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Back Side: Format Memory Card

Lesson 11 from: Fujifilm X-Pro2 Fast Start

John Greengo

Back Side: Format Memory Card

Lesson 11 from: Fujifilm X-Pro2 Fast Start

John Greengo

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11. Back Side: Format Memory Card

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Back Side: Format Memory Card

All right. So another little secret function for you. If you want to reform at the memory cards, you can dive into the menu to do it. But you can do it straight from the back side of the camera. And the way that you do it is by holding in on the garbage can button and then pushing in on the rear command, I'll So you have to hold that trash button for about two seconds before you push in on that button and it will reformat whatever card that you currently have selected, let me go ahead. And I'm gonna do that right now in my camera just to give you a show, cause I don't really care too much about the photos I've taken so far in here. So I'm gonna hold down for actually, I need to hold down the garbage can button the playback will switch back and forth between which card were playing with garbage, can button for two seconds, sit down on this button and then I'll have the option of selecting and reformatting either card one. I'll go ahead and cancel that or card, too. And so you can choose...

to. It's not just gonna reform at the card that you're working with or that you're looking at, but you can choose whichever one you want. If you don't want to do this and you want to back out, that's what the back button here is for. So I'm gonna back out of that right now. So that's a quick way to format if you don't want to dive into the menu system. But you can also do it in the menu system if you want to. So the display back button, as we mentioned earlier, When we're talking about the viewfinder in the optical viewfinder, it'll change between standard and info off, depending on if you want to see that extra information in that optical view of the viewfinder on the electronic view or on the back of the camera, it'll switch back and forth between standard and info off and so choose whichever one you need and simply cycle through by continuing to press that button. Now, if you hold down on the display back button for two seconds, you can go in and reprogrammed all the function buttons of your camera. Now there's gonna be a setting for this in the menu system. But if you like to do it yourself when we go ahead and show you on my camera here and so once again just hold down on the display back button for two seconds one two, and suddenly kicks over automatically into the choice. And so if we want to re program the function button up on the top of the camera instead, we don't shoot. Let's say we don't shoot movies. We don't like changing movies, shooting movies. We can go in here and change any one of these features on four pages. You know, if he wanted to change our self timer and then set okay now and I'll just hit the shutter release to back out of this. And so now when I press the function button up here, I now have access to changing myself timer. Rather than shooting movies and so secret little controls on these Fuji cameras, you got to keep up with them. There's a lot of little buttons. If you press down for two seconds, you can re program him, so that's going to give us our custom controls. The garbage can allows us to reform at the memory cards. The playback, holding down for two seconds, changes which card we're looking at. The little focusing stick allows us to re program the focusing stick, and so there's a lot of different controls that weaken, go in and customize very quickly by holding down for two seconds.

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Fuji X-Pro2 Recommended Settings
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Ratings and Reviews

mi no

it's a great course would have loved to get the same quality course for my Fujifilm X-Pro3

a Creativelive Student

I have the X Pro 2 for over a year and I thought that I might get more information on how to use it more efficiently. Boy this is a great course! I learned a lot and I loved the hidden feature :) Highly appreciated John and CL!


WOW how I wish I had this to begin with!!!! Between manual and smart tip overload via books and U Tube, as well as, class instructor snafus I pretty much felt like an idiot. After this class not so much. Great job .

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