Day 1
18:50 2Optimizing Your System
11:30 3The FCP X Interface
43:20 4Importing and Organizing Media
1:05:14 5Projects/Timelines
43:06 6Working with Clips
37:22 7Editing Audio
1:00:09J and L Edits
15:49Day 2
9How to Dissect an Edit
1:24:19 10Let's Edit Something For Real
1:18:45 11Introducing Music
1:18:56 122:45 pm - Audio Mastering
1:22:18Day 3
05:14 14Color Tools and Effects Part 1
1:07:44 1511:00 am - Color Tools and Effects Part 2
1:07:44 16Effects and Titling
1:17:04 17Exporting
47:49Lesson Info
2:45 pm - Audio Mastering
What we've done with kind of fast forward and here in time a little bit I was going to sit there and we'll do the entire edit in front of you guys would just be way too boring in my opinion are tedious so we're going to talk about audio sweetening and fully art and audio sweetening is a huge part of my program because I really want my audio to sound clear and booming and it doesn't sound bad now but like I mentioned yesterday, it's always better to work with audio that sounds good right off back than it is to try to correct audio and fix it and then try to make it sound good after so the audio we're working with as you've already you can tell with this peace that we've been working on it's pretty good I mean especially the stuff that we used from we got from the ceremony and the toasts really just sounds good, so I just want to refer to the keynote road quick and is talking about what we're gonna do my work flow when I get done with a film when I get it when I get a complete as faras t...
he story and the music and I'm happy with the cut I will and I've decided okay, I'm not going to make any more changes to my to my video I will go through all of my dialogue and just clean up any little things that need to be fixed maybe there's some noise actually that microphone that the priest was holding has some you know, some noise and that I want to take that out there there might be some bad edits maybe just in my haste I just didn't make clean audio at it I want to go through into that and then I want to take my audio my dialogue audio and really make it boom make it sound rich and full and beautiful and a couple different ways we can do that so that would be the first step working with dialogue then I'm going to go through and do a total master mix where I'm going to make sure that all of my audio levels between my dialogue nat sound and music are all optimal and that my audio meters air not peeking above negative six all right we'll get into audio meter is a little bit more where you know I want to keep things nice and even across the timeline as faras audio goes and we'll show you how to use a limiter to do that which is great so dialogue cleanup and sweetening there were toe worked all make all make all the audio levels even across the board using the limiter and then we're going to create a master audio mix so once we've got all of our sound completely cleaned up and done, I'm going to consolidate what I can and then do a master audio mix to make sure that the total overall mix sounds great sometimes after just doing the regular makes it sounds good but I'll show you how to create a master audio mix that you can really tweak if you have to offer for export but there's a couple different stages to this and working with audio is very similar to color grading you want to do it in grades you want to do it in stages to get the best effect from the audio and like I said yesterday audio is you know working with audio is very important it's also tricky and challenging but it all if you do your job well it'll really enhanced excuse me will enhance the presentation and put it on a much higher level so finally we will add fully sound to enhance our film why doe I do the foley sound after the master audio mix? Because I need I would rather adjust my fully sound then adjust my master mix too for the fully sound it just it just easier to kind of geek in those sound effects after getting a new audio mix done if after that point I will re assess whether or not I need to do another mix down is to make sure everything's even across the board because fully may or may not like I'll go back and watch a film sometimes and go the applause there just sounds ridiculous and I'll take it out if I've already done my if I've already done my master mix, then now I gotta go back and re makes that one part so it's up to you it's personal preference, how you want to do it's just how I do it I think the effect is really good my goal when I'm editing audio is to make it sound natural. I wanted to sound natural, I don't want to sound forest, I don't want one person louder than another. I don't want anything that's going to stick out in the viewer's mind that's going to make him go hey something's, off there! I wanted to just go right? I want him to watch the whole thing and not even notice that there was amazing audio, innit? It just sounds good and like the cheering and applause and walla room walla like that sort of stuff should blend in to the point where they don't even know that I added it in that's my goal! I don't want to add it and have them tell the bride hey, I added all these sound effects, I don't even want her to know I did it, okay, so that's that's true art here, so let's get right into it way have the pre bake of our film that were we've been working on all day so it's about three minutes along with you guys watch it just kind of see where we went with this and just pay attention to the audio right now and notice how uneven it is because we're going to fix that very soon so let's go ahead and play this back as we begin, I asked all of us especially chung in annie take a deep breath, look around and savor this very memorable moment look around at the wonderful company of family and friends who joined in the celebration tonight for is there presents for your wedding is a blessing to you so is your expression of love for one another a blessing to all who are gathered here good evening, everyone thank you so much I have been the third wheel and annie and chung's relationship for the past few years we've shared many beautiful moments dinners, trips in south of france so many that when chung showed up in monte carlo to propose I was honestly little confuses us isn't her isn't me little disappointed to see one ring so andy and chung and presenting yourselves here today before these witnesses to be joined in marriage you are performing an act of love and it's fitting to speak briefly about way live in a world of joy and fear and search for meaning in the seeming disorder of things way discover the truest guideline to our quest when we realise love in all of its magnitude for love is the eternal force of life. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage. I'm delusional and favoring one filled with one of you with a lot of happiness when I hope there will be a little any terms waiting around. I wish any and tone are healthy marriage and I hope there will be little any one thing I want. Okay, so if you would take this ring, place it on anne's finger and repeat after me. I give this ring as my gift to you. I give this ring as my gift to you where it and think of me where it think of me and know that I love you way power vested in me by the city in the state of new york. I'm very proud of the way, theo from second way, the audio's all over the place. So we've got to fix all those problems, okay? The stories there there's, you know, some minor editing flaws. But, you know, this is this is real life. This is what happens when I get through an edit when I build the story of okay, now I know what I have to fix. And generally what I will do is go through and watch it again. I have this now and just use my marker tool has sent markers on places that I know I need to fix things, and at the end I might have, like fifteen or twenty markers, I pretty much know what I have to fix in here, so we'll go ahead and just dive into it. The first thing I'm gonna do is regulate all of my audio levels two at least a point where music is not overpowering dialogue and vice versa. Okay, so I'm gonna do a quick mix here, I'm going to go into my opening scene and this is another reason why we can't have it having things broken down into scenes because I could just clicking here and now I can start working with this and I'm going to play this back to get my dialogue where I wanted my music is not included in here, my music is out here, all right? So we need to kind of mix this first as we begin, I ask that all of us especially pay attention over here to the audio meters. This is where I'm going to be primarily looking if I play this back, you'll notice it's peaking somewhere around negative twelve can anybody tell me where I said I wanted my audio levels peak six right that's where I want them to peek if I was working in broadcast, we'd be shooting a little higher, but we're not as we begin, I ask that all of us, especially charged start raising us up, look around and savor this very memorable moment. Okay, I don't want to go totally up to six because I got to make room for my music remember the more audio levels we add, you know, we're gonna have to go back and tweak mohr, too, especially chung and annie, take a deep breath, look around and savor this very memorable moment. Look around at the wonder, okay, so now