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Create Your Digital Sales and Marketing Plan

Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - Build Your Brand

Tara McMullin

Create Your Digital Sales and Marketing Plan

Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - Build Your Brand

Tara McMullin

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2. Create Your Digital Sales and Marketing Plan

Lesson Info

Create Your Digital Sales and Marketing Plan

Hey, welcome back, guys. All right, this is gonna be this is gonna be a lesson that sets up a lot. In fact, this lesson actually sets up all of Session five. So let's take a look at our goal. Formulate a plan to market your business online based on your unique standout style. That's a good goal. And that is what we are going to be tackling in this lesson. But before we do that, let's take a look back. In our previous lesson, we focused on how a vibrant community helps your business to stand out. When you think of your email list is a community and welcome new members with a free gift, you have the ability thio, uh T to stand out and to and to build a new audience that is attuned to your unique style. When it comes to marketing and sales, people tend to think that more is better. Do you guys feel a lot of pressure to be on every single platform to be showing up everywhere, doing all the things? Yeah, Well, more isn't better. Focus is better. And remember, different is better to eso focu...

s and different is the key to really creating a marketing and sales plan that keeps your business out in front. Not always feeling like your chasing behind. You don't have to doom, or you really can focus. You really can edit. You really can concentrate on a couple of things that are gonna be really effective for you. And they might not be the things that are effective for me. It might not be the things that are effective for Ashley. They might not be the things that are effective for Kathy, whatever it is that makes sense with what you want to create, how you want to connect, how you do what you do differently. That's how you should be showing up on line. So the goal today is to create a focused plan for moving toward your chief initiative, moving the needle on your KP eyes and moving you into the driver seat of your marketing and sales. Sound good? Sweet. So let's review what? What? What is your quiet power strategy? What are the different pieces of your quiet power strategy First, what you want to create? You guys know what you want to create? Sort of. Yeah. Okay. How you want to connect with other people because not everyone connects the same way. We each have unique strengths when it comes to connecting with other people and what makes you uniquely effective. And all of those things come together to bring a focused vision toe everything you do in your business, matching it to purposeful execution. And that's really what we're talking about with this. This digital sales and marketing plan is purposeful execution, making sure that every action you take on a day to day basis every tactic you try every formula you start experimenting with has a unique purpose and is built to execute your strategic vision. Alright, so your digital sales and marketing plan has to start with your chief initiative. What is it that your chief initiative requires off your marketing and sales? Is there something specific that you are selling as part of your chief initiative is one of your sub goals? Thio launch a new product to re re, um, to redo unexamined ting product? Is it about growing your list? What what's your chief initiative and which of the sub goals that support that chief initiative can you incorporate into your digital marketing and sales plan. Making sure that you know you know where you're headed means that your marketing and sales plan will stay focused. One of the biggest mistakes I see entrepreneurs making is just trying stuff instead of actually having a particular destination in mind. So we absolutely have to start this plan by remembering where we're headed. Um, and I'm curious. Let's jogs and people. Let's jog our online audiences memories. What are some of your chief initiatives in your business? Ashley. What's what's your chief initiative? My chief initiative is to do like a V I, p um session workshop with clients where I traveled to where they are. We spend the day together hanging out, and I help them map out, Um, astrologically their plan for the next year. Beautiful. So design and launch a V I p offer? Yep. Perfect. Bridget, what's your chief initiative To build out my personal chef school, build out your personal chef school and not just build it out. But how about sell it out? Yeah. Would that be alright? Yeah. Good, Good, good, good. Kathy, what's your chief initiative to launch some form of product either like a guide or a book or even a little program. Okay, great. Brianne. Well, I originally I was going to do a revenue gold, but then you said that it has to excite me, and that's not mean. Revenues exciting. Don't get me wrong, but it's not gonna get me out of bed in the morning. So I was trying to think about like what? What can I translate that into? And where I've gotten to is to basically, uh, be fully booked in terms of having ah, stable of clients in a wait list for my three key offers. So that, um, you know, I I know where the next clients coming from with predictability. Perfect, great. Excellent Chief initiatives, guys. Alright, So that's that's where we're headed now. How are we going to get there? How are we going to get there is key performance indicators when we know what metrics to follow. When we know what numbers to pay attention Thio we can create action plans that actually move the needle on those numbers. So when we were going over key performance indicators, I mentioned that one of the things that is a k p I in my business is how many new conversations get started in our membership community every week. And so one thing that I do is if I notice that conversation has dropped off a little bit because I'm watching that number. Week to week is I can go in and I can chime in or I can start a few conversations or I can ask my community manager to do that. Hey, you know, Claire, we're a little behind in the engagement right now. Is there some way that you could ask a couple new questions? Could you post a link? Could you start a new conversation? And that way the community stays engaged. So right there part of my internal marketing plan is starting new conversations when I see that KP I dip And I also know then that you know, the more I encourage those new conversations. So maybe that's something I do on our Q and A calls, or it's something that I do by email marketing. I could encourage those new conversations in the community as well to bring up that number, so that's a specific action that's related to a K P. I. So bring back to mind what some of your key performance indicators are so you know what actions or many actions? Maybe you need thio utilize to move the number on those. Move the needle on those numbers. What are some of the key performance indicators that we had in the group? Shelly, what was one of your key performance indicators? Do you remember how many new conversations I have face to face? How many new face to face conversations? And that's such a great K p I for you, since one of the ways you want to connect with people is