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Supersize Phone Captures To Use Within Your High Resolution Composites

Lesson 9 from: FAST CLASS: Creative Composites Using Your Own Photo Stock

Karen Alsop

Supersize Phone Captures To Use Within Your High Resolution Composites

Lesson 9 from: FAST CLASS: Creative Composites Using Your Own Photo Stock

Karen Alsop

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9. Supersize Phone Captures To Use Within Your High Resolution Composites

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Supersize Phone Captures To Use Within Your High Resolution Composites

now this is the boat that I photographed and it is a raw file because my iphone photographs raw with light room. And so if this was the one that I used and it's not really high resolution um it's it's okay, it's quite a sharp image but it wasn't going to be high enough to include in my homeless penguins image. So what I ended up doing was enhancing it. Now you can do this in light room now, so Lightroom, classic Lightroom, Creative cloud and in Photoshop in camera raw. So I'm going to take you through it in Photoshop. But the same process by right clicking it, you'll find that option in Lightroom as well. So let's open it in Photoshop. It'll opening camera roar. What we want to do here is right click it and go to enhance. You need to have the latest version of bridge of camera roar of light room to do this. But if you go to enhance and you have it clicked on super resolution that is without enhanced. So that's if you enlarge it just by re sizing it and that is with enhanced and if we j...

ust move over to different parts of the image, this is a super zoomed up preview of it, press the button and let it run And once it's finished you'll have an image that is four times the size of your original image and you want to make sure that you do click on the new version and you can tell what it's called by looking at the top title there. So this is the enhanced version from the Apple IPhone 12 pro. Now if I open that as a smart object, it now is the size that I require it for my image. If we go to image size We can see all that detail in there. It's now by 8000. And most of my canvases that I'm working on our around the 8000 marks. So knowing that I can now put this into my scene and put it into the homeless penguins image. I know it's going to work. So if I press cancel, let's just zoom up and have a look at this. So you can see there's a lot of detail in this image, plenty to work with in a composite. So it is a great feature if you're using a phone picture and you want to enhance it. So another reason you might need to enhance the photo is if you're needing to crop in on a smaller element so you've taken a photo and you've been too far away and the element that you want in your composite, you need to enhance it so that it's the size that you need to put into your new image. So this picture of this little penguin, I probably could have got away with not enhancing it just because of where I placed it in the final image. But by enhancing it, I just had so many more pixels to work with and the detail that I wanted. So this is the original and this is the enhanced version. Now you probably can't tell a big difference, but if you put them side by side, this one is four times the size and it will come into my other image, my composite at that size. And then if I pull it back down as a smart object and I pull it back down in size it will retain its detail. So if we head back over to homeless penguin you can see the boats. That is the enhanced version of the boat and how crisp it is in this image. You've got the little penguin there that was enhanced as well. And a lot of the elements that I needed to make bigger are enhanced in this image. So it really is a great tool for being able to be flexible with really any tool at your disposal.

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