I can just copy these effects. This is a really nice thing that they've added in the final cut pretend if I just click command, see who put the expose back on clancy, and then click the other clip or clips I can actually, if I wanted to, I could shift, see and that's the only got there clipping their if I press shift command the it brings up this paste attributes box, and this will allow me to copy over certain attributes from that video clip. So right now we didn't really miss it, the panning we just messed with the volume, so I was going to face the volume over and there you go it should be it should match now very memorable moment look around at the wonderful company of family and friends who joined it is good and you'll notice you know those little variation because that he's moving his mouth off the mike a little bit you know as he turns his head and things and there's going to be those slight variations we'll address that later right now I'm just interested in getting a roughnecks presents for your wedding is a blessing to you so is your expression of love for one another a blessing to all who are gathered great perfect let's go back and let's go into our next clips here let's just I just watch it section by section okay let's play back with music and see where we're at for this very memorable moment look around at the wonderful company of family and friends who jordan hey, I think I had raise this up before you khun now since this is a compound clip I can go inside and raising and raising over the content individually like I can also set the overall volume level of the compound slip I don't want to do that for is there presents for your wedding is a blessing I shall have to raise this up it's a little a little bit for some reason was that it was underneath zero that's why there we go is their presidents are your wedding is a blessing to you. So is your expression of love for one another. Okay, so the music's a little bit too quiet. It's washing beginning as we begin. Yeah. I want my music to be a little bit louder, so I'm just gonna bump it up and I had turned it down before while I was editing, I'm just gonna bump it up slightly and again, we could do this by either adjusting the rubber band here. Weaken click our audio clip, go up into the audio inspector and do it right here under this volume slider as we begin, I asked it all good. I like the starting volume, so we can hear it as we begin. I asked, but I wanted to be a little bit lower when he starts talking. So only show you a cool little trick here if I take my range selector tool and I figure out what point I want my audio to start decreasing a zwei b, which is right about there. And I use the rangers range selector tool to just highlight this clip. Okay, well, has he been here? So you could see this? I can basically adjust on lee the audio part that I've selected. You see that and I could do it either by grabbing these individual key frames or I can do it by describing this entire bar right here this is really useful because it allows it's called audio ducking and it allows me to this sort of get the audio levels down where I need him to be so let's see as we begin I ask that all of us good it's a little bit too quiet now so it's bringing up a little bit more hear what as we begin I asked all of us especially chung in annie take a deep breath look around and savor this very memorable moment look around at the wonderful company of family and for that works for me I'm happy with that I might make some mild adjustments later on for one another a blessing to all who are gathered here great and so that sounds pretty good and now I want the audio I want the music to come back up for this part here now I want us I want to hear the nat sound of the clip clop clip clop but I also want the music to come up a little bit more so let's go in and just adjust what we have here already with our nat sound we're gathered here that actually looks pretty good it's actually peaking just below negative six so that should give me a little space to work with here and this is now this is two separate audio clips because I made an audio edit so I've spiced my audio or my music, so I'm just going to work with that another a blessing to all who are gathered here and right about at this point here is where I want that audio to start coming up in volume and I wanted to fade out right around when she starts talking so again we'll take our range selection tool something right around there, okay? And I'll zoom in so you could see this and I'm just gonna grab that and bring it up and this is all trial and error you have to just kind of get a sense all who are gathered here, okay came in a little bit too early, so I'm just gonna drag the key frame over. This is called the key frame and I wanted to be a nice, smooth, gradual increase in tow all who are gathered here. Okay, maybe a little bit more all who are gathered here. Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much again. It probably started feeding it a little bit too late so somewhere right around there is good and I might even be able to get a little more volume out of that music let's try that good evening, everyone thank you so much way could barely hear her so we're moving right along here let's go into the maid of honor rehearsed thing let's see if we can get this volume up a little bit so we could kind of hear what how I mean I know she's talking softly but I don't want her to be incoherent so let's see evening everyone thank you so much okay so she starts off really loud and then she gets really quiet let's just see if we can use a couple different ways we can fix this we can either do it with our typical range selection way it's already up all the way huh? Okay so we can do this a couple of ways we can splice this clip and then add game to it why don't we do that? Let's let's go ahead and I'm gonna undo to the point where I don't have key frames anymore and let's use our blade toe was cut that and now we'll take this clip and we're just going to increase the games will come into our audio enhancement and look it's already telling me hey there's some problems here I think this clip is too quiet and they're right and you see there is giving me the red explanation point so loudness well we don't want to be that much that added a lot if you look here that's way too much sand I don't want that final cuts going to do what it thinks is best but it doesn't always know best let's see where that puts us winning everyone thank you so much for making too well that's really overpowering? Okay, so let's bring it down everyone thank you so much for making tio okay again it's still probably a little bit too loud so I'm going to reduce the gain rather than the volume I think backtrack here because the gain lad noise where the were adjusting the native volume you thank you so much for making still way too loud so we only need a touch of gain apparently so we're just going a little bit this is all trial and error you have to kind of play around with it and thank you so much for making too much better, much better so what I can do now to kind of make the's er blend together a little bit this is over laughing just a little touch and put a little fade in between them and that'll just help the transition from one to the other go a little smoother everyone thank you so much for making to messina bill relationship good I want a copy and paste the effects from this to this alright so again command see with that clip selected she was the other one shift command v and volume and loudness because we we we adjusted both right so we just wanna make sure we get both of those included in there and if there was any pan effect we want to do that to a relationship good that should work I always I always put fade outs at the end of nat sound dialogue just so it ends gradually and not doesn't just cut off the relationship good I could even probably give it a little bit more and when I mix it with the music it'll be much more intense relationship it'll be much more smooth sending everyone thank you so much for making you wait pride bring the typing up a little bit of kind of mixed that sounded when that's already maxed out as well so let's add some loudness to that as well somewhere right around that range and see what that's like much making two relationship okay, so again we'll do a little mix here to just to kind of get those that be smoother oh any intense relationship sounds good to me. Okay, I know this is not rocket science guys but this is what's necessary in order to get things to work right when we go later on to limit things because if your audio levels are way off and we have just apply a limiter across the whole board what a limiter will do is try to even out audio but if there's wide variations it's going to shoot things up and it's gonna be noticeable so we just wanna get everything kind of even and then we can work with effects that will help it to sound better but right now this is we have to do this this makes it evening everyone thank you so much for making way I have been the third wheel and annie and chung's relationship for the past few years so this audio doesn't need much at all really sounds good when you want to be with levels with the music of falling in the right place third wheel and annie and chung's relationship for the past few years you could probably stand to come up a little bit more and I think the clips this stuff before might have been a little too quiet too so let's just take a look too much yeah so overall I must get increase that a little bit by adjusting the told the overall compound clip good that's cool and I have a little bit of space for music too so if I just drop this down one notch if you need to make precisely judge adjustments to the audio levels instead of trying to use the rubber band which will snap maybe it'll overshoot what you're trying to dio just come up in your audio tab and do it one by one you know sit down right there and again we're going to increase our audio right about here this and I realize this is affecting, you know the rest of the audio so I have to keep that in mind for the rest of the music. I should say it's, try that. Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much for making way. Translation I have been the third wheel and annie and chung's relationship for the past few. Good. We're getting there sounds good let's. Just sound a little bit abrupt here, all right. And let's, just give her a little boost just a little bit. Come upto like, five might be too much it's going to. I just want to give her a little pop. That's what I'm looking to do here traditions have been the third wheel and annie and chung's relationship for the past few years. We've shared many beautiful moments dinner's trips in south of france can you can hear the variations in her voice as she moves her mouth away on the microphone to the limiter will help us with that later on. Is it her? Isn't me little disappointed to see one ring. So okay, so this is just music right here. This this little part is just music, so we don't have to do too much except make sure that the music level comes up when things are just music, I want that music really out in the front. I don't it doesn't need to be duck down under anything at that point. It's it's, it's show time for the music e little disappointed to see one ring so especially once on a big moment like that sees our range selection tool and I'm going to drag between this point in the point where I know there's there's mohr talking and just raise it up get it up to zero to see one ring so ah that's a little too loud sorry, I want to blow your drums out. Well, tough working in here so we lost our range and that's mainly because I was a bonehead helps if I do that so they have nine let's, bring this up right about let's. Go negative for somewhere around there and again trial and error boring stuff pointed to see one ring so good. That sounds pretty good. Zoom in. I just want to adjust this key frames down for the incoming dialogue. I don't know why the key frames disappear like that. A little weird, but I'm just dragging these along the access here. It could probably used to be. This is this is like so boring. I know, but it really is you way want to make sure that our audio levels are even though we have to drop this way down on me in cheung and presenting yourselves and now this needs help. So this ceremony audio is a little low, so we have to go into the ceremony angle and we're working with a ceremony tap here now we want this to match what we did in the beginning. You don't want to have the same clip sound two different ways to different times in the in the film, so the easiest way to do this would just be to come over to our original one and his copy and paste what we did it just by doing shift command v after copying that would copy the volume over anne anne chung and presenting yourselves here today. That should be pretty good. Comeback out, test it, andi and chung, and presenting yourselves here today before these witnesses to be joined in marriage you are performing an act of love. I'm not worried if it's spikes of audio level spike above negative six it's fine, the limiter we're going to apply later on is going is going to clamp that down to prevent that from happening. So right now, I'm not worried about it, I just want to get the median level set on we'll address any inconsistencies later on. All right, so that clip is fine and everything else at this point it's just his dialogue believe actually no we have some that sound here so we gotta make sure we can we can adjust for the nat sound all right all right so these clips probably have to be adjusted individually because we really coming to see um what each one is doing okay, I've already crank her up all the way probably cause it was so quiet that when I was editing I needed to hear it you know what I was doing so I already pumped it up using the rubber band up to twelve devi so we need to add loudness to this so we have two and again it's giving me that potential problems detected notice how this is yellow and not red it's saying you might have a problem not that you absolutely do have a problem so we'll click that it's going to do what it thinks works I don't want to be that high nearly that high about their looks good let's see that's probably a little bit too loud it was spiking really high let's bring that back down again that works and the bride same thing I'll probably just increase the loudest on her as well she was quiet came from the same camera in the same time the same part of the day so I'm assuming that the levels are pretty similar ah it's a little too loud unfortunately guys there's no like direct way to do this like to make it right immediately if it is a lot of trial and error and just getting it toe work let's blend these a little bit I'm just going to blend the audio here I'm just gonna do a little fade there to bring in the bride's laughter a little bit more natural good okay I realize that's a quick cut to her just you just slop sloppily just threw this together it's good okay he's really hot right there I don't need him to be that high so it's spring it down it's good good and you'll notice that across the board things will start to sound really good so I mean you're gonna get if it doesn't it's unpleased into your ear it's disturbing it's distracting and when you watch it back and all the audio sounds good it actually increases your your opinion of the peace in my you know look it's something that I've audio mixing go ok actually that works really well like good looks great yeah let's bring him down and you can actually visually try to match what you did on the clip before too okay what the difference here is the mike was in a different place for this clip so there's a little bit more volume needed looks great so let's compare wei live in a world of joke okay whoa the heck all right so we've got some serious I must have raised us up during editing going to bring that down to zero this is basically the very same clip that we copied the effects from before and they should still be in our q so let me just shift man v and see yeah volume let's see what they did yeah well we live in a world of joy and horrific okay good and we're going to have to do some clean up this is just levels for meaning in the seeming disorder of things way discover the truest guideline to our quest when we realized love in all of its magnitude for love is the eternal force of now there are times where my audio technician will turn the volume down on the recorder in the middle of the ceremony and I'll notice that some of the clips as we move through time or a little bit quieter I go I can bet you he lowered it down worrying about the level that sounds like that might be the case here so I'm just gonna boost this bike is it sounds a little bit too quiet for me compared to the other clips even after I've applied the same volume so I'm just going to increase the volume by a couple of notches this order of things way discover the truest guideline to our quest when we realized love in all of its magnitude for love is the eternal force of life love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage good I don't know you and favoring one filled with one of you with a love and happiness when I hope there will be a little any waiting around okay that actually run into the back right out of gate is not too bad because I guess I had done a little bit of audio mixing there when I was working on it but what I do want to do is this sort of get the levels teo to fade in and out a little bit better so I'm just gonna drag my feet are over just to kind of get a little bit more fade in there any questions because I can I can continue to do this while we take questions so if there's any questions up until this point did you say that you were using an on camera shotgun mic for like the dad practicing his speech in that type of thing? Yeah it's a road video micro we always have road video my press attach to the cameras we had a excusing we had a question from inca online could you use an audio transition shortcuts to speed up, fade in and fade out process of audio clips? Yeah, you could do that to you I mean I find it's actually easier to use the that's a personal preference thing yeah, I find it's actually easier to grab the fate or knob and do that and I'm not dealing with effects because if you ply audio effective then you move the clipped and the effect gets moved I just find it easier to use vader's I mean, if it works here in perfect everything wrong I wish andy and told