Lesson Info
8. Conclusion
Lesson Info
The goal of today was really to look at how improv can improve our creative processes, both individually and as a group. And we looked at really four ways with which that improv can help us from a creative standpoint. It can help us build, it can help us be able to listen to each other and build ideas vertically using the yes and method. It's an incredibly powerful method that we should integrate into our creative processes and we're gonna see immediate feedback from them. We've also learned how we can listen to each other and riff off one another, looking for those individual little hooks that exist within the conversations that we have with each other, and then grabbing hold of one if those hooks and moving off of one another, finding something interesting. We also learned how, from a relationship standpoint, the most interesting offshoots are the things that we should be offering. It is not to just stay on an idea, but to take the germ of something else and move over here with it an...
d allow ourselves to go through that process and give up control. From a control standpoint, we want to know where those ideas are going, and riffing allows us to give up the control and find new ground. Improv also teaches a certain level of courage, that the inhibitions that exists with the relationships that we have with one another, the desire not to look stupid, the desire to be looked upon as valuable and smart and intelligent, that keeps us from offering up the germs of ideas where we don't know where they're gonna go. And improv gives us a certain level of courage to be able to step out and make statements and say, "What if we did this?" Okay, I'll go through the process again. What if we make that? And love the process as much as we do love the result. And then the greatest thing in my opinion is that improve gives us from a creative standpoint, is the idea of absurdity. It teaches us to be absurd. As adults it's just not professional to be absurd. But improv shows us from a creative standpoint, you cannot separate absurdity and creativity. We are in creative industries. It's our job to generate ideas, and if we remove play, if we remove absurdity from the creative process, we're removing the single thing, the single driver, that gets us to novelty the quickest, and we're gonna have to fight and claw our way through that. But if we'll insert a certain level of absurdity into our work, that's what we fell in love with to begin with. That's what we love about this industry. They ask us to play and generate ideas for a living and they pay us to do it. We should fall into that line of play and absurdity so quickly, and not remove it from the creative process, but instead, use it as a tool to generate more and better ideas. I want to thank you guys for spending the time. It takes a certain level of courage to come and play from an improv standpoint, and to do it with all of these cameras and everybody around. Hopefully the people at home have a way to find people around you that you can improv with, and you don't have to do it from an action standpoint, you don't have to do it and act out scenes, you can simply do it in small ways where you're reacting quickly and producing a lot of ideas, so I hope there was some value there.
Ratings and Reviews
Mark Tanner
Stefan does a great job showing the principles of Improv and how to implement them. But I think the students should be much more positive then they are. Be much more playful and creative and less dark and critical.
Great course with practical funny exercies!
Fascinating and succinct insights and exercises to inspire creativity within small teams. Thank you!