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Setup Menu

Lesson 30 from: Olympus PEN-F Fast Start

John Greengo

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30. Setup Menu

Lesson Info

Setup Menu

So the final menu is the set up men. You and these are some general one time set up features you'll need to worry about when you first get your camera first. Being the time and date Get that set right. Doesn't set itself, and it doesn't know when you go to new time zones. Language setting. Of course, For whatever language you speak, the monitor will control the brightness and the color of the monitor on the back of the camera. If you need to tweak it, you can. You probably will never need to adjust it the record view and so on this one. Do you want the camera when? As soon as you take a photo to put the camera into a playback mode. Now, generally, this is not what you want because you want to be able to go shoot the next photo very, very quickly. But if you prefer to cap the camera thrown into the playback mode, you could set it at two seconds. And traditionally, with the digital cameras, we have taken a picture, and then we look on the back of the camera to see how it looks out, and t...

hat would be. For instance, they say the two second kind of puts it in play back so we can see our image. But with a mere list camera, you can see what the final picture is gonna look like before you even take it. And so it's sped up the work process for a lot of photographers by simply turning this off. That way, you look at the photo, you figure out the exposure, everything else, make sure it looks right. Take the picture. You're done. Get on it. Getting on to the next shot without reviewing photos after every time you've taken them. And so I guess the big question is, do you want to look at the photos immediately after you took them? And so if you shoot a lot of photos and you shoot very quickly, turn this off. If you kind of want to shoot and check every photo, then you might want to leave it on two seconds or whatever time length you think is appropriate. WiFi settings will allow us to go in and tweak a lot of the WiFi controls. We've already talked a little bit about the WiFi sections, but you can go in here, and you can change the password if necessary and set up some other things as far as how the WiFi connects with your computer and or your phone. The custom menu display will make the custom menu that we spent most of our time here in the menu section disappear and won't be visible in the menu system. And so I recommend leaving that turned on because there's a lot of valuable features that you may want to have access to in there. Firmware firmware is the software that runs the operation of the camera. This is a fairly new camera still at the time of the recording of this class, and so we are still on firmware one point. Oh, but there's a good chance that Olympus at some point is gonna either at a feature or fix a bug, and they're gonna come out with firmware 1.1, in which case all of us who owned the camera will need to go to Olympus is site and download the new software. So the way this system works is coming in in a moment. Here is you're gonna need to go to the Olympus site. That you usually go to. I goto Olympus America. Look for their support page and their downloads. You're gonna need to download a downloader device and have a program downloaded onto your computer. Plug your camera into your computer, and then it will update the firmware. And there is more information at the Olympics website about the specifics of doing this. But a few tips is number one. You have to have your memory card removed and the U. S. B mode on your camera should be set to storage so that it can communicate with the computer itself. And so this will allow you to get new firmware onto your camera. And this is something that does happen from time to time. So I won't be surprised if Olympus has this at some point in the future, where they're either adding a feature or fixing a buck

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Olympus PEN-F Recommended Settings
Olympus PEN-F Keynote

Ratings and Reviews

Jay Linsenbigler

Awesome course and thorough description of the PEN-F capabilities and functions. HOWEVER, John's "big boy camera" bias comes through when he describes some of the creative functions as "just fun". I highly disagree- because like other tools and features- it depends on HOW the photographer uses the tool or feature. Like HDR, the creative features can be used tastefully or look "overcooked". Film photographers who use a variety of different films in film cameras- is this "just fun", or do they offer creative options? I encourage John and any listeners to look up the Olympus Visionaries and many other professionals using Olympus cameras in their daily work to see the amazing results they create with them. Instead of the same old Nikon and Canon "muscle-flexing" biases- lets look at what the pros produce with the camera tools. All modern cameras are superb and capable of great results. And this PEN-F camera offers groundbreaking control over the image making IN CAMERA at the time of exposure- which can be used to adjust an accompanying RAW file if needed. Not everyone wants to sit in front of a computer for hours doing post processing.

Jay Linsenbigler

Awesome course and thorough description of the PEN-F capabilities and functions. HOWEVER, John's "big boy camera" bias comes through when he describes some of the creative functions as "just fun". I highly disagree- because like other tools and features- it depends on HOW the photographer uses the tool or feature. Like HDR, the creative features can be used tastefully or look "overcooked". Film photographers who use a variety of different films in film cameras- is this "just fun", or do they offer creative options? I encourage John and any listeners to look up the Olympus Visionaries and many other professionals using Olympus cameras in their daily work to see the amazing results they create with them. Instead of the same old Nikon and Canon "muscle-flexing" biases- lets look at what the pros produce with the camera tools. All modern cameras are superb and capable of great results. And this PEN-F camera offers groundbreaking control over the image making IN CAMERA at the time of exposure- which can be used to adjust an accompanying RAW file if needed. Not everyone wants to sit in front of a computer for hours doing post processing.

Kate Mooney

The Pen 5 is an amazing camera - however it is capable of so much that getting to know it can be somewhat overwhelming at first. John systematically and logically works through every part of the camera in really clear and easy to understand steps, quickly converting my initial apprehension into confidence and excitement for the endless possibilities of this camera.

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