hildy mary he's actually pretty good his audio don't sound bad and I want one thing you can sort of hear the audio recorder that we use to record that you know, he's talking this wireless mike and it's going you know, to the house system and then we tap into the house system and you can tell there's a compressor in there somewhere along that line whether it's in our audio recorder if my audio tech had it on or in the house system because you heard that compressor kicked him down when he got when he yelled into that mic it didn't blow through the roof as a matter of fact it is a very distinct sound if you listen back I wish any and tone are healthy marriage and I hope there will be one so it's automatically keeping the level straight, which is great I don't have to worry about that one later on because essentially that's what I have to do to the rest of this stuff and this is this is the kind of audio perfectionism that I practice if you don't feel like you want to do this, you don't have to do this but I this is what I do and I get a lot of compliments on how good the audio sounds in my films because of doing this method so I highly suggest you do it you have time take this ring and place it on all right same situation here I'm just going to copy and paste the attributes fromthe ceremony that's still in my clipboard so to speak just slight repeat after me that sounds good. Yeah, I think that's right about where it was repeat after me I give this ring as my gift to you I give this ring okay, now I have the groom's mike starting to kick in here now too so let's just make sure that this mixes good between these two thrilling and place it on anne's finger and repeat after me. I give this ring as my gift to you. I give this ring as my gift is a little quiet so let's go ahead and raise him up now you'll notice that I don't leave the groom's mike on the whole time if I do that listen to it on andy's figure had repeat after me I give this ring as my gift to you what that is is a phasing issue okay you have two audio source to different audio sources recording the same audio source next to each other okay and there's overlap in the signal's being picked up by different mikes and the way it's being process and you're gonna get this echoey type of effect it's normal it's nothing wrong with it it's not a sink just a phasing issue when the two away forms or two you have to weigh forms that are very similar but slightly different next to each other doing the same thing okay, you could even blend that and if you want to describe the little feet or knob just blended in and let's see what sense my gift to you I give this ring as my gift and I might even take out the part of the priest as the groom is talking a gift to you I give this ring as my gift to you case a little bit too loud now bring as my gift to you now is too quiet this's why sometimes it's best to come up here? Do you like that as my gift to you where it and think of me where it and think of arrival this copy and paste here copy paste volume and want the same thing here copy and I you know I could zoom out and do all the clips in here if there were more multiple clips I'm just kind of looking through this and let's go ahead and blade off the top here we don't need this and should be good think of me where it and think of me and know that I love you you know that I look right and I know I don't need this part right here I love you know that I love you okay what we do have to copy this so you guys get the idea of what I'm doing here is pretty simple it's not anything crazy we're just adjusting the audio levels and when we you know this is setting the stage for better things this is setting the stage for fun knowing that I love you that works but unfortunately we have to do this and at this point I'm interested in doing the whole film because I really want you see that what the difference is all right so we have another audio interlude here with no talking yet so I really want to boost that audio that the music up rather doesn't think of me where it think of me and know that I look now the since the music is really starting to build we have this big climax so this big one to work with I want the music to get progressively ladder even under the voice so it doesn't just come in and smack it right in the face so let's find where the music starts to build just wear it and think of me where it and think of me right about here is we're always start that so range selection all the way through until he starts talking during the first look and boost that uh let's see what that does it might need some smoothing out my gift to you wear it and think of me where it and think of me on no right that has to be smoothed out that's way too we also have different curves here that'll allow us through to blend these two together I generally don't use him do it this way I find if I just tweak it enough at work think of me where it and think of me and no yeah it's drowning a mouse we have to start it a little bit later and bring down the audio level here well, not dropped it way too much, we don't want that. So if I need to set another audio key frame, which I think I do this, I want this to be gradual here a little bit more gradual than say, this key frame and or a transition is going to work between two audio clips if I were to blade this and put an audio transition in probably wouldn't be as smooth if I want to add an audio key frame um option k if you just click or don't include this highlight somewhere along the rubber band option k will add a key frame for you and now I can kind of adjust these individually to get really precise on how I want this to sound let's try that give it to you I give this ring as my gift to you where it and think of me where it and think of me and know that I love okay still a little bit too much and maybe look sent us out so yeah little trial and error here I mean I haven't done this in a god that that's close enough for now back out here all right so we have some work to do we got to make sure that this blends because we want to be able to hear his voice I salau let's get his voice up to where we want him to be so I'm just going to play him back wow whoa okay couple things were happening here we've got audio that's on ly in one channel if I just kind of mute everything else or aiken solo this it doesn't matter play this back wow it's only coming out of one speaker you're only getting audio out of the right channel here so I want that to be in both so what I got to dio has come up to where it's a stereo and click this down to duel mano so you come over here a channel configuration with the clip selected maurits a stereo changed that to duel mano and now it should be in both speakers wow there we go in now we can adjust their audio level from here wow you look amazing wow okay so let's see all right he's a little bit more but on ly in this area right here let's use our range selection tool it's only grab this and let's go increase that let's try that oh wow you look amazing wow okay let's see now we could start blending with the music and see what we get way gotta let this music come down a lot sooner let's just bring our key frames over and let it be gradual ah wow wow now this is what we call week audio the volume is there but there's no like boom to it there's no thing kind of push it over the music so we really sort of need to find something we have to come back to this with a filter later and I have a filter that will help us to to increase that right now I want to kind of get the music around where I want it to be worry about that later ah way okay no it's just copy some of this year well let's see what we're at we're at plus two we get this racism and let's see if that blends I have no idea what he says there he just says something incoherent but it's fine way have to change the channel configuration on this clip to duel mano so we're getting it out of both speakers mainly interested maurin that there's a little laugh there at the end because that's a little bit more good music can come back up and when we do our foley affecting here we're gonna add it up like cheering and applause here and stuff like that so I've got to be careful and keep that in mind I know I'm going to do that so I don't wanna bring the music up to hikes after leave room for that so it's okay so right about here we'll raise up our music try that okay I don't need it to be that quiet over there that's fine so we can go ahead and raise it up again somewhere right a little bit lower not not right way have some talking so we have to kind of this is where it gets a little crazy little confusing now toward the end of my films I've got a lot going on I've got nat sound a dialogue about music happening much more frequently so I'll be changing level is much more maura consistently all right just drop its going on here so it's going to change from clipped like the music levels underneath different dialogue clips are going to change according to that dialogue clip I know this one is the same one from earlier on something going back in here just cause I know it's the quickest wonder reference come on baby let's go with that area thank you it was you know it's actually our last one of our last dialogue clips quickly do that just to make a copy and we'll actually find out if