a non cannon accessory alright and cannon is just trying t o you know get the lawyers out to say that they're not responsible in case something goes wrong and if you put on tamron lens like we have a couple people here have on non cannon lenses that's not going to damage the camera however there may be things in the cameron we'll talk about this when we get into the menu system there are features of the camera that communicate and know which lenses on the camera and can fix len's problems and if it doesn't know about that lens which it won't know about with sigma and tamarind and toki no lenses it's not gonna be able to fix those problems and so there's a few features that you may not be able to use its nothing overwhelming in my opinion now there are other sorts of accessories like flashing its and batteries and so forth, and you're going to have to make a judgment call as to whether it's worth it cannon batteries are pretty expensive, but they're the best batteries out there. There are some other cheaper knockoff batteries that I have purchased because I needed a lot of batteries and I just needed something and they did an okay job they didn't damage the camera, but cannons just not gonna be held liable for that sort of situation. Now hopefully, everyone in the audience as well as at home has had a chance to prepare the camera, and when I talked about preparing the camera, it's going to be little things like charging the battery, putting the lens on putting the battery and things that I just did, you know, getting the memory card in there. And so these sorts of things were just the basics that you're going to use before you start taking, taking pictures or and what I would like students in the class to do right now is to go ahead and turn your camera's on. I'm gonna do the same thing right here and what I want you to do then and this might be the last time I say this and it just kills me to say this, turn your camera to the green autozone
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Ratings and Reviews
Excellent class. Lots of great info demonstrated in a very easy to follow presentation. John is superb at slides, and little details. Thanks for a great day of learning. I love my 7D even more :)
a Creativelive Student
If you already shoot with a Canon that is not a 7D, a lot of it you may already know, but it will help you get to know your way around the 7D's features, such as its autofocus system which, with exception of the more recent 1D MK4/X and 5D MK3, is one of the most advanced in the Canon DSLR range - this means it can take a little while and practice to get used to. The course is probably best suited towards the beginner and possibly intermediate users - and maybe someone coming from another camera brand such as Nikon and Pentax, etc. More advanced users will find it basic, although there is some good information on how to set the camera up, and setting the more advanced custom functions. Conversely, this is not a workshop on basic photography, so a little basic photographic knowledge will help you understand the topics being discussed (but that's not to say that a beginner won't get anything out of it). At the time of writing this review, cL have bundled this course with another of John's courses, "Fundamentals of Digital Photography". So I would recommend you take advantage of this special price if you are starting out.
Very useful. Picked up some good tips even though I've had my 7D for around 12months. I feel a lot more confident in using the camera and love the back button focusing set up for when I'm composing images using a tripod. Love John Greengo's relaxed, unassuming style and his openness in sharing his knowledge and experience. GT New Zealand
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