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Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Controlling Your Color

Jared Platt

Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Controlling Your Color

Jared Platt

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Lesson Info

1. Class Introduction

Lesson Info

Class Introduction

Now, for the class that's the important class of all, which is every single class on Photoshop week, but I like to pretend that whatever I'm teaching is the most important thing. So, actually, have you ever heard someone say, "Photography is all about light?" You've heard that? That's the dumbest statement on the planet, because that's like saying, "Living is all about breathing." (student laughs) I mean, yeah, of course, you have to have breathing to live, but that's not what it's about, right? Photography is about stories, it's about shape, it's about color, it's about light, it's about, I mean, we just happen to use light as the basic function, right? That's what keeps us alive is breathing. That's what keeps our photos alive is light. But it's not about the light. That's a dumb statement. So, if anyone uses that statement, I apologize up front, I'm sorry that I've offended you, but that's just a dumb statement. So, (sighs) what I'm here to tell you is photography's all about color.

No, I'm just kidding. (students laughing) But it is really a critical part. Just like light is a critical part to photography, color is a very critical part to photography. And even back in the day when we were shooting black and white film, color was still a very critical part, because the light that was in the sky recorded differently, 'cause it was blue, than the red flower, or a red apple. If I have a red apple, that amount of light is gonna come in differently, especially if I use some kind of a color filter. So if I were to use a red filter on a red apple, right, well then the red comes through but nothing else does, so the red glows. And so as a black and white photograph, the apple would glow kinda white, right? So, I could choose what kind of light got in, what kinda color of light got in, even when I was dealing with black and white photography. So, color is very important to your photographic life, and most people don't understand how to get accurate color. So I'm going to teach you how to get accurate color from the very start.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Photoshop XMP Files

Ratings and Reviews

Bobby McKinney

Excellent class, good job on behalf of Jared Platt


My favorite printing class and I've taken quite a few. A lot of very helpful information in a short amount of time. I already owned a Colorchecker passport, so now I know how to make the most of it.

Lydia Hall

Great class on how to achieve color accuracy.

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