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What Is Color Grading?

Lesson 4 from: Color Correction in DaVinci Resolve

Casey Faris

What Is Color Grading?

Lesson 4 from: Color Correction in DaVinci Resolve

Casey Faris

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Lesson Info

4. What Is Color Grading?

Next, Casey dives into what color grading is and why it’s one of the best things you can do to level up the professionalism of your videos.
Next Lesson: Why Color Grade?

Lesson Info

What Is Color Grading?

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Ratings and Reviews


Excellent course. I've watched a few of Casey's YouTube videos and joined the yearly plan on Creative Live just to watch his Davinci courses here. Based on what I've seen so far, the course is very helpful. Benefits: 1. Easy to understand 2. Excellent subject matter expertise 3. Throws in some jokes Negatives: 1. None so far I highly recommend the course.

Simona Geneva

Thank you Casey Faris. This is one of the best course in Creativelive.


Simple enough for me to understand and to the point!

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