Lesson Info
12. v.4.30 Firmware Addendum Video
Class Overview
27:21 2Top Deck Part 1
32:16 3Top Deck Part 2
16:36 4Back Side Part 1
30:26 5Back Side Part 2
31:55 6Sides, Front, and Bottom
17:12 7Lenses
11:52 8Shooting Menu
29:33Lesson Info
v.4.30 Firmware Addendum Video
How did everybody john here and I wanted to get you an update on the fuji sixty one because food she's gone in and they've made a number of firm where changes on their camera that have significantly changed away of the number of the features of the camera work and this little addendum here is to kind of catch you up and tell you about all the new features and many of the changes that have been happening in this camera as part of this kind of accompanying it. There is also a new pdf that we've attached to the class, and this will show you all the features of the camera in its new menu layout, with a special highlight to all the features that are brand new. So you might want to download this along with the class so let's, go ahead and take a look at some of the progress of this camera and the changes that have been going on. Now. One of the things you want to do in your cameras to see which firm where it has on it, and the way that you do this is by pressing the display back button on th...
e back of the camera while you turn the camera on to see which firm where it is running. And if it is not the current version right now, it's four point three and I have no doubts that fuji at some point will even increase this and add new features, and so if you're watching this at a later date, it might even be a higher number, but this is the latest number right now. If you do not have this number right now, you need to go to fuji, and you need to download the new software to your computer. You transferred to a memory card, put it in the camera and then basically go through this same procedure and there's more information at the fuji website where you basically pressed the display back, but and then turn the camera on. In fact, let me show you with my camera right here in front of us and so let's, make sure that my camera is running the proper firm where so first thing I'm going to do is just make sure that my camera is turned off. I'm going to go to the back, impressed the display back button press and hold that while I turn the camera on and you'll see we get this very special screen that shows me that I am running for firmware version four point three zero for the body in the lens version may very depending on which lends that you have and then once you are here, the only way to get out of this is to turn the camera off if you press the menu button or anything else it's just kind of stuck in this firm where limbo land and so you just simply turn the camera off and now you know which firmware version it has. Ok, back to the keynote. All right, so first off in version one, plato one point one oh, it's a very minor update as they come out with new lenses, they need to make sure they're compatible with all the cameras and so they're just doing some slight changes in that we then had a major update going all the way to three point oh, and we added some high speed shutters up to one thirty two thousandth of a second, which is an electronic shutter, and we're going to talk more about this as we get into the menu settings of this camera. They also added a new film simulation mill called classic chrome that has proven to be very popular with a lot of photographers. We've added in some new auto focusing features that have improved the auto focusing capabilities of this camera quite a bit and I'm going to be going in in detail and showing you some of those settings as we get into the regular part of this came out here in a moment new video frame rates also s o that those of you who shoot video, you have more control over what type of video you shoot, as well as being able to manually expose things as well so you could sit your own shutter speeds and apertures. We've had new customization features for setting the camera where the function controls are, for instance, new ways of controlling the auto focus so that you don't have to dive into menus. You can do it directly from the camera, and we have a new f plus imf autofocus plus manual focus, and this is where the camera is going to auto focus for you. But once it's kind of figure things out and settled in, if you want to jump in on the manual focus ring and adjust it yourself and tweak it a little bit, you can do that. You can do that as well. So long as you have this feature turned on and generally aa lot more customization that has been available on this camera. I'm so they've been just allowing you to tweak the way different buttons work and the way and what they do he's been really nice feature to have so lots of new things in three point, oh, if you have something earlier than three point no, you definitely are going to want to update and so a lot of little customization will be talking more about all the important things as we go through the regular regular part of the class here so we can now adjust the ivf and the lcd is in the back so that they get the right color and the right brightness we've added in the ability for tethered shooting we've also added in a face detection mode so that you can have the camera automatically detect and focus on faces more options when it comes to the white balance and a lot of new customers set ups especially in the quick menu where you jump in and can make lots of changes very very quickly little bit more leeway we have now in the program shift as well as for how far we can go up and down with our exposures. So from version three to three point one it was a little minor update we're going to fix a few little bugs in the software and so forth on dh so that really wasn't too big of a deal and then they had another even smaller update to kind of fix some more issues with tethering and light room and then we went up to another major update two version four point oh and here's where they added in a whole new auto focusing system and they have group points which we didn't have before and I'm going to go into that specifically we have a new shutter speed setting option, where we're using the time on the top of our cameras, all sorts of shutter speeds, and now you confuse exposure compensation in manual, if you like to use that sort of system and there's a number of other bug improvements that were made in there. And so this new, improved autofocus seen system will talk more about, but there's just a lot of different sizes of groups in ways that it can focus. So going from four to four point one was have fairly minor update, and then we went to four point to where it was adding in continuous shooting, if you're going to be shooting with a flash, not something most people