we did have any change on our audio recorder by doing this the power vested in me by the city and state of new york that's interesting. Okay, so we have a lot nothing's happening here. Um we have to source is going on here it looks like the groom's mike might still be on. Okay, it's a very small part of this clip here, so we need to go in here and do a little microsurgery as I call it, here we go. We need because we're only using this part right here by the power vested in me by the city in the state of new york. Okay, so I don't want the groom's mike on this. We're just gonna disable that and now we have on ly this toe work with which is good. So if we come back here, we should be okay. All right, so that's got to come up so we'll just copy and paste our attributes here and we might have to raise it up a little more power yeah, he's very quiet here for some reason by the power vested in me by the city of new york. Okay, wow, something really funky is going on here. So we gotta bring our music way down by the power vested in need. Okay? Taking more gradual by the power vested in me by the city in the state of new york. Okay, we'll just continue to do this. Let's see, there's, nothing else. Oh, maybe I haven't. That's how hot here's my problem. Whenever you sink things up, try to make sure that you bring down the nat sound. Something I missed there was causing problems, and now we should have some clearer. Now we should have some clear audio let's see what that sounds like by the power vested area of the city in the state of new york. Ah, that was the problem, theo, by the power vested in me by the city in the state of new york, wait, okay? And we've got to keep this level the same as the other one because we're going to continue on with him talking and then we'll finish it out by raising up the last little bit and we'll be good to go and I know that's tedious, but it is necessary, okay, so we're just working in compound clips were just clicking into the compound clips we made when we sync up very proud to declare this okay, so I can't I don't have to do it in here I can actually do it you know, it might be the easiest thing to do in this case just detach the audio so we'll do that by right clicking on the clip which is the ending here? Well, actually you know what? Since this is compound we can just go in here and do that and I'm sort of talking myself through this as much as I'm talking you through it which is kind of funny but that's the way editing works this is this is real life man this is what I'd be doing if I was sitting at home in my office right now in no different I'm very proud to declare your now husband and wife please just your lovely bride. So now when the cheering happens I want the music to come up a little bit higher than that. I don't want the music to be faded off into the background so let's see, because your now husband and wife please just your lovely brian right here is perfect it's a great spot for that so let's go ahead and grab our range selection tool and raise it up not that way really overpowering about there please we're pretty much good here we got these level somewhere right in the neighborhood they need to be its not perfect but, theo, toward the end of my films, when things were starting to really climax, I will let the audio levels go a little higher because it's more emotional and there's more happening there. And if you watch movies, you go to movie theaters, and they have that beautiful surround sound you notice, like the really intense parts are really loud, they're not trying to go negative six or across the board, they don't care, they push it up, and then they compress it down so it doesn't go to go to hot and over and distort so that's basically the same effect here. We're just looking to get our audio levels to a nice high level for really emotional moments again, okay, so during this part, I'm gonna have some cheering. I'm hearing some nat sound in there, I think it's coming from this dancing clips, so I'm just going to come into this ending segment, and yes, there it is lower, that we don't want that in there, and then as the cheering feeds out, it just kind of stops, it doesn't even fade out, so we need to make that we need to make that feed our love it better so we can extend it out, and I don't know if he starts talking, I think. Yes he does but we can actually he actually says I'm coming in for seconds I'm coming in for seconds and we probably will here because it's coming through on the priest mike so I think what we're gonna do is add in our own cheering later on that tends to get around problems like that if you've got problems were so you know how in churches after the ceremony they announced they pronounced the bridegroom husband wife everybody starts clapping it's really nice sound and then the organs come dance dance, dance and the next thing you know it's like oh man that was perfect sound how dare you do that to my video so I'm not gonna take this down a little bit too just to kind of even out this cheering cheering it's really loud you can see here I was starting to peak over on my audio meter so let's just bring that down is to kind of clamp it off keep it from getting out of control here and I actually have to go in here do that sorry sometimes I forget if I'm working on a compound clip or not okay perfect right here so let's just do the same thing here. I just want to make sure that things were not going to surprise us later on when we're doing the limiting and echoing because that's where things need to be even in order to get the best result it's still really loud okay I'm going to do with something loker I'm gonna cut this compound clip in half and just bring down the audio separate just for that part your lovely bride much better that's right where I wanted to be cool and it's going to fade out which is nice and if I come back into the mix master play this back right here I will enhance that with foley later on because I'm gonna want it to continue here and even as we get into these shots of the dancing I want my cheering to continue on and that's where fully affecting really comes in handy because we can blend in our own sounds to make a scene transition smoother wear music we don't need our music to come down at all now now the music and the full out this's a title screen this will be the title screen for the end of the film he's accomplished that shop by putting the rings down and lighting it using your external video light to kind of run behind them through a glass it's very simple actually okay so we did our audio mix right? I'm going to go back and listen to it again I just want to make sure that we're in the right ballpark sometimes you're you're here gets tired sometimes of trying to always measure different decibel levels just like with video color grading your eye will eventually get tired and as your color grading, you'll start like making clips not look like the ones earlier on that's why video scopes are really important like way four monitors and rgb parade so you can kind of judge that by the scopes and not by your eye because you're I tend to get tired same thing with audio you're here after a while you start to get tired so sometimes I'll see like by the end of the video things her way off as we begin I asked all of us especially chung in annie take a deep breath, look around and savor this very memorable moment look around at the wonderful company of family and friends who joined in the celebration tonight for is there presents for your wedding is a blessing to you so is your expression of love for one another a blessing to all who are gathered here so far so good good evening everyone thank you so much for making way traditions have been the third wheel and annie and chung's relationship for the past few years we shared many beautiful moments dinners, trips in south of france so many that when chung showed up in money hanging the limiter badly honestly little confuses us visit her is in me little disappointed to see one ring so andi and chung and presenting your goods here it's nice it's coming in work should marriage you are performing an act of love and it's fitting to speak briefly about good way live in a world of joy and fear and search for meaning in the seeming disorder of things way discovered the truest guideline to ark quest when we realized love in all of its magnitude I'm not worried about the priest being slightly quiet when I put the limiter on him it's going it's going to bring him out when I e q his voice and I warm him up it's going to bring it out a little bit because he sounds a little muddy with the music especially after loud parts not worried about it too much that's the face fear and uncertainty with courage I don't know you know that feeling would fill this is ongoing with love you know that's good escape our I wish any and told that's perfect chung if you would take this ring and place it on anne's finger and repeat after me I give this ring as my gift to you I give the spring as my gift to you where it and think of me where it and think of me and know that I love you big emotion lots of volume here ah wow that will address with a filter the power vested in me by the city in the state of new york I'm very proud to declare this year not husband and wife please get your lovely ah