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Bonus Video: 10 Favorite Digital Cameras

Lesson 2 from: Photography Basics: Cameras, Technique, and Composition

John Greengo

Bonus Video: 10 Favorite Digital Cameras

Lesson 2 from: Photography Basics: Cameras, Technique, and Composition

John Greengo

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2. Bonus Video: 10 Favorite Digital Cameras

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Bonus Video: 10 Favorite Digital Cameras

The bonus material for this class I thought I would share with you ten of my favorite digital cameras that are currently out on the market or just coming out on the market. And we're going to start kind of at the bottom of the price range and bottom of the sensor size and move our way up. So, starting at the little guys, if you want a compact camera, the fuji x twenty is this really nice? Little cameras got a built in lands. It's got manual controls and it's got a retro style. So for instance, when you zoom the lands, you get the manually feeling it's not electronic zoom going back and forth and it's one of the very, very few point two cameras that has an optical viewfinder, which is really handy for working under bright light. And this has a sensor that is a bit larger than your typical point and shoot camera that's two, three or four hundred dollars it's a little bit more money, but I think it's well worth it. Another aspect that I really like about it. It's got a fast lands it's a t...

wo point owed to two point eight lens within the zoom range so it's pretty good for low light. Next up is another camera in the same category. It's appointed shoot camera it's even smaller than the previous one. We're just talking about sony rx one hundred in the new version, two has just come out it's got a larger sensor, then the fuji cameras about a one inch sensor on it. Very small cameras going to be able to fit in a shirt pocket or coat pocket very, very easily. And it's got a reasonably fast lands. Not as fastest the fuji but it's. A little bit of a compromise to get a smaller camera. So if small size is paramount importance, take a look at the little sony here. Next up is a camera that has been hugely popular over the last year. It's an olympus o n d e m five. This camera is micro four thirds camera, which means you have interchangeable lenses. You have full manual control. You have a great little camera here that has an electronic viewfinder that is really good in quality there's a great collection of lenses. You can use both olympus lenses, panasonic and many other manufacturers that make these four thirds lenses. And finally it has fantastic in bottle in party stabilization, you can hold this camera steady. Well, at least I've been able to get shots. Still down two a half second in time. So it's really good it's a great little travel camera next up. Okay, I'm going out on a limb here, folks, I haven't even touched this camera yet, but I seen the statistics on it. I know panasonic cameras. I know the micro four thirds camera and this new gx seven looks awesome. Small camera, interchangeable lenses just like the olympus I was talking about, but it's got this cool angle finder that flips you could hold it up to your eye and get different angles with it looks really nice. We have a great collection of lenses that go with it as well. And it's just pack filled with features as I said haven't touched it. So I'm going out on a bit of a limb, but it looks like it's going to be a great camera. Another new camera. I'm actually just purchased one of these because I'm gonna be teaching a class in it and I have fallen in love with the fuji xy one it's, a retro styled camera it's just perfect in size for carrying around for street photography travel, photography and it has awesome image quality is really good sensor it's got a sensor technology we don't have time to go in to right now, but it's really good for its size it has a sensor larger than the panasonic and larger than the olympus and it's got really simple great controls finally has an aperture dial like the old style wednesdays do it's gotta shutter speed dial on the top it's a really fun camera to use next up well this is a pretty popular one this is kind of the way to go for a lot of people getting into photography because it's a bit more of a versatile camera the canon rebel t five you're loaded with features for the price it's a great value there's tons of canon lenses that you can use out there and now once again it's just a great value there's so much that you can do there's a lot of better cameras but for the money it's hard to beat this if you want a little bit higher in camera getting into the intermediate level of photography the nikon d seventy one hundred is packed with features a lot of professional style features in this kind of intermediate level priced camera and it's got some other heavy competitors out there from canon and so forth but I think this one really shines with what it offers and it's got a great lay out it's you really easy to work shutter speeds apertures everything like that is just very simple for people to use all right now we're getting up into the higher end of things we have the cannon five d mark to actually, this is supposed to say five d mark three we might fix this later, but we're just going to let it go for right now, I meant to say five d mark three this is what a lot of professionals air shooting in commercial wedding portrait photography it isn't all around fantastic camera it's got a really good focusing system sixty one focusing points works great with sports photography, and it is very well built, its whether sealed, I want to stay out a huge downpour for too long, but is whether sealed for typical type of whether related activities that you might be out in the rain for a little bit. So that's a fantastic its closest competitors, is another awesome camera, the nikon d eight hundred super high resolution really good for maybe product photography, landscape architectural photography it's a little bit slower in operation, you might say, than the cannon focuses justus fast it's just that it shoots really large files because it's a thirty six megapixel camera, so you're going to get fantastic image quality. It has an awesome dynamic range, which the landscape photographers are loving, and it is really geared completely and totally the nikon engineers totally geeked out, and they're going for the highest image quality on this all right number one camera I haven't even touched this camera there. I've used like the cameras in the past. I know him really well, this isn't the camera for everybody, but this is a fun camera to use the like of him type to forty it's, their new style camera. It is a little bit, as I say, it's, a little bit different, it's, not for everybody. Range finder camera, great for travel photography, great for street photography. It's got great manual focus field. Anyone who likes manually focusing loves the like a lens. It's. Not only are they super sharp, but they have this smooth as butter field to him, and they're really fun to use great quality glass. So there you go, there's. Ten cameras it's, hard to miss on any of these it's. Hard to tell if these air perfect for you, but I can tell you these air ten great cameras to look out.

Ratings and Reviews


John Greengo is an excellent instructor and I always get useful information from his classes. This one serves as a great reminder to the proven techniques and best practices. The information is delivered in a meaningful and easy way of learning.


This course is perfect for those who are just starting out. As a semi-newbie with a Nikon D3300, I find that it unfortunately doesn't go into as much detail as I'd like. But seeing as I got the class for free and John did acknowledge it was a bit of a crash course. One great thing was about composition. I hadn't done any research on it and appreciated the little bit he said on it. So I will be taking this course as a springboard! Thanks!


Awesome class! It provides a great review of the basics.

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