do a lot, but it was there for people who wanted to do it, and a number of other minor tweaks that other people were asking for in their fuji camera. The little problem was, was that this version two point? Oh, well, it had a little bit of a problem, and it didn't really work, right? It was a faulty system, and it caused problems with the camera. And so what fuji did is they quickly went back in and came up with a quick update that reverted everything back to the way it was before four point two oo, which was four point one out and then eventually they figured out what their problem was, and we're at four point three o with bugs fixed and all the latest features in the camera at this point. So let's, take a look at what some of these differences mean for you actually using the camera. All right, so on the back side of the camera, we have our auto focus lock button in the back of the camera and when our camera is in manual focus that can be used for focusing and that's always been the case on this camera. But now we can change the size of the bracket. So let me go ahead and show you with the camera here in front of me. So on the front of the camera, you can see are focusing is going to be set to manual focusing. And so this is where we would just normally focus it right here. And so in the back of the camera, if we want to focus, we can simply press the auto focus lock button on the back of the camera and it will focus. Let me go ahead and turn this on. We don't have anything to exciting here to focus on, but we can focus right here. Now if we want to change the size of the bracket, we can use whatever system that we have set up for changing the bracket size right now I have the down arrow set to this and then I can turn the front die along the camera to make it smaller or larger and so if I wanted pinpoint focusing, I can now have that with my back button focusing and so for back button focusing its really easy just have the camera set to manual in the front and then press this button down in the back it's too small I can change that size and making a larger box and this was not possible when the fuji sixty one originally came out and so nice little added feature on the camera all right? If we dive into the menu system, you'll see that the menu has changed substantially and they've added a lot of things they've made some changes they've even drop the future and what's again. This will be very clear if you get the new menu pdf that I have put together for this camera and so one of the areas that is new in here is the auto focus setting so let's dry dive into this sub menu because there's a whole menu within this menu down here and now we can choose the focusing area we've also gotten rid of the macro mode because that was more or less specifically on lee set to work with there, I believe that's, thesixty, millimeter, macro lens and so that's something that's more part of the lens and less a part of the camera now and so in the mode, we now have a multi, an area and a wide tracking moz let's, look at what these air doing a little bit more closely. The single point mode is pretty obvious. It's a single point that you get to focus on and as you just saw in my little demo, you can change the size of it and you can move it around. What's new is we have a zone which is either a three by three box a five by three box or a five by five box, and you can take in any one of these boxes and move him anywhere with him. The frame that you want. We also have a wide tracking, which is looking over an evil. Why you even wider area that the camera originally was tracking information and so it's going to do a better job picking up things that are off to the side as well is tracking their movement as well. And so the contrast detection will be taking place over the whole seeing the camera tends to do best win. Items are more towards those middle focusing points those are the ones that are a little bit faster and better at picking up on motion but you can use the entire area and so the number of focusing points changes slightly depending on which system you've chosen but it's a lot more than the camera originally had and so remember the face detection points are those nine center points within the camera and so that's where the camera is being able to figure out distance is very, very quickly and able to get the lens there very, very quickly. The contrast detection points over the rest of the scene are really good for accuracy, so in the middle is where you have the combination of both focusing points and that's where you're going to get the best performance from the camera so that is in the a f mode on the camera we have face detection and we now have I detection where the camera can actually I recognized the face and be able to focus on the eye and we have the option of using right I left eye or turning this off now whether you want to leave this turn on or off really depends on how much people photography, how many faces that you are photographing and so something to give a try out, get a feel for how it works and then use it win and where necessary all right, diving back into the regular part of the men. You were going to go to page four on the shooting menu, and we have a lot of new options in movie set up. And so if you want to shoot at sixty frames a second, you can now do it in full hd resolution, as well as a number of other options that were not there with the camera originally came out. So for any of the cinema buffs out there, just a lot more options. I know that's not what fuji eyes really targeting on their cameras, but they are trying to accommodate many more users with the more options in here. So kudos to them. All right, next up. Shooting menu number five. This is a very cool feature. They have now. The elektronik shutter release release elektronik shutter in the camera, which allows us to fire at up to one thirty two thousandth of a second. So let me explain a little bit. How on elektronik shutter works versus a mechanical shudder. All right, so here we have our sensor. And normally actually what? The elektronik center. What it does, is it? Activates the sensors on the camera, the individual pixels in a sequential row, and this is currently the way things were doing. At a certain point in the future, we'll see global shutters that are able to turn on and off very, very quickly, but for right now, but what it does is it's kind of a scanning process that mimics the way the actual physical shutter would work in the camera. And so by doing this, we eliminate the first shudder, which causes a little bit of a shock when it rises up to the top and it hits the cameron causes a small vibration throughout the camera, so this elektronik shutter is going to be very good for sharpness in certain types of photographic