Lesson Info
7. Step 2: Identify Your Role in Your Peak Experience
Class Introduction
09:48 2Secrets to Share
07:37 3Purpose Drives Impact
11:34 4Know Your Role
14:30 5Purpose Platform
04:52 6Step 1: Peak Experiences
06:59 7Step 2: Identify Your Role in Your Peak Experience
07:24 8Step 3: What Instigated the Actions You Took
05:10Lesson Info
Step 2: Identify Your Role in Your Peak Experience
What was my role in it all? Who did you have to be and what did you actually do, to make that peak experience possible? So, for me, I had to do a few things, to make it to that J.W. Marriott and Hong Kong moment, I had to not do what was expected of me. There were a couple of moments where, and this is context outside of that individual trip, but when I was on my trajectory toward doing this work, there were a couple of moments, where I heard very directly like, you're crazy, you'll never make any money. Why don't you go get a regular job, so I had to do, not what what was expected of me, it's not so easy to do, right, we all struggle with that, of course, but I know that was like a major role, I, thing I had to do, I had to actually act on not doing what was expected of me. What else did I have to do? Who did I really have to be? I had to, sort of, scare myself. I had to be willing to scare myself, 'cause doing what led me to Hong Kong and all the work I did after that, was really bei...
ng okay with the unknown, and really like trusting in a real way, that this work was gonna matter, and to say yes to it. So, I had to not do what was expected of me, and I had to trust, and step into the unknown in a real way, and I had to be, I just had to be super courageous. So, yes, lots of things helped me put that moment together, that was my peak experience, but that was my role in it all, for sure. Yes, and I had to book my flight, and I had to do all those transactional things, but the bigger remit that you had, in getting you to that, getting you to that peak moment, is a thing to pat attention to, so, say a few words to one another, about what you think maybe your role was in it all. Go ahead and do that now, and for those of you at home, you might want to jot down a few notes about, okay, my role, I think was this. The prompt is, what was my role, in manifesting my peak experience? Go ahead and do that now. (crowd speaking quietly) So, Anton had said, when the experience of, when a few creative ideas work in a row, so when he composes and produces music, so, usually when we have a dozen ideas, but most of them don't work like intended, but when you have work that comes together, that succession. Right, it's like whew! I'd love to hear, is it Anton? Yes. I'd love to hear from you, Anton. What was your role in, I'm wondering if the peak experience, is something around a moment when it all worked, and like what was his role in that, how is he a key player in making that possible? And I'll say Stephanie, although she hadn't shared her peak experience, the takeaway was, to let myself be seen. Yeah, great, great, cool, did everybody have a chance to share with one another just a few sort of tidbits, about like what my role in it was, I think, yeah? Great, can I hear a few of these? My role, I am a vessel. I feel like I am the vessel of the creative energy, and a lot of times I have to work, and I have to trust unknown in order to manifesting, these unseen creativity into something that is tangible. Right, is there a letting go that's happening when you're just being a vessel or is there holding on/ There's a holding on, which is you have to work, you have to be accountable, you have to get shit done. But as a vessel, that's a more passive role, so how are they, are you both? It's kind of of a both, yeah, it's the duality thing over again. See, we're making your perfect platform in this class right now, it's kind of amazing. Yes, a duality, knowing when to maybe hold on, knowing when to let go, knowing when to make, and when to be a vessel, that's very interesting place to play, great, let's hear another one, anybody? (Dia sings) And it's not a competition, no, it's not, no it's not, (she laughs) you can hear some of these, and oh, that's really good. Right here and then back here, thanks. Oh, I would say, conquering my fear of success, and of being seen. Yeah, great, great, good, so there's a boldness in that. Is there a boldness in it, or is it in like it's a receiving? There is a boldness because it was a, I was holding myself back, so it was, yeah, I guess you could say relief doesn't feel like surrender, it feels more like I needed to overcome that fear. Right, it has a, it does have a, how you're talking about it even has a boldness to it. it kinda had to be, these are my words, not yours, but this, no, really, I don't wanna reframe it, but I wanna offer maybe something that feels more concrete, that I could attach, if I were working with you, I could say like, okay, this is giving me some clues, into like intentionally being bold in that moment, to own something, to take it for yourself. Ooh, yes, girl, okay, let me hear one back here. It was about having to do what came naturally, and forget everything I was taught. Oh, that's great, that's great, I love that, yes, this idea of like, okay, so that's all of the methodologies, and then there's the way that is innate to me, and to trust that? Yeah. Great, is there anything coming in online from, Anton has said the definition would be, being in the zone, so he's saying, if you see a pairing of works, based ahead of time, setting time to be alone, not be distracted, turning off the internet, cell phone, any distractions, and having that kind of like clear mind, eating good food, and, Yeah, and what I hear of in that, is, what I hear it in that, don't know if this is true for you, Anton, but what I hear in that, is like there's an intentional like stepping into being very intentional to create conditions where I can engage with my work in a way, that I can't if I'm being careless about it, and I hear sort of an extreme self-care in there too, right, like even the food that I need, giving myself nourishment so I'm ready, and in charge to do the work that I need to do, to try to make that magic happen, so he can say thumbs up or thumbs down on that, but that's where I would go if I were coaching, to follow that train, is that true, that what you were actually doing? It's sorta the doing with the big D, not the little d. Yes, you're turning off your cell phone, you're making your space totally right for you, you're eating the food that you need, that makes you feel like yes, I'm right here, right now, that's the activity, but what you're really doing maybe, is extreme self-care, or what you're really doing, is putting intention, to the work, in a way that you wouldn't in a more passive way.
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