Lesson Info
1. Pumpkin Carving
Pumpkin Carving
1:10:57Lesson Info
Pumpkin Carving
We've already had too much fun. And I see from the audience already that people have taken artistic license with these things already. And you know, I can't. I just cannot tell you how quickly we want to get through this. So let's drag it out for long as possible. Now, today we've got lots of we've got, what, 10 people, 12 people in the audience, and we've got a whole bunch of pumpkins. First off, I just want to show you some of the pumpkin carving tools and things that we got right off the bat so that we can go ahead and see. We do have these wonderful pumpkin carving kits that people have bought, and you can buy them online as well. But essentially, what I've purchased was this actual pumpkin carving saw that we have. And if we hold it up here, you can see it's a nice little saw for cutting pumpkins. They have both a fine and a course blade right there, and it's great for doing fine detail. Don't ever use a knife on a pumpkin if you use a knife on a pumpkin, a knife doesn't take the ...
pumpkin away. It actually wedges right in there and could be really dangerous. So don't ever use if you're gonna use something, use a chainsaw because at least a chain saw will cut something out. A knife gets, just gets wedged in there, and then you're really in trouble, and we're gonna get a whole bunch of templates we're gonna be using today as well. And here's a whole bunch of fantastic ones. But of course I did, including I didn't do this one, but it was online, So we'll have to do this one as well. Um, way have pumpkins here. We're gonna be doing both pumpkin carving, and we're gonna be doing surface carving as well. We've got these little surface carvers that you can buy and you can see these little surface carvers have a little blade on them in both a little square and a little triangle area that allow you to just do surface carving out a pumpkin. And I did a quick little rendition of this one right here, and you can see that we can take this and actually do surface carving. So everybody that's out there that wants to, like, dig into their pumpkin right away we do have some surface carving things here, so you may want to forego the sharp objects and just do the surface carving instead. So those are our tools that we're going to be using today and right off the bat, um, I want to show you one thing that people Adam even said today because I never knew he could actually do this. That this beautiful pumpkin right here, by the way, this is my screaming pumpkin right there. I kind of like it. Um, right off the bat, I'm gonna start with this pumpkin, and I'm not going to cut out the top of this pumpkin to clean it out. Because if you've ever put a candle inside your pumpkin, you light the candle and then you burn yourself. As you put it in, you try to light it, try to put a light inside their cut out the bottom of the pumpkin. Then you can set it on a candle. You can set it in a light. You can set it on anything, and it looks just fine. And so with this, I'm just going to start right off the bat here and just go in and just saw the bottom of my pumpkin off. Well, yeah. If you have a big enough pumpkin, you can just cut this whole out and stick it right on your head. We always have trouble makers in the audience. This is why we do a live thing like this and Patricia sitting right close to the door so they can usher her out at a moment's notice. I already see she's taken the templates and her pumpkin looks like it's has already exploded. And if you try to pull these things out to begin with, it doesn't really work. You need to kind of push them in. We're gonna get the power tools. We gotta do the hand tools first. We gotta do that stuff. Pull this out right here and go ahead, folks, and start ripping the good stuff out here. Another thing. Scoop out the inside. They do have the little plastic scoops that come with a kit there. I like this ice cream scoop that has a kind of ah, flat end to it. And this is on awesome scraper to go in. What I do is I just go in and I start with the pumpkin upside down here, and I literally just scoop right from the bottom and just kind of scoop right up the sides here, and it makes it super easy to go and pull everything right out. When we were kids, we used to take the garden hose and fill this up with water and just kind of blast everything out of there. I'm sure you could do pumpkin carving with a pressure washer. Who wouldn't that be great? I should have brought that in. And by the way, folks, this pumpkin that we have here it all looks nice and shiny on the front. But the back of it here has some really nice road rash on it, and we're actually gonna use this side. You know, nature is a wonderful thing, and everybody wants perfect pumpkins and don't we all well, embrace the naturalness of it, and we're gonna go in and we're gonna do some fantastic stuff with abnormal pumpkins. Because if you thought this was a normal pumpkin carving class, there's no way there's no way at all. And by the way, we're broadcasting live from Digital Studio one p today. I mean, it's pumpkin carving. What is the name of our digital studio. Any ideas? I don't know. Maybe we should ask the Internet. I think. I think they should name it. So this is Theo. Be my pumpkin. Doesn't want to give up all its goodies. Good grief. I prepped a whole bunch of pumpkins beforehand, and I should have. I'm glad I did. Because how's everybody else doing out there carving Lee? Okay, Jason, people are suggesting