situations. But the problem is, is that if you are moving the camera or if you have a subject that is moving it's going to get her very strange looks. So this is what a grid pattern looks like as you pan the camera from side to side, and so what this looks like out in the real world, if you're panning with the car, you'll notice those buildings appear very, very tilted and that's because of this elektronik scanning process with this elektronik shutter, the first shut her curtain opening electronically if you were to just put your camera still and have a bicycle ride by take a close look at those wheels do those wheels look round two you know and it's because of the elektronik shutter in this camera so while this camera and the elektronik shutters have given us very fast shutter speeds these shutter speeds are not really designed for fast action the reason they're there is to accommodate portrait shooting and very very fast lenses and so if you have a lens like I have on here the thirty five one point four you have the fifty six one point two and you're wanting to shoot that outside on a bright sunny day at one point to you need a really really high shutter speed faster than four thousand or eight thousands of a second in some cases and so now you can go up to thirty two thousandth of a second so that you can shoot it really really shallow depth of field and so these really high shutter speeds are just for accommodating different exposure needs not so much for fast action for fast actions I would stay with the mechanical shutter and generally that one thousand two thousand four thousandth of a second will be a ce fast is you need for that sort of thing but one of the options that you can have on the settings here is to choose a mechanical plus elektronik shudder which means that you will die elin your shutter speeds just is normal up to four thousandth of a second but then you can go into the elektronik shutter speeds up to eight sixteen in thirty two thousandth of a second when and where you need it so that's where I usually leave my camera is in the mechanical plus the elektronik setting and so in order to get to those extra high shutter speeds you're going to need to leave your camera in the tea mode for time which allows you to set very slow shutter speeds and now very, very fast shutter speeds if we want to take a look on my camera here I have my camera set in the tea mode right now and if you look on the back here you can see my shutter speeds over here in blue and I think one of the best ways to operate this camera is cool and his awesome is actually having a shutter speed dial up here it is fairly limiting because we only have so many shutter speeds that really top out and bought him out as well but if we put it in t and I now have it on t I could go all the way up to thirty two thousand I can stop it all the third stops between the regular shutter speeds on the shutter speed dial and I could go down really long we're going to blow things out here but I can get down to thirty seconds on this where's my thirty there's my thirty seconds and so I think one of the good options for operating this camera manually is to not use that shutter speed dial as much as I love it on, just leave it in t and dial that in with that front little dial right there. And so I think that's a good system gives us the most exposure control when it comes to setting the shutter speeds. All right, next up auto focus plus manual focus. And so this allows us to let the camera do the auto focusing and then allowing us to touch things up. And so let me throw my camera back into the auto focus mode here and in this mode here, let me make sure that I have actually have this turn on. So let me jump into page five looking at my own notes here auto focus plus manual focus I do have this turn on, and so now the camera will focus on its own let's give it something to focus on. Yeah it's having problems in our studio. There we go. So once it's focused than I can come and I can grab the ring and I can unfocused sit or adjust the focus if I wanted to and so this is a personal choice in is to how you like to work. Some people do it a lot, some people never use that feature at all but it's a nice one to have on the cameras because it is a feature that is on many of the competitors cameras to this for those of you who like to link your spot meter with the focusing point that you've chosen, you could do that as well, and so there's the spot where you can turn that on in the menu right here going into the setup mode on your camera, this silent mode has now been changed and is now called the sound and flash off because silence kind of taken on a new meeting with the type of shutter that's in the camera, and so they want to be really clear about what this motives doing, so they simply changed the name. It still does basically the same thing. I'm not a big thing, I like my camera not making a lot of noise and a lot of fuss, and so in theory you might think that I like this mode. The problem that I have with it is it also turns off the flash and every once in a while I do want to use the flash, and I can't figure out why the camera's not firing and it's because this mode is turned on, and so I will use other ways of quieting the camera down because you can individually turn off the beeps and the other little noises that this camera makes next up diving into the screen set up mode, you're going to find some new things in here. One of the options is a preview exposure white balance in manual mode and what this is mainly designed for is for people in the studio who are using a different type of lighting system that is actually firing then the lighting system they're using for composing their subjects and so you could have a different white balance set so things look right in in the camera. The elektronik viewfinder can now be controlled in its brightness levels and in its color levels as well as the lcd. And so if you want to tweak the brightness or the color of either back screen or the eye level viewfinder, you can now go in and tweak all of those in these different modes settings here in the camera previewing the picture effect mode here. And so what it's going to happen on this one is if you are choosing one of the picture effect modes it's going to look more like a raw and less like a j peg there's going to be a little less contrast. And so this is just for your viewing of it so that you have the best possible view in the viewfinder, and so this is something that I would probably recommend turning on just because it gives you the best viewing experience possible the framing guidelines have gone from looking like this to like this. They've gotten a little thinner in case you didn't see that they basically taken the grid lines, which kind