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Wardrobe Analysis: Future

Lesson 10 from: How to Dress Better and Improve Your Life

Jennifer Baumgartner

Wardrobe Analysis: Future

Lesson 10 from: How to Dress Better and Improve Your Life

Jennifer Baumgartner

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10. Wardrobe Analysis: Future

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Wardrobe Analysis: Future

It's really important to see, I believe, like where your life is gonna go. And I also think it's a really exciting thing to do. I talked a little bit about looking at your life from the end back to where you are. And you obviously don't need to do this just for your wardrobe. I really think that you should do this for your life in general. We know that when there've been studies that when we write our goals down we are more likely to accomplish them. When we put them down. When we put them on our mirror, and we view them everyday. I don't remember the study now, but there was a study that looked at students. When students wrote their goals down, posted them on the mirror, they have like 10 years, when the researchers assess them again, they were far more likely to have completed the goal. And actually there was a relatively high percentage, than those who never wrote their goals down or wrote their goals down and didn't have them visible. So, I do believe in assessing your change. I do...

believe in exploring how that was for you, but I also think that you don't want to just stop there, that you wanna see how far you can stretch and grow. That's the future stage. The future stage is simply what is next. Now, of course, again, the wardrobe is a tool to figure out who you are in the here and now, but also to help you get to where you wanna go. So when I'm looking at the future, I might say, okay let's just go with the wardrobe here. What do you want to do with your clothing? What do you want your wardrobe to ultimately be like? And what does it feel like? And it may be, I want it just to be easy. I want it to be organized. I think I want to shift my look to a little fancier, and be comfortable with that. Or maybe, I want add in some colors. I haven't done that in the change faze, but I'm ready! One day I'm gonna wear neon pink and I know it! So there are things like that, that you can assess. And that's also where your style file comes in. These are kind of, you know, hashtag goals, wardrobe goals. You can start looking at what you, where you really want to go with your wardrobe. The second piece is the internal piece. And the internal piece is alright, what about your life? I want to travel. I've not traveled out of this country one time. I need to travel. I feel that my world will open up when I travel. So, I wanna, if I just say I'm gonna travel, that won't help me, right? With a job and a husband and all this other stuff. But if I put this down on my calendar, my long-term calendar I've put it on a list. I have a wish list at my house. I have a bucket list. I keep it, it's in my closet. I write it down and I will cross out things. And most of my bucket list of things I've written down, I've accomplished. And I have two things. The bucket list, which is the over-arching goal, and then I have my daily calendar with the year. And what I do is I actually look at the bucket list. I pick something, travel, and then I look at my calendar and I say, okay, what can I do every week or every month to get there? And that's kinda where your future is. Your future is the bucket list, right? That's gonna be like, what are some things that I might want to accomplish? And as you get more serious, then you can really add the changes. So, for future... The other piece is really maintenance, making sure that you've maintained the changes that you've made. You also want to foresee any obstacles, so we do this in therapy too. We say, alright, you're here, you're in a really good space. What is an obstacle that might keep you from furthering where you are going? And we talk about obstacles with your wardrobe. It might be weight gain. It might be a change of career. It might be a money issue. For your life, it may be just, you know, I'll get freaked out and afraid, or I just will get cold feet. Or, you know, my life will get in the way of my real life, things like that, so those are the obstacles. Then we come up with the change despite those obstacles. How can we make sure that we're planning for those? Kind of like an emergency toolkit of the future. So, I ask you, audience, if you've done a change and you've liked the change, whether in your life or your wardrobe, how will you maintain it? And how do you think you might change for the future? So, how do you make sure, if there are any obstacles to a current change, what can you do to make sure that you are able to do what you need to do? And the second piece is what are your big over-arching goals? For me, maintaining helps if I can share hurt with someone else that I feel comfortable with, because it's so easy to slip back into the old pattern, whatever that is. And so if I share it with someone else, and check in with that person every so often, that helps. So it's really, in a way, holding yourself accountable. Right. And not wanting, it's kind of an unconscious or subconscious not wanting to disappoint the person, which is really yourself. Mm-hmm. You know, so a lot of the work I do with exercise in here is one of the major factors, is just that. When you're working on exercising, having a person that you can work with, a partner, and helps you be held accountable is really, you know, essential. So. Anybody else that's made a great change? It doesn't have to be wardrobe, but just a change in general and how do they maintain it? Do they, you know, do you all kind of continue to watch it? Do you plan weekly ways to be held accountable? And the other piece is, if you've made a change, and you want to make even a bigger change, what might that huge change be? I mean for me, it's been like a workout regiment. And it's been basically being consistent, like, every day making sure that I go to the gym, and that's like, no excuses, I just try to get myself there. And I find that after I get myself there, then I enjoy the workout, and I feel even better getting out. I mean that's one change that I always wanted to, kind of like, lose 10 pounds. Every year on my bucket list was like lose 10 pounds. And like, actually this year, I've actually done something about it. Every day I make sure that I go to the gym to make sure that I exercise to achieve that. And the weight is keep dropping. I'm curious, what do you wear when you go to the gym? Do you wear colorful clothing? I do. Oh, good! Okay! So, and do you feel like that kind of gives you energy to continue to work out? For me, honestly, color makes me happy. I really like bright colors. I definitely don't get attracted to muted and dull colors. So, yeah, I mean, I have cases that I wear all black, as well. You know, it's fine as well, but yeah, I do have a lot of colorful clothes and workout clothes especially are super colorful. So, it's truly, you're saying, kind of an aside, I've done some commentary with the media on what workout clothes and one of the things is like any outfit when you workout, it's important to, obviously, the physical experience of clothing, so making sure it's comfortable, it's not too tight, it feels physically good. You're not sweating and it's not drying. So making sure that it's comfortable in your body. The other thing is using, you know, this as a costume, so a person who's working out hardcore is not wearing, like, something that doesn't make sense for their workout. Right? They're gonna wear something appropriate, like workout pants or a workout top, a good bra, good, you know, support items, things like that. So, that's the other piece. Is first physically being comfortable. Two, looking the part. The third piece is using your items as like an inspiration. So that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you're like, ooh, I look good in this red! (laughs) Or, oh, I like these patterns! Boy! So as you're working out, why not feel like you look good when you're working out? And that will help you increase your motivation when you're doing the job. Okay, so those are some things you can try. Sounds like you're already doing that. But that's great. So, future, this is kind of, in a way, my favorite stage 'cause I love to look at over-arching goals in the life, and letting people realize that they're not that far away. That you can actually achieve a lot of what you hope to achieve. Even if initially it seems totally out of your reach.

Ratings and Reviews

Yolanda Azpiazu

Loved it! Incredible class, so interesting and filled with new concepts, I am a big fan of the author and I admire her for the way she suggests us to analyse things with curiosity and looking "bellow the water", rather than judgement. Thank you so much for this wonderful class Dr. Baumgartner.

a Creativelive Student

It's about how you dress, but really, it's about how to use the way you dress as a lens to better understand yourself. Packed with useful information and tips, highly recommend! Thanks Jenny!

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