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Two more questions, good news, there's only five. Great news, there's only five. What positive things are happening that I can acknowledge? Where am I winning? What can we look for that keeps us going? I gave you the example of being a high school teacher and having parents who would look down a grade sheet and they would highlight that low grade. So we started building in acknowledgement processes so along the way we could say, hey, this is good, it's handled, this is good, it's handled. Because we've got so much good, we've got the momentum, let's apply it to the places that we need to strengthen a little bit. Earlier on, we talked about animals. Who was it that was talking about their dog back at home? And so, when we talk about animals and training animals, one of the things that we learn when we got our dog was to reinforce when she was doing something right. And then as hard as it was, to ignore when she was doing something wrong. So when she was lying down, we would acknowledge ...
that with a click or a treat and when she was jumping, well, it was kind of tough sometimes. I could talk a lot about this process of acknowledgement, but the one that I wanna give you is a tool. It's the daily journal. Anyone who's been around me, if you have a coffee or a lunch, we go for a long walk, you sit in a class, I'm gonna talk about daily journaling. I love answering questions. I love answering questions every day where I get to look for the wins. So for me, I look for three things. When I pull out that journal at the end of the day, it's about the size of my hand, it's hard back, it fits on the nightstand next to my bed. If I'm in a hotel, it's right there. If I'm at home, it's right there. If I'm on a week long bike ride around the state of Colorado in a tent, it's right there. And at the end of that day, I'm always gonna answer the questions what did I finish today? What got checked off the list that is substantial? Who helped me today? Who can I reach out to, who can I let know, who can I just for a moment thank, even if that's just in my mind? And then of course, what am I grateful for right now? I have talked about thank you cards, mentioned as we were talking just a moment ago. This is a typical thank you card for me. They take me about 150 to 250 words. They do take me about five minutes, sometimes a little bit longer. I have three things that I do in my thank you card. I thank the person for what they did, I share with them how it made me feel, and then I always take a risk and I write at the bottom of that thank you card how I bet they are to the other people around them. And who knows if I'm right, but for a moment I get to play around. Thank you for doing this, here's how I felt, here's how I imagine you are in the world you work and live in.
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Sylvie Leroy
Worthwhile and interesting. Lots of great ideas to implement. No waste of time during all the course. Thank you!
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