studio bacon. Studio one day. Studio Punkin Kick pump studio. Okay, Studio studio, rotate. There you go. Studio B eight. Okay, Now, I want to put my template on here, and for years, my parents used to make us trace the template on here. Use the pen or something. You like permanent marker. And I'm just gonna take these. And you can tape these on if you want to, but I'm just gonna kind of lay it over. So this is the perfect one for a road rash, pumpkin. I mean, look at that. Find the place where it looks really awful and evil. You can tape it on there, but my hands are all wet. Then I use this little what's called a pounds wheel, little wheel that's got these little bumps on it. And the pumpkin carving kits have these and these air for transferring the template right onto your pumpkin so that you don't put the temple down there and then carve all around the pumpkin so all the kids have them. I'm just gonna run right over these areas here with this little pounds wheel. For those of you that air do sewing. You know exactly what this is or sign making. We use these. I was gonna transfer the template kind of roughly onto my pumpkin. Here, folks. Nice little holes in it so I can see where I need to carve that out. And of course, since this one has road rash on it, it's hard to kind of get this toe work, right. And also to folks, just because the temple it is made one way doesn't mean that you can't cut it apart and reposition these things and take some creative license with it. I know Patricia already has. So if you don't like something, cut it apart, put back together in a different way here. Why? Oh, angled. Well, sure. Why not? Well, you know what? If you borrow my knife. I won't have anything to cut with. Except so, Jason, have a couple questions for you from the inner Yes, Mitchum is asking. Would you still have opened the bottom? If the stem was bigger, most stems would break if you put them upside down on the table like that. So I'm not sure how to handle it. I don't know what the deal is with stems that people want to have the stems. I always cut the stems off. I don't I'm not really sure why people like the stems, but yeah, you can. You can always do a custom built table to that Has a hole in it that you can flip it over if you're really going to get in there. I think I'm I think I actually was not on audio there. So I'm gonna ask you that question again. Would you have still open? The bottom of the stem was bigger. Most EMS would break if you put them upside down on the table. So I'm not sure how to handle that. Thanks. Yeah. Like I said, I'm not sure if I I'm overly big on the stems. Um, I always take the stems off anyway, but it's to each his own. You can always lay it on its side here and cut the bottom out. And when you're cutting to cut, make all your cuts first. And then when you're done, knock out those sections because you start knocking out the sections first. That kind of weakens the pumpkin, and you have, ah, more of a chance of kind of damaging your pumpkin because there's nothing more than nothing worse than getting right to the very end of your pumpkin and having the whole thing implode. You guys having fun out there? Jason? Another question from from the Internet is someone's wondering if you can use an Exacto knife was asking if you were using. No, I wasn't using Exacto knife. I don't like to use knives at all to cut through this. I always want to use a saw because of Saul will actually take away sections of the pumpkin. A knife just simply splits it, and you run the risk of wedging things in there. And once you wedge it in there, you can slip and really cut yourself badly. So a knife it's much more controlled here and you're not gonna hurt yourself is bad if you slip because then you'll have to cut repeatedly to hurt yourself. Now there's a very good reason to you by the professional kits, because as people out there are noticing now the nice little plastic ones, while they're great and everything, um, if you're going to be doing this on a mass scale, you know, 40 50 60 pumpkins, which I don't know why you wouldn't because one is never enough. Um, getting this professional kit is quite nice, and you can find these online everywhere, and they run about 15 or 20 bucks for the set. This is one of the reasons why I like this ice cream scoop is because once you cut out the top or the bottom, I used the end of it too. Bash its brains in because it's really tricky to get out. Because whenever you try to do the top and you cut it like that, you kind of have to probably out on all the little energy kind of stick in there. So well, Jason, on Twitter and and in the chat room, people are loving this good, So having a blast, So here we g o we just Well, there we go, folks. There we have road rash pumpkin right there. Looks pretty good. It's got some nice indentations there as well. And, you know, if you actually wanted to have more fun with this, this is what the surface carving does. If you want to put some more scars on it, this is really cool. Will use the square notch right here. We can actually go, and we want to put a nice scar across here. We could just go in and, you know, pull right across here. Pull that out and you put some nice when I scar right across there. Jason Grizz, D J. Is asking a drywall or keyhole drywall saw would work great drywall sauce really aggressive. And it's very wide and it be absolutely fantastic. That would be good for a a whiter, a lighter cut. But that's okay. There's road rash pumpkin there. So we get some holes right