of ate up a lot of space in the back of the camera and made him a little bit thinner. If you dive into the display customs setting, you're going to find a whole host of new options of things that you can either turn off or turn on if you like to have him in the back of your camera, and so, as you go on to the customs setting of your display, this is where it shows you some information that you get to choose. Now you can choose a number of these extra features, and so how many of these extra little tidbits do you want hanging around the screen? And in most cases, my philosophy is turned everything off and only turn on those few things that you really utilize on a regular basis. So see, these are some of the new ones that you can turn on and off, and that is all within the display custom settings and that's buried within the screen set up in the set up note, all right, we have some new button dial settings on the camera, and so if you dive in here, there's a whole little menu in here one is on the function settings of the camera the camera already had a pretty good collection of function settings on it, but what we've added now is we've added that the movie button up on on the top of the camera is now function button number seven and so if you want to re program that to do something because you never shoot movies, you are free to do so at this point. So we now have seven different function buttons on the camera next up the selector button setting so the selector is thief or way up down control on the back of the camera and you could have that do one of two different things one is their function buttons like we were just talking about and I find this very useful because I can kind of have little secret codes this one does focusing this one does white balance this one does something else and so they're just a direct access to particular features that you use. The other option is where you don't have to do any of that and they simply move you're focusing point left right and up and down for anyone who changes they're focusing point quite frequently the focusing area would be a really good option, I think, for the most users and I'm just guessing here I think the function buttons is slightly more valuable having a shortcut access to those four additional features that you can program into those moz, but if you are constantly changing your focus point, change it to the focusing area and it's going to make that just a step quicker for the auto exposure and auto focus lock button. If you don't like the position of the buttons, you can reverse the meaning of these two buttons, and so there will be exactly the opposite of the way that they're currently labeled is just a further way of them, allowing you to customize the camera to your own needs, so that is all buried within the button and I'il setting in the set up menu. Next up is our quick menu, so the cuban, on the back of the camera gives us a quick, short cut to a handful of different features that would be very common, quick things that we don't want to die all the way into the menu system to change. And now, finally, we have the ability to choose which ones we have in here and where they are. And so this is really cool, because you, khun, totally customize this to exactly the way that you work in, which features you utilize on a regular basis, and so I encourage you to go in there and take a little bit of time, figure out which features you use, where you want him grouping and two different categories left side right side top on the bottom and have your camera totally unique for the way that you were and that is all editing the quick menu. They've updated the usb mode so that you can connect it to your computer and it works in a wider variety of ways, including tethered shooting. We have a new lock mode on the camera so that if you want to lock certain buttons down so they're not changed remember doing this when I was shooting some basketball and football, where I had specific shutter speeds and apertures that I wanted locked in for the entire game. I did not want to changing because the light was not changing, and I didn't want to bump something on the back of the camera. You can go into these into the lock setting and choosing whether they're all locked or not, whether it's locked or unlocked and then you can choose which functions are locked when you can choose different buttons. Do I want to lock the dial? So I want to lock the keypad on the back and so you can really lock everything down, so that doesn't get changed in crazy situations, and there you go, folks that's your update for firm where four point three o I encourage you to, as I say, download the pdf. Take a look at the new menu features in the new customization and get this camera further customized to the way that you shoot. And if fuji comes up with another remarkable update, well, then, I'll probably have to come back here and do an update video for this. But hopefully, this gets you up to date with where you are and have fun with your cameras. Enjoy. Thank you.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I've purchased a number of John's courses and recognise how well he delivers complicated facts. Having just purchased a new X-T1 buying his fast start class was an obvious step, especially having looked at the manual. It was really well presented and made the switch from Canon so much easier. The inclusion of the notes was an excellent, additional support.I set up the camera as recommended and took it on a photo-shoot with my camera club a few days later. The content of the course and the settings suggested made the day. Now that I understood the camera it was easy to use and delivered great results first time. The course was the best 'accessory' I could have bought. Creative Live and John are a fabulous resource and so reasonably priced.
Jim Panzer
Great course, I received the X T1 and the first thing I did was see to if there was a course on CL I could use to get more aquanted with this awesome little machine. I have seen other course from John and he really knows his stuff, this one was no different. As a late comer to this camera, it would be nice if CL could update the course by adding a video going over the big 4.0 firmware updates, as that's the current one now. Thanks CL and John for helping me feel more at home with this camera!
Debra Robert
Great class! The learning modules are well structured and allow enough time for the viewer to absorb what is being shared. After completing the course I feel much more confident in understanding the X-T1, not a comfortable as with Canon (yet) ... there is definitely a learning curve moving from DSLR to mirrorless. So wish I would have taken this course a few months ago! Thank you!
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