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The Biology of Being Present

Lesson 10 from: Leadership Skills for New Managers

Cory Caprista

The Biology of Being Present

Lesson 10 from: Leadership Skills for New Managers

Cory Caprista

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10. The Biology of Being Present

Lesson Info

The Biology of Being Present

So biology being present, this is the super simplified version of our brain. You can tell I'm not a neuroscientist by how there's only three things labeled on a brain of infinite complexity. There's like more neurons in your brain, there's like as many neurons in your brains as there are stars in the sky in the galaxy, or something. it's like insane. Okay, but basically what you can think about it is from the base you have the reptilian brain. That's the oldest part. Make sure your lungs work and your heart beats and all these functions happen when you're not really paying attention. It's like your drives for food, sunlight, things all come from the reptilian brain. Then we have the limbic system. It's more modern, newer, a little more advanced. That's where all the emotional, it's the emotion center. It's all the emotions have in there. Limbic system is not linguistic though. It does have drives, it feels certain ways, it's how you know what you want. Right. If used part of your brain...

gets damaged, a certain part gets damaged, you can function totally normally, except for, you don't know how to make choices because you don't know how to feel. You can be, like, vanilla or chocolate, well you can talk, your logical brain can be, I like vanilla for these reasons, I like chocolate for these reasons. But you don't feel a certain way around them. Right. So this really drives us which we'll come back to in some of the other, later in this course and in other courses. Very important. Now, the prefrontal cortex is the most modern part of the brain and it's the part of the brain that helps us have this conversation right now and have all this modernness around us and the cell phones in our pocket. Then particularly, the prefrontal lobe which is the very front part of the brain. Most advanced. Highest processing. Most complex decisions are made there. OK. Now, the most powerful, this is how nature works, the most powerful also takes the most energy usually. Right. So, like, bears, very powerful creatures have to eat, just like, truckloads of salmon. Right. These monsters they have to eat so much. So for you, your highest self lives in your prefrontal cortex. It's how you make like good virtuous choices. Yep. And you don't yell at people. It's the first to go as well. So when your depleted, when your not taking care of yourself that is when you are scattered, that's the first part to go. There was a study that was done on judges in Israel that were doing parole hearings. Parole hearings are whether you send some one back to jail or you let them out to go free. It's a pretty important decision, yeah? So they did a data survey of the decisions and the number one correlating factor to whether or not some one was released or sent back to jail. The time of the day? That's your guess. Pretty close. It is time of the day but specifically, how long it had been since they had a break and a snack. Now we do post-justification as humans. So they tell you, "Oh, I made this choice "for all these legal, high faluting, legal reasons. But the data shows that that's post-justification. A lot of it comes from how their feeling, right? And if they're able to use their prefrontal cortex to make these high level decisions. Okay, and you could guess when it had been longer, since a break or a snack, what was the decision more often made? Sending them back to jail or releasing them? Sending them back sending them back to jail, right? Nah, send them back to jail. Right. So that's really important and it's funny but at the same time this is what we are doing every day. So, being mindful is, where am at with my resources, am I really drawn down to low. How do I structure my day, so that, I'm doing the most high draw activities when I have the most resources to draw from. Right? That's being ruthless with yourself and being mindful of self.

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Mandy Hamilton

I absolutely love this course. Cory is such a good speaker/teacher. He seamlessly pulls in useful frameworks and how-to instructions throughout. I highly recommend this program to existing managers or aspiring managers. It will benefit those who have been in leadership for years or those who are just stepping into the role.

Sylvie Leroy

Super interesting. Clear explanations on the process to become a manager. Lot of useful information and exercices. Highly comprehensive. Thank you!

Tatie Diallo

wow amazing class and content and Cory is making it sounds so easy. Thanks

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