through there, and now you can just put it right on a light source here and light it right up. No. Great. Fantastic. And I know one of the things that people came for his power tools so Yeah. So, you know, doing power tools is really good, and we have to get into power tools. Oh, this is a really nice one. So this one, we could definitely use power tools for this. Just take this on here and make it really nice and easy, toe. So do we have any, uh, cameras for the audience to to see just what? Now is not a good time. Um, well, we have Patricia over here. Who is you having? Quite the good time. And she's got two different colored socks on. So you could just imagine what she's doing. No. That's one of the things with the live experience. It is live folks. So everybody expect to get this kind of exercise. Yeah. Jason Adam in the chat room would like to know how deep you have to make the surface cuts for them to appear. Well, actually, these air about I'd say, 3/ of an inch deep. If you want to see that, you can see the little cutter here and that little cutters about 3/8 of an inch deep, and it cuts out little sections. That's about the width of the section, right there. It's kind of like a really small French fry, and it's nice because it just glides right along the surface with the plastic here. And then they actually make these kits here that have, ah, fluorescent paint that you can put in here that fluoresce under black light so you can go with you can paint the surface cut areas, and it makes the pumpkin last a lot longer. Not that, you know, long longevity of pumpkins is what I'm going for, but something like trying to put a template on a surface that's not flat nor even here's okay, there we go, Jason. Cheaply G blink in the chat room is one. If you're gonna talk about how to make how to make pumpkins last longer well, you know, there's a couple things online that show you how you can make them last longer. Um, you can actually put denatured alcohol on them and then paint them with a clear finish. Teoh, The denatured alcohol sucks out the moisture than the clear finish will help preserve them as well. The surface carving also does that, too. It keeps it so that doesn't rot from the inside. Um, and So that also helps for those of you that want to see power tools. I mean, this is a battery charger, you know, But we have a nice little reciprocating saw, and this works really good to Teoh. Get things started. You can do like, a little skill saw are a little, uh um, little ah, like a hole saw or something like that. And what you want to do is you want to make sure you start this first before you actually give it some power and, uh, just put it right in through here. See? Look at that. It's just like being in the operating room. Ah, How nice is that? Look at that. Beautiful. Okay, right now, with just trim this away from the mouth a little bit more, So we get more of a straight opening in here. Yes, that's yeah. I used to. Power works better. You're going to use this one? Yes. Here you go. There's a safety on it if you can. If you can't get it, let your kids. Yeah, We'll have your kids. See? Ever seen power tools? Preg. Oops. Jason. Ever questions from grizz Deejay? Yep. Is there a trick to keeping the cuts somewhat perpendicular to the surface of the pumpkin so they don't start wide at the surface but end up to narrow on the inside. It's actually just the technique. It's very difficult to judge, because is, you see what I'm doing. I'm not keeping the knife right flat with this. I'm actually going straight down into the pumpkin as if I'm looking into the pumpkin. So yes, because the typical thing is people always want to carve it at a slight, can't to it so that it makes it difficult. It's stuff in her out. So, Jason, can I just say this is Craig? Um I'm never carving a pumpkin the same way again. After doing it with the power tool that was so much faster than any Trump, can I have taken the top off of? Well, here we here we have a screaming pumpkin. Now, here's a really cool thing to do as well. A lot of people just go in and car of the front of their pumpkin in here, but you don't have to do that if you want to do something so that you can have light like shining through. I am going to carve something on the back of this pumpkin so that you can actually see it. I'm gonna write it backwards right here. And I want I'm just gonna write the word boo through here backwards, because why not? And what better way to get circles but go in and get a nice little hole saw here, and, uh, there's nothing like power tools to really make your life easy. Has been two big here. Here we go. Gonna get a nice little hole. Saw looking up to the drill. There we go. And just make sure you can spell backwards correctly, and we're just No, Look at that. No. How nice is that? Wow. Good grief. Because if you're going for perfect circles, this is great. Everyone. I have eyes in the back of your head. There. You got him? Okay. And I'll just write the letter b backwards here. There we go. Hopefully when you like that, you can look through there and see the what kind of light up the other way. What a mess. I can't quite see that through there, but that over to this side. So, Jason, I'm asking people out there who are watching too. Take some photos themselves. If they are carving pumpkins along with you right now and post those absolutely to twitter with the hashtag ask copy or ah, send it directly to act. Create a blood. We want to see what you're doing. One c crazy stuff. Look at that one. I really