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Shooting Basics: Apps and Settings

Lesson 4 from: Creative Wow: Mobile and iPhonography

Jack Davis

Shooting Basics: Apps and Settings

Lesson 4 from: Creative Wow: Mobile and iPhonography

Jack Davis

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4. Shooting Basics: Apps and Settings

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Shooting Basics: Apps and Settings

continue on with the idea of shooting or some of the gear. This I've got a few of the things here. This is that road smart lab. This is that anchor five Port 40 watt thing Here is the I pro Lend Siri's. There's your olo clip. There's the life proof, what they call the nudes case. I didn't show this one here, but I brought it up here. The one who showed to you It's the only waterproof case that doesn't have a front panel on it. It actually has a gasket that goes around the screen. So you there's no piece of plastic between you and your camera and these cameras, even without the sapphire lens, they're so strong that, you know, scratching it really isn't the concern it was in the past. So to have a full waterproof, mud proved dust proof case that has no interference between you and the whole touchscreen is really cool. And this one is small enough and light enough you could use it as a main case on your camera, and it would be, you know, destruction proof and waterproof and light doesn't ...

have a battery, but its the life proof nude case. And there's the refuel. There's the Olympus TG that I just think is the coolest thing since sliced bread. And, um, this is the current Samsung one. This you can get a great price. This is the Sony one that the 10 and the 100. Like I said, that is using the, um, Carl Zeiss lens 1.8 f stop and ridiculously large sensor. So those are some things. I just want to throw them up there. But I get oh, the other abs and stuff like that. The vast majority are covered in that That workbook, OK, shooting going on to shooting. Since we started with, um, toys, I thought I would just jump right into, um a, uh, a little shooting scenario. And I'm gonna use Let's let's do this right here. But what's flashing at me and I'm going to actually, we'll do this up here, do a little shooting trick and talk about this wireless shooting capabilities, and maybe we'll have some other things in here, and we've got little augmented things. I love these sorts of little um L e d lights for doing little, um, photography tricks on here. So if we can, I'm switch over to my feed coming from the IPhone. As course it's already done. Um, here we've got the Sony and this is the interface What they call play memories. Odd name for the interface. But as you can see, this is basically just a ziff. I'm shooting with the IPhone, but the great thing is, here's this nice, you know, 24 millimeter wide angle. I'm on here, but the great thing is here, and you do have a model release we've got actually got more light on him over here. So we'll come up here and, uh, we'll take advantage of this, um telephoto. And this is the q x 10 which you can see, has a really nice telephoto, and I can change my focus point by just happened on the screen. Now that right here is I'm doing a plus seven exposure compensation. And now it's taking that full 18 mega pixel to the phone. Little low light. Let's change it from the program mode, clicking up here in the upper left and go into superior auto mode and the superior automotive I'm doing handheld and sorry that you're the victim. I should have clarified this with you before head. We'll do that same thing here and hold on. 123456 That just took six shots. And the six shots is not for dynamic range. The six shots is for noise reduction in low light, and so for low light. Look at what that did. We can actually go back to the image. This is low light handheld over 200 millimeters. Zoom on here and, um, in what is exactly really low light. And it's six different shots. There's no ghosting. Okay, that's just freakishly cool to take six shots combined that use it for noise reduction and get into, um, that close and again going back out to our wide angle to have that zoom range on your mobile device. OK, and now we're do the same thing. It only needed three that time based upon the amount of light in that current room, so it chose the difference between three and six on its own. And, um, that's what they call Superior Auto, and it is superior. It's awesome. So it also will go in bright contrast, the light. It'll do a true HDR instantaneously in camera, put him together or it does the exact same thing for low light situations. And the amount of noise reduction is significant. There was no noise in that file. And you consider you know that this is this is actually the one with a small sensor. Anyway, it's great it has built in the macro. If we come over here, we'll do a little macro shot here that's gonna get it in here. So that is how close I can get to the subject matter again. It's loading in. You can have it so that it only, um that it that's really cool. You can have it so it only downloads a two megapixel file for preview. If you just want to check it. It has, as I mentioned and built in micro SD card reader in here, that it automatically will shave the video too. And it's all also saving all the images at full resolution. So a lot of people would have it only save the two megapixel to your IPhone for checking, and