perfect. I'm happy with the audio mix now so now we can start getting into warming things up and really kind of making audio something good, right? Because I mean I to pat my audio technician on the back he did a nice job on this film justin you did a great job with this film gotta say he really did. All right, so see as we begin I ask that all okay, I'm gonna actually just increase this a little bit in the front because it's a little too quiet way begin I asked all of us especially chung in annie take a deep breath good. Okay, so what I want to do is I don't really feel like the priest needs a whole lot there, but I do want to kind of tweak his audio a little bit you bring you bring a little bit more warmth into him he does sound pretty good bye got that annoying mike sound it really bugs me so let's go in here let's see what we can do about that let's zoom in and you know, it doesn't take a lot of complex plug ins to do simple things like this it's very simple actually we'll see as we begin okay, so we know we could just trim off the beginning there we don't need that it's fine as we begin, I ask that all of us okay, so here you can kind of see on the way form and these little bumpy's that's what that's what we're concerned with I don't want those little bumpy's in there let's take the little bumpy's down and it won't take much to really get rid of them because they're very quiet, especially chung and we just have to be careful not to make it sound like there's no room tone happening there because that's where you're going on the problems was especially chung in anne the music will help to fill that gap ok? And I know this is really perfectionist but take a deep breath oh there it's really bad let's just go in there and clean that up breath look around and savor this very memorable moment. This is one thing that noise may I'm gonna point out of a thing it with final cut that annoys me there's no scrolling timeline if I play this back at the wonderful company of family and friends who joined my play had just goes it's his gods, their legacy versions of final cut or even in premiere that this timeline will scroll you know that really annoys me they have to put that back in their presidents for your wedding is a blessing to you I have to do it myself, doing it with my finger love for one another a blessing to all all right, so the rest of that was pretty good. I don't think there's anything here, maybe right here. So now it's fine. Good. So that that just helps in then that'll just give me peace of mind. A cz we begin. I asked all of us especially chung in annie. Take a deep breath. Look around now you don't even hear anymore. That's exactly what I was going for. Cool. So let's let's work on making his voice sound a little bit more robust. All right, a couple different ways we can do this there's a filter that I like to use called fat and it sort of just brings out certain frequencies invoice and you could do it with an e que tu I found that excuse tender. Well, here's the thing with the cues, he generally want to bring down bad sounds. Fatty cube watching allow you to enhance certain sounds. So we're going to use our effects browser for the first time in this entire program, we have not done that. So going quick honorifics browser and it's going to open up this dialog window over here, we've got all kinds of stuff. We've got video effects, we've got audio effects. I am interested in audio facts. I want type all down here okay or not type I'm gonna click on all and it's gonna show me all of the audio filters that we have at our disposal which is great but I'm going to type in the search box just the word fat it's gonna bring up this filter called the fat chick and I'm just gonna drop this down here onto my whoops that's my music I don't drop it down there sorry let's go in here I'm gonna drop it down into the ceremony tap audio file let's go in there and do that and right off the bat doesn't look like it did anything her hate but we have to go if the selected clip we have to go up into our audio inspector tab and you see now under effects we have the fat q effect and if I click this little equalizer slider icon it'll bring up the the dialogue thes air logic plug ins basically with legacy versions of final cut pro from per seven and beyond you were allowed to plug in your life these plug ins from a company called logic that makes some really good audio plug ins so and they've now incorporated them directly in the final cut which is really nice now we have to kind of get prepared to work with this a little bit so what I'm going to do is a zoom out here so I see the whole clip all right. And then what I'm gonna do is make sure my playback it's looped because I want to make sure that I can hear this thing over and over again. So did make sure that happens. Come up into the view menu, goto playback and make sure that loop playback is selected. All right. I made the mistake of not having that checked yesterday. When I tried to do this. He press play selection as we begin, I ask that all of it. A loop this over and over and over again. Take a deep breath, look around and savor this very memorable moment as we begin case. And now those it's looping. Now I can start applying my effect in real time. Just a note. And I am, by the way, I did that by pressing forward, slash on my keyboard to get it to loop like that. So fat que me zoom in here. As you can see, this gives us a range of frequencies here. It's very similar to our very low decibel frequencies. Air down here. Human speech lies somewhere within this, like two to three hundred to maybe six or seven hundred range. Right in here is the is the element of human speech in the frequencies that we tend to hear from humans so men might be a little bit lower in register, so a little bit less of you, no more down toward the two and three hundred range, and women may be closer to five hundred, so we're going to use these sliders. Don't let this intimidate you, it's really not? We're not going to use all of this stuff. We're only using basically this bar right here that might be where it says two hundred hertz and this slider or this knob okay, really not going to be using much else. What I'm going to do is try to increase the male vocal register, all right? And by doing that, I'm just gonna click down here under the gain and just press miss clicking and pressing up and that's increasing the male register vocal vocal frequencies there and that's going right away that would probably help me to add a little basin, and then I can use this top frequency slider to adjust where along the line it's going to fall. Okay, so let's, go let's, play our clip and let's see if this does anything and again, working with audio can be really a lot of trial and error is have to kind of see. You know what's going on with that and it looks like I apply it to the wrong clip yeah it's okay it's over on this clip that's fine. We'll work with this one first then we can copy in effect so let's loop this I'm going to stop talking and start playing around with the sliders and you tell me later if you hear any difference look around at the wonderful company of family and friends who join in the celebration tonight for is their presence for your wedding is a blessing to you so is your expression of love for one another a blessing to all who are gathered here look around at the wonderful company of family and friends who join in the celebration tonight for is their presents for your wedding is a blessing to you so is your expression of love for one another a blessing to all who are gathered here turning on and off look around at the wonderful company of family and friends who joined in the celebration tonight for is there present for your wedding is a blessing to you so is your expression of love for one another a blessing to all who are gathered here okay, so it added some bass in there and added it to give you can you guys hear it? Yeah okay it adds a little bass in there and warms it's visible to call warming of the voice all right, so that's really, really helpful when I would just basically go through my entire project and make sure that all of my clips all of my dialogue clips have that applied and once it's applied the one clip, I would just go find all the ceremony taps in this reapply it's a copy and then we do shift command v on all the other ones except this time we're not copying volume we're just copying the effect so it's not going to change anything else but adding the effect of the clip again I ask that all of us especially chung in anne let's go back into our master and let's see what that sounds like way begin I asked all of us it's much warmer actually chung in annie take a deep breath, look around and savor this very memorable moment. Okay, so that sounds pretty good that's audio sweetening that's audio sweetening very minute adjustments just to bring out little enhancements and tio bring up little vocal registers like that there's more than one way to skin a cat and do that you can use different different filters that I'll help you do that some people use just the shirt out q some people use compressors it just all depends on how you want to do it that's my preferred method because I find that that logic plugin tends to be really nondestructive when I raise up low