wanted to do this one kind of inspired by Monsters Inc here. Can I go to candles you like to use? You know, I'm more of an electric person, and I do have on I was gonna show this later, but I do have glow sticks. So these little snap glow sticks that you use for going out and trick or treating with you can do those and put them in the pumpkin, which is really good. Black light works really good. I used to take those kind of large bulb Christmas lights and put them in there. Well, that's one time I used to drill just a drill. Random. The little white twinkle lights inside. Beholds. Yeah, well, that's perfect. Yeah, you can always also take one of those little ceramic Christmas trees and just shove it up inside the whole of the pumpkin to and do that. And don't be afraid. You know, there's a lot of battery lights out there like those led lights that you can kind of put like colored Saran over so that you get different lights coming out of the pumpkin instead of actually doing different lights. And, you know, another way of doing this is if you ever want to really have fun for cutting out different angles and details is you can use this, um, like roto zip, and it's got a drywall bit on. There's for cutting out around light switches and things like that, and it looks like a drill, but it actually has edges on the whole thing, not just on the tip. And so you can actually go through and use this as kind of like we did with the saw here and trying to do the salt. We can just go in and use this makes a lot of noise, But, boy, is it. Sure, fund. Because if you don't destroy things while you're making pumpkins, Yeah, see where we are here. The only thing with this is that kind of makes pumpkin puree when you're doing this and, uh, so. But what the heck Kind of looks like a tattoo, doesn't it? You have to buy a little bit longer bit because this didn't quite go through because some of these pumpkins air quite thick. Yep. So before the class, how many pumpkins did you careful practice? Absolutely none. Because one of the things is that, you know, I've worked with wood and stuff like that for so long that you know all the tools and know exactly what they're going to dio on. The only real trick is just getting the templates toe look good or getting the templates, period. So, like every other class I teach, I know nothing about what I'm doing until I actually get in there and I find out which is pretty much how it works, Jason. Really cool, Robin. One of our loyal followers in the room. She'd like to know if you got her email with, uh, some of her her photo ideas. Oh, absolutely. I didn't know was from Robin, but it was all those fantastic pumpkins. Yes, Yes, and way are gonna have some place to post those. Correct. Because we're gonna have people send their stuff in of what? They're what we're asking, folks. Just Teoh to send in to add creativelive on Twitter using the hashtag ask copy, man, this was a really thick pumpkin. Sometimes you just gotta take these things out in sections because they just don't come out. Were you trying, Teoh? Do one single cut on the entire thing, Patricia Course. And it's three inches. Yes, well, you know, you did have choice of pumpkin, so I can't. Yeah, right. Out of all the ones you had to choose a difficult one. So I totally understand I was preserving everyone else insanity if they came to creative life pumpkin carving. I question that completely. So I think that the unfortunately have a camera we can bring around show people. So I think in the end, everyone should bring their camera and let Jason show it off. Pumpkin, what will I say? Your camera. Would you please, for your camera? You know, bring your pumpkin up. And, Jason, show it off. You've only had to create one harmonization cred so far. It's happened. Of course you didn't exactly didn't bring power tools for everyone. And I was thinking during the low because I've been watching the chat room and get a lot tweets. People are just loving. This is a really fun inaugural. Folks is a brand new studio. I would love it if you start shooting us. Ideas for classes you'd like to see in this place. And actually the ones that we most interesting with the ones you send us over Twitter because those are the ones that actually will stick around in the chat room. That kind of evaporate kennel. Grab a few. But if you if you want to act creative, live with ideas for classes were always listening, you were always up for something crazy. Leslie Lee Photo says yes, loving this class designed girl 1977. Great way to spend a Friday. Rio has a tip for flat template round pumpkin tape. Top cut slits in the paper about halfway down from the top at a 45 degree angle toward the top. Thanks for that tip. That sounds so technical. It works because when you get a very round pumpkin, you can't really get through it very well. There we go. I'm gonna call this one, Carol. Thank you. Absolutely looking good here. So we got the We got road rash and we've got the screaming pumpkin here. And then this one retired one. What's that? This one. It's just all using texting characters. See? Uh huh. Yeah. So it's not lame at all. No, See, this is what we do here. It creativelive. It may seem like we don't know what we're doing, but I actually went through and created several temples texting characters, just in case anybody, you know, some mom would, like, downloaded and be like, Hey, let's do this in there. 