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Front-End Surveys

Lesson 10 from: Create a Marketing Plan & Grow Your Standout Business

Tara McMullin

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10. Front-End Surveys

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Front-End Surveys

The next one is front end surveys. Surveys are awesome. I mentioned Ryan Levesque earlier, he's the guy that created the Ask Method. If you're not familiar with it, give it another year. He's going to take over the world and it might be frightening. No, (laughs) it's a great system and he's got a great book out there just called "Ask," too, so if you're interested pick up that book for sure. But he says, "figure out what your customers want to buy before they even know what they want to buy themselves." I mean, this is kind of the trick of all marketing and product development, right, is if you can figure out what people want before they want it, one, you can help them want it, and two, once they realize that that's what they want, wow, suddenly there you are (laughs) with the golden solution. But, this does not mean, figuring out what your customers want before they actually even want to buy it or know they want to buy it, does not mean asking people what they want to buy. You wanna k...

ill the value of a survey? Ask people what they wanna buy. You want to make it even worse? Ask them how much they want to pay for it (laughs). (audience laughing) And look, I've asked that before. I've asked that before. I'm sure most of you have too. Don't do it again, okay. Do this instead. Ask people what their real challenges are. What feels urgent to them. This is a survey that Brigitte Lyons, our marketing director at CoCommercial and the founder of B the Forward Thinking PR agency, did a year or so ago. She asked simply, what's your most urgent PR or marketing challenge? Just that. What's your most urgent PR or marketing challenge? And yes, you can probably see that there are eight steps here. She did ask other things. This was the only substantive one. Everything else was, you know, about their business, demographic information. It was just really simple stuff. This was the main question, what's your most urgent marketing or PR challenge? And what do you get when you ask people what their most urgent challenge is? What their number one thing is? What's top of their mind? Well, you get people telling you what's top of mind. And that's huge, because if you can connect what you're offering, to what feel urgent to them, what's top of mind for them, what's especially pressing to them, they're way more likely to want to buy what it is that you're selling. One of the biggest problems, remember, it was the second thing I listed of reasons marketing campaigns fail, is that we don't use that sense of natural urgency. So if you can use a front-end survey to determine what it is that actually feels urgent to people, and then tie your product or service to that sense of urgency, you're gonna get more buyers every single time. You're gonna get more high quality leads. And you're gonna build up your brand around that sense of urgency as well. So you become the solution people want, not the solution you're constantly trying to convince people they need. Okay? So here's three questions you might wanna ask, or three things you might wanna think through, when you're considering a front-end survey. And again, all I mean by front-end survey is this is a survey that you're asking before people buy. Ask them about what they know right now. What does your customer know right now? In other words, what's most urgent, what are they most interested in, what's that itch they're constantly trying to scratch? You might also ask if he could pick one problem to solve or one skill to learn right now, what would it be? If he could pick one problem to solve or skill to learn right now, what would it be? Remember how I talked about, you know, it used to be that everyone talks about social media, now they talk about sales funnels and a year ago they were talking about Facebook advertising and webinars? That's simply a change in what's top of mind for people. Its not actually a change in what they need, right. You could sell the exact same offer, but talk about it differently depending on that number one problem that people wanna solve. And then also, what's the path from what she knows right now to what it is that you're selling? Now that's not something you're asking in the survey, that's something that you are determining. So if they're thinking about sales funnels and what you wanna talk about is a marketing system, what are the steps you need to walk people through to get them on the same wavelength as you? If Lacey wants to talk about blogging, but everyone's tired of that and they're thinking about Facebook advertising, what are all the steps she needs to walk people through to get them thinking about blogging again? Or thinking about content marketing differently?

Class Materials

Bonus Materials

Tara Gentile - 12 Month Marketing Calendar
Tara Gentile - Implementation Month

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Tara Gentile - Campaign Building Blocks
Tara Gentile - Create a Marketing Plan Workbook
Tara Gentile - E-mail Marketing Templates
Tara Gentile - Sales Page Templates

Ratings and Reviews


Tara, the information you delivered in this class is invaluable. I am in the launching stage of my business, and I know I need to market my business and services and I know I need to write a plan, but I didn't know how to do it. Instagram, content upgrades, Facebook, email marketing, webinars, blogging, etc. etc., I know it all. But I just couldn't get my head around how to truly use marketing campaigns for my business, and especially for my services, to reach my ideal client, help my ideal client and to reach my ideal income. You explained the why behind marketing campaigns and you showed us how to create a marketing campaign from A to Z. The whole sha-bang! You gave me the knowledge and inspiration in how to market my services, how many people I ideally want to reach and above all, a framework I can use time and time again to create a marketing campaign. I purchased the class right after seeing the live broadcast so I can use this class for planning all my next marketing campaigns. You clarified a lot and I am much more confident (and so much more less stressed haha) in creating a marketing campaign plan that works for my business and services. I learned a lot! Thank you! P.S. Love the hot seats.

Lisa Murray

Once again Tara has delivered a brilliant class. It was perfect timing for me as I am about to relaunch an existing program. I saw clearly what I missed during the first launch and I'm curious to see how the new approach based on Tara's strategies will convert. Highly practical and hugely insightful if you want to stop chasing bright shiny objects and spinning your wheels. I especially loved the launch model using where the customer is in their knowledge of your offer - brilliant!


This class is well worth the time! Tara does an excellent job of not only providing a step by step system for creating a marketing campaign, but she provides clear context and insights along the way. This is important so that you're not just going through the motions and crossing your fingers that your marketing will work. She helps you understand the strategy behind the scenes so you can get the most out of the work you put in. I highly recommend this course to anyone considering doing their own marketing, or people who are already doing their own marketing and want to feel more empowered and get better results.

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