then you download the camera at the end of the day to get the full megapixel myth. Mine are actually I'm doing the full, you know, 18 mega pixel filed to my IPhone because I want to tweak them on the IPhone. But that is really cool. That's even not bad shot kind of fun. So anyway, so telephoto macro zoom low light slices, dices, make hundreds of julienne potatoes just seconds. They're really fun. Then the difference between it again. This is $200. This is almost $500. This is a 1.8 zeiss lens with a one inch sensor on it. And this one, the sensor is probably, you know, 1/4 of an inch like most point shoot cameras. Both of them do fantastic noise reduction. So this one, even, surprisingly, does great detail in quality, as you can see, even with the smaller sensor. But this Sony advertised. This is DSL quality coming from the IPhone, and I've been very, very happy with it. But for most people, probably to be honest, the $200. that has the greater dynamic range in terms of zoom is probably the one you'd want. You know, you're not too concerned, really know if you want DSL quality and I'll leave it up to you that zoom range is awesome. It's still this one has an excellent macro in it. And, um, that is the Sony Q X. Siri's tripod mounts that Can you mount that on a trip? Do? Wow, I thought. And actually, you know, let what's cool, Because, of course you may notice. Um, this is this is nothing to do with the fact that that this is touching this that happens to have coming with amount, so I can point out what I'm looking at. But you can put this on that little mono pod. Stick it in a tree next to your, um, birdhouse. You get a little bird house, it comes in, you got fall colors, you got a little bird house, and all birds are coming. It'll nationally and you're down on the ground and you're shooting to your heart's content or you're down in the grass as our macro class. Yesterday we were talking about one of the cool things about these WiFi enabled cameras. Either something like the Olympus or this one is you put this down, you know, underneath the flower this age, I'm gonna get down on my knees and shoot the bottom. Come on, Let's be realistic. You put this thing, you know, facing straight up and with this great macro mode and it's a fantastic way to shoot. So, you know, this is I think you can get 30 feed. They may have extended it 30 50 feet away, but yes, So they has a full size tripod mount on it and, um there kick in the pants, They're just a kick in the pants. And that zoom is extremely practical. To go from 24 to 2 40 I believe, is what the zoom range on this is is just great Diggle Selfie. But again, yet you can set the focus. I was pinched my lips like that. I do anyway, OK, so that is, um, some shooting capabilities on these laps. And, uh, I really do like them. I'll use the same thing as we were doing yesterday in the macro class. This one is also that same thing where you can control this camera by that and set the focus points. This is the one that's got focused stacking, focus bracketing 10 shot focus bracketing built into it. We weren't even able able to cover all that. This camera can do. But this one will also in down the Grand Canyon with me, because it's also waterproof shot whales down and Tonga with it. It's just an indestructible. It's one of those things that you can't go wrong by having one of these in your in your pocket. Of course, the other thing to do, which I don't have here, is any of my raw shooting pocket cameras. And that could be the benefit two raw shooter that does not shoot raw. Okay, Anything else related to external shooting? Let's do we talked about the old clip. I don't know if I need to show you the range on the older clip. You know, wound. A lot of people do that. They really benefit of something like this. Um, when shooting, aside from the fact that you've got, um, wide angle multiple Mac Rose fish, I all of those air. Great. But if you're going to shoot video, if you're gonna shoot any kind of video, that's gonna be you want the flexibility of shooting good video. The problem with you when you shoot video in any of these mobile devices is that you may have a field of view. Let's say that this is a 60 millimeter roughly is a default setting. And that's an eight megapixel sensor. Well, the 10. 80 p that it shoots video is about two megapixels. 10 80 by 1920 is the resolution. Um, and so what it does is it uses the two megapixel center portion of that chip. So what it does is it actually crops in from what might be a 60 millimeter, and then it gives you a truncated field of view that acts like, say, in 90 or 100 millimeter. Well, that means you have a bit of a telephoto. And if you're trying to videotape the family event or something that shows some kind of environment like the interior of, ah, room or something like that, you're now shooting video with a bit of a telephoto. So by putting on the wide angle or even the fisheye, you're able to get back to a standard field of view for shooting video. So if you are gonna want to shoot video in any significant way with your mobile device, get yourself a set of wide angle, I'd probably say, even fisheye as well, because the fish I The nice thing about the fish I, even though that may give you a really distorted edge when you're shooting a regular photograph when you shoot video because it's using that center portion of it that's known as this sweet spot of the fish eye. So it