15 year old daughter would be like if and then she download these really cool texting ones. And then she got all her friends together and do nothing but pumpkins that air templates with texting, you know? Hey, we'll do anything here for an audience, I can tell you that. I think so. Uh huh. So I'm gonna try one of these with surface carving so we can see how the surface carving actually works. Jason, we also later have a request stuff. We can see what the smallest pumpkin looks like. You said what it was, but they can't really tell the smallest pumpkin. Did you have a smallest thing This is my screaming pumpkin. I just cut out its mouth and just left its tonsils in there. Yeah, brother with a giant pumpkin and pumpkin. Oh, isn't it great? Oh, yeah. Well, you know, actually, we could We could do one of these with a doughnut. No way. Orange on orange. Really can't see it, but okay, whatever. So, Jason, as I've been walking around, there's been a couple requests for your unused power tools. If I could circulate them. Are there? Are there any power tools you could give up for a few minutes? Yeah. You guys want to use some, like here? Here you go. You can go ahead and use this one. Gonna hand that over. Run with it. If you have something sharp with their in his class, run with it. Jason, I have another question from the chat room in Mississippi is asking, what a jigsaw attachment for a Dremel work. Oh, it would be absolutely great. Yeah, you could use a jigsaw. I'm just using a little battery powered reciprocating saw. If you ever really thick pumpkin, you can use a corded reciprocating saw. Um, circular saws don't work very well, but I'm sure Chainsaws do. I thought you were bringing one of those. Yeah, I was going to. But then I also had my machete as well. I thought, Oh, my gosh. You know, that would be pretty cool, too. It's pretty great. Stress Reliever is the machete to the pumpkin. Using power tools to destroy something under the guise that you're actually creating. Something actually pretty cathartic. Uh, Rhett, let's see. Red Tello. Sorry, Red. Elliot Johnson is suggesting letter press with power tools Class. Ah, you know, letter press with power tools would be really good. And, you know, just instead of having an actual letter press itself, they actually have over spc. They do a steam roller to do that, but yeah. I mean, you could drive over with cars, things like that. I mean, there's always ways toe or card making with power tools is another suggestion from Leslie Leaf. Oh, card making with power tools. Oh, you know, I like that idea. This is not working. There we go. So, this one, I'm actually gonna do a surface car of on and, uh, use my and surface carver here. Really? Cool. Robin is wondering if you can pdf. A pumpkin. Wikipedia for pumpkin template. The template. But but not the actual import export pumpkin to Apia. While some lucky person's gonna end up with all these pumpkins cause we live in a place that where we live, they don't allow pumpkins. It just sounded good. I mean, come on, go with it. Really? You bend to buy house? Yeah. That green bird in the chat room. Suggesting what about a class on carving other things, like apples. We need some little fine tools for that. Oh, yeah. You know, we've got tools for everything. Another thing you can use is you can also use printmaking tools. Um, printmaking tools to car of the surface of a pumpkin because they've got some flattened. They've got some, uh, v shaped tools as well. Uh, Leslie Lee photo in the chat room is saying, What about a Twitter pumpkin giveaway? Um, yeah, beautiful about it. Whoever retweeted this class. Should we go ahead and find out who retweeted this class? And if your local you know, you can come down and I'll give you a pumpkin carved pumpkin, I'll even sign it for you. You can have a Jason Hoppy signature pumpkin. Your friends will have no idea what it is. But nonetheless, at least you'll think it's cool. Yeah, preservation. You're saying maybe, like a spray shellac or something? Yeah. You put some denatured alcohol on a couple times and kind of dries it out and then use, um, spray shellac. If you want to like a you can go ahead and do that, and it helps. I mean, it doesn't completely, and that's for when you doing surface carving like this. What's that thing for doing surface carving like this where you could actually couldn't preserve the surface? Because once you open up the inside there, you might as well just go ahead and, you know, I don't know, dip it in Korea sold or something? No. I mean, when we were kids, we painted with lead paint and then putting this bestest lid on it so it wouldn't burn, and you know that kind of thing. But those days are over that green bird eyes in Tacoma and says that he or she would drive to Seattle for a Jason hoppy pumpkin. Fantastic. Get in the car now. Does anybody want to try a surface carving? Because we have a little surface. Carving tools up here actually works really good. It's called. It's like making french fries with your pumpkin. Our very own Celeste has noted in the chat room that she made a Pac Man and Mr Burns Pumpkins this year. Uh, they were there a really hit hit, but that Yeah, and Celeste that that was for Oh, for Lawrence, Not for everybody. Well, if you posted to the chat room for everybody. Yes. So less is our producer here. And she did a very nice Patman Pacman pumpkin with a ghost, Pacman and the little dots. And you can do little dots really well with his drill. You know, you get a nice little hole saw, and you can do a whole bunch of little dots, But you didn't know that did Just last. Yep. Really cool. Robin is suggesting. What about