frequencies, I'm not getting noise. It's not enhancing frequencies. I really don't want it to enhance and it's one step simple. And I want simplicity when I'm editing I do not wanna be sitting for messing around with germany knobs, bells and whistles. Okay, so now that we've got him sounding good, we need to even out his his levels. And then we've gotten the volume where we wanted, but now we need to cap him off so he doesn't, so he doesn't peak on it's. Not so much of these peeking he's. Just sort of all of us, especially chung in annie, take a deep breath, look around and savor this very memorable moment. Okay, it's actually not too bad. I know who needs the limiter? Maur. She needs the limiter. Let's, come in here. I was going to show you a limiter. Next. Let's do it on this one, but she really needs it. Let's, go in here and I'm gonna play back her audio clip. You're going to see the fluctuations in volume across this clip. So many that when chung showed up in monte carlo to propose, I was honestly, little confuses us is it her is it me little disappointed to see one ring? Not actually that bad not as bad as I thought let me you know what let's go and just do it anyway let's put it on her and you'll see how the limiter works and that's that's the main idea here we're going back into our affects browser and down here under audio under all ok, these are broken down into different categories but I just like to go and search for the one that I want so I want the limiter okay? The limiter that I want to use is not the final cut limiter this is the limiter that was sort of in final couple of seven I want the logic one that's the one I really want so I'm just gonna grab the limiter on when I drag you down here to my clip and when when I turn this one on we will point out that we are going to use most of these controls. Okay, let me sort of explain what we're trying to do here. Okay? The output level this is sort of going to determine at what point we want final cut to say enough is enough I'm not letting the audio go above that point okay? And that's strictly in decibels in d be so zero is flat remember we talked about this and then you have positive numbers and negative numbers okay negative numbers of your friend here because we want to clamp down to a point that it won't sound over modulated if it goes beyond so we need to kind of decide where we're gonna put that. I liked this sort of set the output level somewhere around, like, four point four, four point five start and then we can play around with the game later on this knob right here. Release. Oh, softly. By the way, just leave that on. No, no difference in turn on and off. But in this instance, release what this is basically saying is it's going to let go of the effect? It's gonna limit sound and half its asking me how fast I want you to do. Do you want me to stop limiting sound when the clip is done? Okay, or when I when I have to. When? When? When the limiter has to make a move, teo limit sound. How fast do you want me to stop doing it? And that will determine how it sounds if it drops off too fast, or if it just if it drops off gradually, this is saying that it will do it in two milliseconds. Okay, that's fine. I really can't tell too much of a difference on dialogue audio, how fast that drops off, all right, so what is going to leave that? We might have to play with it later. Look ahead. I don't worry about that. What that's doing is the limiter is going to kind of analyse the way form as it moves along and decide do I need to make a move soon? Just leave it where it is. It's fine. Two milliseconds is really fast. Can you can you think of two milliseconds? How fast that is really fast gain is what we're primarily going primarily going to use to adjust this effect in real time. So only play this back and I'm going to set a range here because I just want to be able to work with this part right here. And since we have loop playback set, I'm just gonna press the four worst left so many. Then when chung showed up in monte carlo to propose, I was honestly little confused. Is it us? Is it her? Is it me little disappointed to see one ring? So so what the limiters done is kind of now look at the look at what it did to the to the wave form down here. Increased volume but it's also making it more uniform across the top. So it's acting almost like a compressor and making things more uniform, and even so her voices and all over the place. So many that when chung showed up in monte carlo to propose I was honestly little confuses us is it her is it me little disappointed to see one ring sam now is much more consistency and her volume across the board let's go back to our master mix I will do this for all of my dialogue limit and fatty q and it sounds just fantastic when you get it all mixed up let's go to her clip I have been the third wheel and annie and chung's relationship for the past few years we've shared many beautiful moments dinners trips in south of france so many that when chung showed up in monte carlo to propose I was honestly little confuses us isn't her isn't me little disappointed to see one ring there's a huge difference between this cut of her and this cut of her there is a huge difference in the sound I can hear fluctuations in the audio on the first one bolin anne and chung's relationship right off the back listen right in the beginning I have been the third wheel and annie and chung's relationship for the past few years we've shared many beautiful moments dinner's trips in south of france so many that win chung ok so what I'm going to see the copies of these parameters right over okay let's just take this and lets his copy directly in affects limiter perfect come back out and now let's listen third wheel and and there's a little fade in there that's why we're hearing that little faded in the beginning, I believe yes, let's just fix that. Pardon me, I was going to zoom in and fix that just so you could get a real representation and what's going on here, what is happening? A selection tool and I'm just going to decrease that. What? Decrease that okay, let's, try that. I have been the third wheel and annie just release so I want to fit in a little bit because we've shared many beautiful moments dinners, trips to the south of france so many that when chung showed up in monte carlo to propose muchmore even across the board can you guys tell the difference? If you can't let me know I'm definitely hearing it. I'm definitely hearing more consistency in the audio level, so that really helps really quick. So the way I work with foley effect is I have a sound effects library and final cut actually has its own sound effects library, which is fantastic that's located under the music browser, which is this little musical note and it's it's basically built in to find out that pretend there is a whole library here of different ambient sounds fine that's really loud, so okay, so for example, if I wanted to use something like oh, I don't know ambience um okay traffic and I want to show the streets of new york city it's very subtle but it's just city noise city room tone and that sort of thing is really powerful so you know I want to take that I want to use it in the beginning here let's just come down here to our opening scene where we see the street he's going to drop it on there I don't need all of this that's crazy let's get rid of the rest of it and zoom in and I'm just gonna try to blame this in the best it can and see what happens. Okay? Probably going another site is a really short clip that opening clip I understand. So let's just faded out what I can actually do to have some real fun with this if I wanted to is kind of expand out, put a little space here and then let the sound come in first before we see the video for time secret off into that way begin I asked spring up a little higher just to kind of make a little bit more parent bring the fade out a little bit more way begin needs a little bit of a blend you get the idea I'm blending in some sound here to kind of make it more true to life way begin I asked all of us we send it out even more while he's talking that's fine trial and error once again way begin I ask that all of us especially okay that's one let's go into the laughter here we had a part where the maid of honor said something that kinda makes people laugh I want to show you how I wouldn't introduce him laughter fully into here the south of france so many that when chung showed up in monte carlo to propose I was honestly little confuses us, isn't her isn't me little disappointed to see one ring so okay, so let's see what we have in our in our library here there's two folders final cut pro sound effects and then there is this eye life sound effects library, which is I think something is gonna happen product a cz well, so let's go to people I don't want a baby crying and that's not good, we don't want that. Okay that's enough that's, enough! Thank you, crowd laughter now we've got to consider the room that we're in. I don't want to sound cheesy and like canned laughter on a sitcom this's not first prince of bel air okay, I wanted to sound natural and fit the ambience of the room we're in a grand room, a lot of people in this room thieves are not these air not cutting it all right I've got to go to my own little stash of