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Importing Images

Lesson 38 from: FAST CLASS: Fundamentals of Photography

John Greengo

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38. Importing Images

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Importing Images

all right for importing. This is a short little section here. I mentioned this before. I think downloading from the camera is painful in my mind. I was helping somebody download images, and we don't have a card reader at the time, and we had to go through his camera and you had to download the company's software to get from the camera to the computer. And that was just annoying. This can be. And it was actually very slow. The USB transferring devices in the cameras are really low in things on, and they just don't tend to transfer very quickly. And these card readers are much, much quicker, and they're really not too much money. You can also plug your card into the computer itself, and that could be very, very quick, a swell. And so that's ah better system toe have for the long term. Throughout the rest of this editing section, I'm gonna talk about Adobe Light Room. I don't work for Adobe. Um, I don't care about if they'll be does greater does terrible. No, I do, because I have all my p...

hotos in Adobe Light Room and I don't want to switch, but I'm gonna use it just as an example, because it's the most popular program out there and it's pretty common and its controls are pretty universal. And so it doesn't really matter what program you use. And so what I'm gonna be talking about is not specifically how to work Adobe Light Room. It's just this is how I would work that controls. And here's what it happens to use an adobe light room. And so that's what I'll be talking about as we go through this. So, uh, we are able to import our photos into light room using a copy option where copies all the photos from the card to our destination up choice. And we're going to usually put it in some sort of full photo folders. And this is what I do most of the time because it's pretty easy and with light room, once you do it once, it kind of wants to do the same thing again and again and again, and I throw everything to a new folder. So it's always going to the same obvious place, which makes things very easy. But because it's moving the photos and it's adding them to the catalogue. At the same time, there's a lot of things going on, and the process is a little bit slow. And so if I'm in a hurry or if I've shot a lot of images, what I'll do is I'll take all of the photos and I'll just put him where they're supposed to go right away, and then I will go in and I will add them. So now light room is not trying to move them at all. And so, if you know light room very well, this is synchronizing your folder. You can go in here and this is up to 25% faster if you're moving large files. And so, if you're going out on safari with Ken and I and you're shooting photos in the day, I recommend just move all the photos to the hard driver. You want him and then let light room Adam to the catalogue. That could save you minutes of downloading time so that you can get to bed at a reasonable hour. You can use multiple sources, so if you have a card reader that has multiple cards or you have one of these and you complete your card in with light room, you can actually select different cards, and you can import from all of these cards simultaneously at the same time. So someone else gave a class here at light room, and I'm trying to remember who they already give him credit. But that is, Let your computer do the hard work and, you know, don't spend your time waiting for the computer to work. Download and then go have dinner, go take a bath and then come back after it's downloaded. But you can get all of this going and have it working at the same time really hard for you. While you're not even there, you don't have to sit through. I got to get this one guardian, then this card here and for those who shoot with multiple cards, there are devices out there where you can download with different types of cards or multiple of the same style card in one stack. This is one from Lexar, and this is partially, I think, designed for news or sports photographers so that they can have multiple cards all being downloaded at exactly the same time to light room

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