carving turkeys next month? Oh, my gosh. We could do turkey art. How about a little ice sculpting? Now? That would be cool. Ice sculpting with chainsaws. You know, I'm not much of a carver. I could do some nice toe working, but the surface carving thing is so cool. Works really Well, anybody want to try it? Nobody wants to try it, Okay? I'll just keep it all to myself. Then I would want to try this on a potato, because then you could make triangular french fries. You know, no more of this four sided French fry. How about a three sided French fry? Jason Adam in the chat room is asking if the surface carving tools are available at the same places is the regular carving tools are just Hey, doesn't have never seen them it pumpkin masters makes thes. And this is just the pumpkin surface carver with glow in the dark paint so you could put a black light in front of it. And, uh, little glow And Lawrence in the chat room, Uh, who is one of our camera operators? Lawrence is saying that he might have to get a watermelon to do some surface carving. Oh, you know, that would be fantastic for Yeah, and G blink would like to know. Will the light show through well with the surface car pattern? Or is it just to be used without light? No, it it will. You can actually put light inside here and have it show through because it's thinner in those areas and you can also scrape the inside of it so that it's then so that you get kind of that glow coming through. Either way, you can surface paint in those areas that you've taken out to get that kind of glow or do it from the inside. You need a fairly bright light from the inside, but it would definitely work for you and ah, in Twitter. There's some activity with folks are loving this. And, um, Cognac five is saying This is awesome stuff, but they don't really do pumpkins in Scotland. Yeah, I don't know why. I don't know why we have a trend. I don't know why we do pumpkins here and no place else, but I mean, it's a fantastic thing. I mean, what we use pumpkins for, otherwise pumpkin pie. So here's one that I just did with a surface carving on. It looks kind of cool. Yeah, like that. We've got the whole creative life family here. And then if we want to put a little bit of light in here, we can just use one of these. These ones were you snap it and to make low. It's no that looks at him. Can we actually see the Can we see the green glow on it? I mean, if you put a glow stick in there at night, I think that would look really good. We can actually get the glow in there. I think at night that would work. I mean, you could see the glow stick, but this would be perfect for just Halloween night. This little glow stick. We have too much light in here, so we can't see. You know you can. Also, in today's world, you know, where you everybody's trading in their mop for those other things. Here. You can also have fun with your stuff, too. Don't leave out your other decorations, you know. There you go. Carol. How does that look? Can we use your hat, please? No. Carol won't let us use her hat to make it look like Carol. I mean, doesn't look good. I think it looks great. You know what we need to do to We actually need to do this. We can actually make this look good. Even better. There we go. There you go. Carol. What do you think, Nick? right. We'll just kind of drape the kind of this little sexy drape over that thing. There you go. You don't have fun with your pumpkins. So we've got road rash we've got We've got the screaming pumpkin we've got, Actually, this is the screaming Pump him. This would be our texting. Pumpkin, this is Carol. This is the look at me. And then we got road rash here. And folks you can go online to You wanna glow in the dark thing for your pumpkin and put it inside there and will glow. Design girl 1977 is saying that, you know, a bow on top of that hair would be really nice. Well, Carol has a really great hat that I think if Rico were really, really good, will you go giving my what you come get my hat. Thank you. Thank you. There we go. Now, is that not fantastic? There we go. Well, actually, I'll actually put it away. Yeah, I think that looks really, really good. Don't you, Carol? Use your glasses too. Very, very hip. Yes, actually, one pumpkin, my brother, sister and I actually want pumpkin carving contests only. Or in junior high school Carol. People in the chat room are saying, All right, give it up for Carol. So thank you, Thank you. Rico's filming the whole thing. No, that's totally funny. Great. My glasses. But it's good. That's what makes it funny. Actually, that's modeled after model monsters, Inc. Oh, yeah, we scare because we care. Jason Adam, in the chat room, would like to know if you're gonna do a car design. You know, I didn't have. I did have this one that I was going to do, but I decided that you can download these. It's it's actually pretty cool. This one was online where you got the I've seen these done on pumpkins before, and I thought, you know, this would be really cool to try making always carved. It's on back of one of the pumpkins, too. It's a great surface carve to have it glow. There's surprisingly little lunch header out here in the life studio audience. Folks, what's going on? Yeah, I I see the saw going, and I see everybody else standing behind her, smiling ridiculously so either it's really good or it's really bad. But either way, it's really like road rash here. Really? He's recovering. George. George. Jason, Susan. Bench in in the chat room is requesting that you do pumpkin carving next year with bacon