gives you a very wide angle of view. But most of the distortion is cropped out, so you get a nice field of view that's still very usable, with a nice wide angle to pretty video. So again, some sort of clip like the Olo clip, is going to be essential for shooting video. I highly recommend that. Okay, let's go into the ah basic main camera shooting app and, um, do that. So let's switch over to my IPhone feed. I wish I would have taken that picture. I did not take that picture. It's a great shot of Choe Pu in Tahiti. Um, you'll notice that the camera is built into the lock screen, so this would be specifically to IPhone, not android. Depending upon what flavor of jelly bean that you're running on your android device or something. It may have different features, but in this case, the nice thing is is by just simply flicking up in that lower right hand corner, which it's not flicking up right now for me. There it is, huh? You have access to the camera, So you probably know that already that you don't need to unlock the phone in order to get access to the camera. Great. Awesome. Fantastic. This is the new Iowa's eight. Let's bring up something that's a little bit prettier to continually shoot at. So that's way pretty or not that you guys aren't pretty over there, But this isn't nice and pretty over here. Um, you have access to these different modes is you've had for a while. A little tip. If you're going down to the bottom of this and we've got a top down camera, should I Let's do this. You guys tell me. So if I'm switching between, um, this can we in the top view can we switch to the top camera just to see and I'll make sure So as you guys switch, So when you can see my finger touching the camera, Okay. So that's pretty much we'll do this right here, so I can No, If I'm there, you can see it. How does that sound? So that way you can see me touching the camera, Aziz, Long as I'm having it over that area, you can see me touching. So I'm actually, um, inside the mobile app and we'll leave that one right there. Um, typically, you'll see these different modes at the bottom, and you can swipe through them to change from video to slow motion. But some people don't know that you can actually swipe within. I know you can. Which one gets the android so you can actually swipe right within the main I'm screen? You don't need to go down to the bottom in order to switch your different modes. So the default mode is going to be, ah, photo. And the thing about the photo mode now and, um, we can probably switch back to the live feed, which we already have, so that's good. And, um, we'll go back to something that's a little bit more aesthetically pleasing. You'll notice the additions now is at the top portion of the screen. You've got hdr and you'll see that I've got mine set up for HDR auto. You can turn it on offer Auto Auto now is so good that I have left that on as the default mode. I've also going into your preferences. If you go into your preferences on the IPhone and go down to your different APS and go down to photos and camera, you can come up here and, uh, with the HDR. The bottom saved the normally exposed photo. In addition to the HDR version, you'll notice that I've got that turned off. I've always had it where even if you use this HBO function, it would save what would be called the metered exposure as well as the HDR. Because by definition, when you're shooting HDR, you're tryingto bring back in highlight detail and bring out shadow detail. The challenge with that is that you can start to muddy up your highlights and kind of muddy up your shadows. It's so good now that I only save HDR, and it's set to auto, so it'll shoot on its own. When it finds a contrast delight environment, it'll automatically shoot a three shot, not a two shot but a three shot HDR combined instantaneously and literally in a fraction of a second, you're done, so I have turned off. Keep normal. I would say Turn that on. Play with it. Shoot both in its HDR mode and this one. You'll see the before and after. If you want, you can continue to save both. That would be a nice safety net, but for me, it's so good, Um that I have just turned that off. So the nice thing is, if you do go back inside, actually, and let's go back to that little app right there, these are the camera settings, just a few other things in here. I do not use the photo stream for backing up the images. I do that manually and we'll talk about that. That counts against your apple cloud account in storage. So, you know, this is a 128 gig phone. I don't have that much storage you can. I do have it the terabyte in Dropbox so I can turn that on. But I just don't on this. Whether you want to do that burst things in terms of upload. I do have ICloud sharing turned on, and when we get into sharing, it's great to have this option turned on because it lets you create Basically, websites instantaneously create multiple paged websites from any Siris of pictures that you want that are loaded up to a standard web. You are l that you can share with people. So great way to share. I know Instagram is cool and I know you love Facebook, but I don't do either, because I don't do people. But I will make a website of the Grand Canyon or something else by simply creating a little folder here on my phone and then use turn on the photo sharing and it will give me a web. You're l that I can send out to people and they have a full website instantaneously if you