face to face love that Melissa, um, subscribers on my newsletter subscribers on your newsletter Perfect. That's another KP that I am constantly tracking constantly looking at. That's a day to day one for May. I want to know how many subscribers signed up to my list every single day. Because that way, not only does it make me really happy, and I want to kind of can even just energetically be walking the welcoming them into my community, um, I also know that, you know, maybe some days I have certain actions and other days I have other actions on I'd love to be able to to see how those things parse out. You know, maybe that Facebook post that I put up really drove subscriptions that day. Or maybe I finally remember to be tweeting out my landing page a couple of times. Um and so that that can push the needle on. Um, that particular k p I and I wanna be ableto correlate those two things together. Kate, what was one of your KP ice email sign ups? Email sign ups as well? Okay, awesome. So we can formulate our digital sales and marketing plans to be constantly moving the needle on our key performance indicators. So that's gonna be something that we're looking at in just a bit. A swell, then Conditions for connection, conditions for connection. Remember when we talked about this in a previous lesson? I said that everyone has unique conditions for connection. I really like being up on stage. I really like having a platform to share my strong opinions and my understanding of things. And so part of my digital sales and marketing plan is to be regularly appearing on creative live as well as you know, other stages as well. But this is a really effective marketing action for me. I get to broadcast out tow lots of people, absolutely free. Of course, there's also the opportunity to buy, and that's helpful is well. But this is a great marketing platform for me. It may not be a great marketing platform for you. Not everybody is gonna wanna be up on the creative live stage. That may not be how they feel really comfortable and effective connecting with people. How do you guys feel? Comfortable, ineffective, communicating or connecting with people? Janice Workshops teaching workshops. So smaller groups or medium sized groups? Medium sized groups? Great Tiffany. Visually. Absolutely. Yeah. So so online platforms, Pinterest, instagram. You know, even beautiful block post. You feel really, um you feel really connected to your people when you're just very comfortably sharing your images out there? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely Any podcasting. Perfect. What is it about podcasting that allows you to connect with people? Well, I have a feature on my site where people can submit topic ideas as long as it falls under a certain genre that I cover. And that has generated a lot of conversation via the Web, where people will contact me on Twitter instagram and say, Oh my God, you covered my topic. And then they'll they'll attack their friends and then it it generates a conversation in different platforms. Great, Great. So you're not only using your ability, Thio, you know, create interesting content through your podcast. But your ability to kind of use the power of the network to spread the word about your podcast is, well, that's beautiful to different conditions for connection. I love that. All right. Now, all of those things. Your chief initiative, your key performance indicators, your conditions for connection. Those are the things that dictate which media or which marketing channels are going to be most effective for you. Like I said, Creativelive is actually a great marketing channel for me. This is media that really takes advantage of my chief initiative, my key performance indicators and my conditions for connection. Twitter is another one because I can answer people's questions. I can do a little research on people first, I can kind of be my natural, introverted but outgoing. I'm an outgoing introvert, right, s. So I could be my outgoing introvert itself on Twitter, and so it becomes a really effective channel for me to use. Also, I like using major media as well. So I like having my opinions and my perspective out on media like Fast Company or Forbes. That makes me really, really happy as well. And so that's part of my digital marketing plan. What do you think are some media or channels that you wanna experiment with because of what you've learned about your chief initiative, key performance indicators and conditions for connection? Anything come to mind that maybe you weren't originally thinking about Janice while taking like the in person small group workshops on trying Google hangouts? Absolutely. Yeah, Google hangouts is such a fun tool, and there's actually tools that work with Google hangouts to to make it even more effective and easy to use. I think that's a great idea. Absolutely. Kate was saying the same thing. Google hangouts because it gives that opportunity tohave that presentation, that kind of on stage feeling, but also the feedback and then to have that virtually yeah, powerful. Yes, you can get that back and forth going, But you also have a stage which for many of you here is a great condition for connection for you, not for everybody. But for some of you here, that's really, really awesome. Anything other than Google hangouts Michelle, I'm gonna utilize Pinterest more green, ignoring it. What? What is it about Pinterest that you think ties into your KP eyes and conditions for connection? Because the more people see my work, the more interested they are in it. Absolutely. I totally agree. It's great work. Thank you. How about one more Meghan over the last year? I keep getting little whispers that keeps saying, like shoot video in my garden. Keep kind of pushing it away. So I think I want to commit to it this season because it's not something that a lot of garden bloggers and educators were doing. And it's something that gardeners love is to look at other people's gardens. Yes, gardeners do love that. At least I know my gardener. Mother loves to do that, so I'm committing to it right now. Fantastic. Well, I'm committing to it with you two. I just hired some video people to work with me on video as well. I've always been terrified. A video which I realized sounds ridiculous. Um, but of course, the working with the wonderful folks their creative live. It's not so terrifying to me. It won't be terrifying to you either. Just practice makes perfect, right? We can do it, Meghan. We could do it. This bomb video, Patrice, I'm thinking something like speak pipe for my blogged. I don't know what that is. Tell me what that I like the So I like the 1 to 1 intimate connection. Um, speak pipe allows people to leave like a voice message for you on your blogged. And then I can That way, when I'm writing my block post, which I love, I can actually do it and speak directly to a personal message that someone left for me. Because that's the part that moves me. Fantastic. Brilliant. That that is how individualized marketing works. Thank you, Patrice. There was such a great example to, like, jump off of. That's what works. You don't have to do everything. In fact, don't. If you try and do everything you're gonna spread yourself, then you're gonna spread your message. Then you're gonna spread your community. Then this is about focus, and it's about using what makes you different

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