incorporated into the faces. You know, we could do in Lai's. We could definitely do bacon head lays. So I sure hope people took out valuable time out of their day to see this. We're talking about different types of pumpkin seeds in the chat room, So bacon, salt. Oh, yeah, bacon, salt, pumpkin. See concedes. And, uh, don't under utilize your power tools. If you could introduce power tools and everything, Definitely do it. Jason Adam in the chat room just wanted to say thanks for the download of the simple templates his four year old daughter will have a blast with, Um, it will scar her for life. Why wasn't assure you how to do the templates and illustrator, but I thought that was going a bit far. Laura, Eliza and Twitter are at flashbulb. Photo is totally gonna use the glow stick idea. Awesome. And Jason, another question from Twitter. Yep. Uh, creative 3 65 What is the tool that you are using to trace the template? It's called a pounds wheel and all it is is this little wheel with Scott little teeth on it and, ah, little teeth just kind of poke right in there. They use it for sign making. They use it for sewing. Ah, woodcarving and all. It does just leave little in dense in there in the pumpkin anyway. But if you're trying to trace something, what you can do is you can, um, on a hard surface that you don't want to have dented. You can actually go over like a pattern, and they actually have what's called a pounds bag. It's got, like, a little bit of charcoal or talk in it. And then you go over the template and you kind of tap it on there, and it kind of lets the Chako too little hole, so it leaves just kind of an outline. So if you don't want actually run the pounds well into something that's very valuable, you do a template and then do it that way. This is This is too funny. So, uh, what's that? I was just gonna say Red Elliott is asking, Can you make an IPad lit pumpkin? An IPad? Let pumpkin Oh, yeah. Being if you want to put a six or $800 IPad in the middle of your pumpkin. You know, I'm sure you could do anything. Do an IPhone pumpkin to, you know, anything like that and a CD Walker and the chat room is wondering if there is a reason that you have the drill set on reverse. Um, no, it was on forward. If you Here's the thing. This is a This is really cool. If you ever are trying to do use the whole saw here and a whole sauce can be very aggressive. That's where you got the center drilling here. You can always put on backwards to start the whole saw. Um, without the center drill on, do that. But with carving a pumpkin, it's actually pretty easy. But are you viewing it from the Southern Hemisphere? That my it's on reversed Sexton forward his own reverse. We'd have much more problem than we're having now. So is anybody ready? Teoh, like, show off anything that they've done with their pumpkin? No soon. Okay, Maybe you should start carving doughnuts because we've got all these doughnuts up here. Active Mom, Jason is requesting if you could show the spider Web one. Oh, do the they don't have. Actually, if somebody wanted to grab the spider web template one of those, Yeah, just grab the spider web template or you doing the spider web? Oh, Jim, Jim's doing the spider web, so we can eventually. Okay, here we go. I'm gonna grab it by its nose. Okay? Fantastic. And here we have peppers, pumpkins right there. And it's even got its even. Got fantastic hair on it. It's the Freddie Kruger hair. And, uh, but it's fantastic. Yea, pepper a a Very good. So we're gonna put this right up here with the family right there. Susan Benton says, Yea, pepper, that looks awesome here. You know, I noticed there's no people that carve pumpkins with their tongues because nobody else kind of keep their tongue in their mouth when they're carving. I don't I always have Teoh use it for balance like this. Oh, my gosh. Okay. And is this yours? Okay, Mrs Melodies, Pumpkin. Right here. And did you use power tools on this? It was all hand done. Yes, and ah, so you get Ah! Oh, you get some nice little flames going up here. The great little triangle thing is Ah, wonderful for doing this kind of flame kind of thing. Some higher Olympics on the back there as well. And we'll move the malady. Folks on the Internet are saying Great job. Great job. Nice pumpkin. Yeah, There we go. Put that over there, Craig. Folks are are commenting on your family's lovely tied eyes. And Bronco cat says a family that tied eyes together is happy together, that's for sure. And do we have something? Have something. Yeah, bring em on up. Let's let's let's show him off to the world here. Yeah, we have to have the the entire family right here. And we have George. Okay. Wait, what's your name? Okay, so I think this is George right here on a little bird template right there. Helps. You know, that actually does look very much like Carol people. We should change your name. Okay, so we have George, your is ready to Okay? Power tools. Anybody? Anybody. Craig g blink. I would like to know if they retire. I have a name for this one. Here. Very nice. Oh, no. This is This is good. I like the asymmetry that's going on there. And you totally disregarded your pattern to you. That's what I love. Very good. You got some surface carving going on there, did you? You never got the top off, did you? Yeah. You were working on the top for quite some time. Okay, Fantastic. What you got there? Why it? Whose is this? This one's yours. What? You wanna call him? Free range pumpkin. Strange pumpkin. Okay, there we go to teeth. There we go. That works, okay. And