stuff here let's get out of this let me go into my wedding edit event and I'm going to import I'm going to go command I and I'm gonna import my sound effects and they're under the work dr and I keep my sound effects you know in my studio we have him on a network drive so everybody in the office can just grab them when they need him so we don't store them in the project usually but since I'm travelling to seattle we had to kind of bring him with us so I put him in this folder here on gets an entire sound effects library that I've compiled using a website called sound rangers dot come check him out if you just need one sound effect you could pay ninety nine cents for one sound effect and it's it's really great it really helps toe like build a sound effects libraries still things we actually use you know instead of babies crying I'm not gonna use babies crying it's not gonna use it okay so now that I've done that I brought him in let's give it a second just kind of ah populate there and close off dad here okay let's go up to where away form is remember we have these we have all of our clips sorted in our event browser by file type so now if I open a way form audio or way form yeah, we form audio you'll see all the sound effects but I think they're all named for what I need so I can just type in laughter or I could just screw everything up let's not do that come up here and type in laughter there's all my laughter's let's let's see what we got here too cheesy that's a little bit more like it no, no all right now so what? I'm looking for something very distinct here I want to blend nicely know that my work okay, so I'm gonna take that clip come down here into that point on the timeline all right? We're not gonna use all of it we're going to use a little piece of it so I'm gonna bring it down just kind of see what we have to work with, right and let's just play it it's not going sound right right off the bat let's play little disappointed to see one ring so surely blended in pretty well um let me just bring it over a little bit and raise the volume again just getting into the uh the mix with the rest of our son little disappointed to see one ring so subtle it's just subtle but it's there and without it little disappointed to see one ring so it almost sounds like the joke failed right pointed to see one ring so andi and chung in presenting years okay let's get into cheering this is probably one of my favorites real quick actually before we do that there's this really cool part where the this the groom is leaving to go to the set to the first look and I've got some really great opportunities for fully sound here we got some doors we got an elevator we got some cool stuff so let me see what I have door wise it was going to come up here and type endure and showing me cheering doors okay let's let's see what we have ah that's the one I want right there let's zoom in on that one it's like the fourth one from the left this is ah conglomeration clip this clip has a bunch of different sound effects on it I want that one no no no no no no wait no that works right there perfect so just I doubt you notice is that my in and out and I was going to come down here to where he gets on the door so we just kind of at the time this out is all for love boom right there when he clicks down that looks pretty good let's just drop it down and I always put my I like to put my sound effects up by the actual clip that I'm using it with so I know it's associated with that clip for love is the internal force of raise it up a little bit for love is the eternal force of life would you ever know that was not part of that clip? I do this with smile on my face I love believe I know I love watching you be a little odd to you on the highlights of my life like a winner I like one of the highlights of my life was I got to tour I got a private tour of skywalker sound of the skywalker ranch through ah, a couple that we met when vanessa and I were teaching somewhere she came up and I mentioned I was a star wars vanja came over g and she goes, you know, my fiancee works at skywalker ranch. I was like, really she's like, yeah, you want to come out and see it it's like hell yeah, so we were going out this ticket to san francisco anyway, so we went up into the mountains and we got the tour and in there is pretty much where every pixar movie was ever made. You know, all the sound it's just a big sound facility. Now they've moved all their visual effects down into san francisco, but they're fully studio is a room like this with every kind of texture and material you could possibly imagine and a huge walk in refrigerator because they make the sound of bones breaking they actually the crack celery and stuff like that so I got to experience this fully sound studio was had a car in there so they can like banging on the car and stop this incredible so much fun anyway. Okay, so right here we don't really need anything here we have an elevator so let's go up to the top elevator's let's see what we got here? All right? The beep is kind of cool let's get the beep in there. Throw that deep down there and what's what's this doors, doors opening all right, so let's, go ahead and throw both of those on there let's see if we get him to blend together that allows us to face fear and uncertainty. Okay, I know I don't need this end that extends out beyond the clip let's just try that will add a little fade here whips and maybe the door can beep a little sooner something like that get their volume that allows us to face fear and uncertainty floating quite are a little too loud but you get the idea that's sort of what I'm doing. It just adds an element of realism into the film and the first time I ever added like birds to an outdoor ceremony I was like, wow that's powerful because it really brings it down into the scene because we're hearing this really compressed dialogue but there's nothing that brings it into the into the real world so it really helps alright so cheering really fast let's do this and then we'll wrap this segment up this is pretty basic just adding this kind of stuff in alright cool that's a perfect opportunity right there right here brought anyone walk into the room listen to it without by the power vested in me but okay let's go ahead and get some cheering in there let's see what we can do is be loud not really that crazy about that let's just go to crowded taping crowd and see what we got. Believe it or not if you were to like turn the music off in the middle of a wedding reception that's what it would sound like okay I might use more than one here because these air sounding a little thin to me but let's go ahead and dragged this first one down here put it right about there I'd like to get elected the audio we're almost making like ajay added here I want the audio to come in like a second before the video does theo the power vested in me but okay still sounds too thin it's that's a bigger crowd in that room so we need to kind of double up here and figure out a way to make it sound more rich okay let's go ahead and add that one down too somewhere right around here that I'm doing this the hard way, you know, I'm kind of dragon and I like to be precise when he plays it down that's what I'm doing, theo okay that's a little better I've probably spent a little bit more time to weaken that but you get the idea and it actually brings you into a much higher state of emotion when you really watch it back in real time it's kind of cool all right, so that's just play that back just so hard to grab these things with this okay let's play that back ah wah wah ah power vested in me but now it's a little rough at the end but you get the idea it's really kind of bringing into the moment on if you have those sprinkled out around in the right spots man it gets it gets good. I mean, what you can do with it is really cool. So that's fully effecting it's really simple it's not anything crazy. I'm just using the sound effects library to kind of mix in real world sounds. So I hope that gives you an idea of how we audio a mix but definitely tried working with like the fat q and final cut pro ten and the limiter to really powerful effects that can help you to enhance the audio and sweeten it up
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Crispino Dourado
I've been using FCP since 2013 or so I thought! Until I went through the lessons here and boy was I hooked on! I've learned a ton of stuff that I can use from this course! Really awesome course for beginners to professionals and a must for wedding cinematographers! I loved every bit of this course! Thank you.
Ryan Pierson
Rob Adams and Vanessa Joy are incredible speakers and thoughtful educators. In three days, they take you through the basics of editing theory and explain everything you need to know to dive into FCP X. Rob even details how to do advanced color grading at a pace that is clear and easy to understand. Without a doubt, this course has done more to improve my personal and professional use of FCP X than five years of experience working with video and audio. A+ great course.
Simply brilliant! I had no idea where to start with FCP and even though I am now using an updated version... this course has been invaluable!!! Thank you Rob and Vanessa!
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