don't upgrade IOS eight and keep on Iowa seven, which I've done for my IPad I It was seven before, um, Apple came out with eight. They've changed. I photo. You'll notice that even I photo is now being called photo on the on the Mac. So the whole I photo thing is kind of going away. But there's an app available on IOS seven called I photo, which is excellent, and it actually lets you create complete websites where not only do you choose the pictures, but you choose the size and the orientation and add text and had graphics and add, you know, notes and at everything. You have a full website generator built in to the IPhone app, and it's awesome. So I'll show you some websites generated with the IPhone app. And if you do have an older device, you may want to leave that cause. Remember your older devices you don't have to have them set up for sale service, right? They'll continue to work all your older IPhones. Like what I have. I'm here. It's my old IPhone five s and that it's a complete working IPhone camera sinking. Everything works great. I just don't have the cell service turned on. So, um, from that standpoint for this IPad, I'm currently leaving on seven so I can generate websites. So that's the ICloud sharing summarized photos that puts it into little categories for you. Slide shows. I've got the grid turned on the rule of thirds. It's just gonna nice Teoh know that your horizon line is set. So this is where you turn it on. Um, the standard. You can set the standard video to 60 frame a second I don't know why you would. That means it's gonna be slightly slow motion. But it is a default you can now turn in. And this is that high dynamic range situation. So back to the camera app. So this is I haven't set up for Auto. If for some reason there's a situation where you wouldn't want it, you could turn that off. But it's so good for me. I leave that turned on, you'll notice that you've got flash. I turn that off. I don't have it turned on because flashes just an annoying, you know, situation. If you have it on auto and we take a you know that there's enough light. It didn't even think that it needed it in that situation. So here's auto. It actually isn't amazing Flashes. You probably know it's actually is two different L E. D s a cool and warm, and it can balance out and come up with hundreds of variations on color because it's doing a white balance reading. You can see the how and the accurate, accurate the colors are, but it's actually is an excellent flash, but it's still an onboard flash. It's means it's gonna flatten out your scenario. So this with my flash off, which is my default and coming up here, and you'll notice also, as I tapped to do focus, you see that little son next to it. That sun is where you can now come up here and move your finger up and down to change the exposure on the fly within the built in camera app. This used to be something that was only limited to third party EPS that would let you change it. You could click on one area and separate out and say, I want this focus and I want this to be exposure. That's kind of a clue to what you really want is really to set your exposure. So if I don't mind the glare on this shiny table, I can change that exposure simply by tapping and moving up and down. And then I'll come over here and so that in terms of a natural, beautiful shot versus the flash shot, that's just a, you know, not doing flash. This is quite low light, and that's excellent. Another thing to remember with the built in camera app for low light. It's actually taking multiple shots as well and saving the sharp one. So just as an HDR, it can come up here and take multiple shots and combine them in a low light scenario. It'll determine. You know what? What I'm gonna do is I'm going to use that same trick and, um do what a nap called clear Cam used to be the only one that would do in the past, and that is take multiple shots and only save the sharpest one.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Jack Davis - iPhoneography Companion Workbook.pdf
Jack Davis - Creative Wow Mobile and iPhonography Notebook.pdf

bonus material with enrollment

Jack Davis OnOne Software Promotion.pdf
Jack Davis - Mobile and iPhone Photo Apps.pdf
Jack Davis - Mobile and iPhonography Gear Guide.pdf

Ratings and Reviews


Along with showing a large number of beautiful photographs, Jack Davis provides a useful in-depth review of gadgets to add to or use with your smart phone. He also provides a valuable survey of the most useful smart phone apps. Of necessity, Apple's iPhone 6 is the primary smart phone discussed. Trying to decide whether to buy an iPhone 6 or 6 plus, the video of Jack Davis utilizing the latest apps for photo tone mapping has pushed me to favor the Apple 6 plus.

a Creativelive Student

A very useful, inspiring class! I was prepared to leave after a few hours, but I couldn't because there was so much more that I wanted to learn. Jack Davis' depth of experience makes this a "must" course if you want to learn more about taking stunning photos with your mobile device.

a Creativelive Student

Enjoyed the course. Tons of new apps that will allow my creativity show. The iCloud sharing; where we can have a url is another new feature i learned that i will be using. Filmic pro was mentioned; but would have loved to see Jack demonstrate it. Great course I definitely would recommend it.

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