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Shoot: Bridal Couple Poses

Lesson 19 from: FAST CLASS: Posing 101

Lindsay Adler

Shoot: Bridal Couple Poses

Lesson 19 from: FAST CLASS: Posing 101

Lindsay Adler

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19. Shoot: Bridal Couple Poses

Next Lesson: Shoot: Group Poses

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Shoot: Bridal Couple Poses

All right, let me go through my top five guidelines for photographing a bridal couple together. Um, avoid smooshy kiss pictures and intersecting noses. So a lot of times, because I'll say you want intimacy. You want multiple points of interaction, which is something I say in the couple section. When I say this, then people get a little too close. You don't want noses pushed together. You don't want noses overlapping and you don't want Smith, she kisses. So yes, multiple points of interaction. Intimacy Just not smushed into Missy. Um, Number two is It's not about a 1,000, different poses. You want to try unusual crops in depth of field to make poses look more dynamic and intimate. So it's It's not that you need to be doing a bunch of from poses, but crop in an unusual way. Tighter crops, unusual angles. I think that particularly for the bridal couple, you use more unusual depth of fields and one more unusual crops than any other type of portrait. Number three is to use that dok to occup...

y the bride's hands so you don't always need to figure out where her hand go. She can just hold the book a softly or to her hip. Eso utilize that to your benefit, but it doesn't mean it needs to be in every single shot. Number four is ring hands visible if you're going to be posing. So this, um, if you're gonna be posing with hands so this makes a difference of who's on what side because, for example, left hand, we need to go up on the person's chest of the girl would need to be on this side if you wanted to be able to see the ring finger versus switching. It's not going to be visible, so it just kind of keep that in mind. And then Number five is. They paid a lot of money for their suits, and they hate a lot of money for their dresses, and they wanted to look good. So you don't want to pick poses where everything Bunches up. You really do have to pay attention to those things, and there are a lot of poses you can't do in a suit in an address. So on the wedding day, there's a few essential ones. You work your angles on and keep these tips in mind

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Posing 101 Keynotes
Posing 101 Posing Guides

Ratings and Reviews

Samantha Riegels

This is a great course for a quick reminder of things to keep in mind when headed out for a particular shoot. It's bullet points. General principals. If you are new to posing, you'll want a more in-depth course where she has live models and is positioning them rather than just talking about posing techniques. But for a Fast Class, I think this is perfect. Wonderful job, as always Lindsay!

a Creativelive Student

Fantastic quick but comprehensive summary of the key points for many different types of shoot. As always Lindsay Adlers delivers excellense. Brilliant

Creative Team

Lindsay's classes are always informative and interesting.

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