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Day 1 Pre-Show

Lesson 1 from: Crocheted & Embroidered Snowflakes

Lisa Solomon

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Lesson Info

1. Day 1 Pre-Show

Lesson Info

Day 1 Pre-Show

On her low internet and happy holidays from creative life, welcome back. Welcome back to holiday crafts. This is actually our second part of our two day course on this one is about embroidery and crow shade. Snowflakes on our instructor this afternoon is going to be lisa solomon. We're really excited about this morning's course. We hope you're able to join us and makes a really fantastic headdresses for your holiday season. Now we're going to get into some snowflakes and embroidery on this in completely new skills.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Snowflake Crochet Pattern.pdf
Snowflake Embroidery Pattern.jpg

Ratings and Reviews

Dell Martinez

When she taught how to make a single crochet she was actually making a half-double crochet stitch. No confidence in this instructor. Goodbye.

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Rodney Dangerfield

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