this nice little glowing thing. That's why it's strange, because it has some uranium in the middle of it. Right there. Okay. Very good. Running at a table space here. Parking double. Deep here way. Should have had 100 double decker bus. Yeah. What? Oh, you want somebody on the internet? Red Elliot says that yours is the best yet. People want to give you a hug. Actually, you know, we can probably put one of these on top right here. Yeah. Yeah. We just won't move him. There we go. Now. That's a nice family. That's a great family portrait. Jim, look at this with this. This is great. Yes, Jim. Very nice. you can. Yes. Yes, indeed. Where is the spider? Yeah, Come back and do it. Over Which Jim? So we get the get the spider there, Spiderweb. That's a good one. Yes, Just don't touch it. Uh, there we go, folks. And you know, actually, Jim, those go together really well, I don't think we could have something better. I still like Carol's best. I mean, this is wait to be see Carol's Carol? Yes. Carol has been here for two days carving the pumpkin. She wanted to make sure that it was done just right. She brought all of her friends, all three of them. Yeah, for those of you that don't know Carol. Carol, what do you do, Carol? Gallery manager. Yes. Well, let me know where you are. She's the get She's the gallery manager at Art Wolf, which is where we used to have our studio. And that's how we got to know Carol. And that's why we broke the lease early and decided to Now, if you want to come, if you want to come down to see Carol, you go down Art Wolf studio on First Avenue south here. She'll have her pumpkin to but I'll be without my hat. Shoeless Linda B is suggesting that you need to stack that poor rejected pumpkin in the back. What Poor rejected, pumpkin? This one right here we have We got to find some place to put it on. Other folks that worried that Taylor's gonna break well. Yeah, and I Because when I lifted this one up, the whole thing started to shift. So it's kind of like, you know what? This is very important, and it's just the balance. So maybe the doughnuts. Yeah. No, we'll show em all because we'll have to have a family portrait. We'll have to Yeah. Okay. So people started posting their pumpkins on Twitter. We have had a few come through. Yeah, OK, keep them coming. Yes, at about five o'clock this morning and posted on Facebook what we were doing and then my friend Laura and decided to go ahead and posted every place else. So, pumpkin carving with power tools. Yes. And Kenny McLean, who was the one watching from Scotland who says their pumpkins are too hard to actually like stern carving, suggesting that you don't put anymore pumpkins on the right side because it's bending. It is really thick plywood. This is what they make, uh, road signs out of Miss plywood sound. Could you show us Carol's pumpkin? Rico, I want to see what it looks like. I have seen nothing. Is its deep fall out of its head. This is insert. I was just trying to put the teeth back. Yet you got. And Kenny and Scotland continues on that in Scotland. As a child, they used to use nips, leaps, nips, which is turnips to non Scots means that I can't do a Scottish accent. Neither can I. My friend Ingrid's from Scotland when I can't even talk like she can too. I wonder how many countries don't use pumpkins for hell under even have Halloween. Why do we have Halloween? I think the only reason why we've Halloween is because we have pumpkins. I'd like somebody to find this fossil like, three billion years from now. I just have this fossilized pumpkin. Oh, very nice gym. You do not disappoint. Very good. Yep. There we go. Patricia. You started it. So there was one person and one person only that had control over how it can turn out. So, Jim people are loving the spider web and the spider on top. I think that's, uh, but Brocco cat would like you to carve the spider behind the pumpkin on the other side back. And then you could see it through. Yeah, actually, what I really would have liked Jim, I'd like, you know, could you have beveled all those edges on that web? Put it? Yeah, because a nice little bevel on the whole thing and then in Boss as well, you know? Yeah, Absolutely. I think that would have been really nice. Yeah, Yeah, yeah, I'd like that. Yeah, that Harry Potter effect on there. Yeah, that would work. You get, like, dried pumpkin all over the place. Now, it isn't as bad as we thought it would be. We haven't seen it yet. Actually, that's pretty good. That's really good. It looks like it has, you know, foot in mouth disease, but yeah, no, but I like what you did with cutting the template apart. Being a rebel, that you are a couple of folks Brock cat. Really cool. Are suggesting some drop shadows. Oh, yes, because yes, if you love it. One designer told me if you love it at a drop shadow to it. Or a pumpkin filter. Pumpkin filter? Yeah, that would work. Run the pumpkin filter on these. Well, if we had if we were doing photo shop would be pumpkin carving in photo shop. Shrek, We have Shrek. Don't wait. Really? I'm, like, kind of doing the class here, so it's kind of hard not to look Jason after dark Carol is making Jason after dark. Oh, now I'm really excited to see this one. It's one hot pumpkin. I can tell you that. Melody, uh, David wanted me to let you know that peppers teacher apparently is watching. Would like peppers pumpkin to come to class, if possible, that can. Brocco cat is suggesting that you run a pumpkin carving script. Well, you know, there is a very easy way that we can actually create a just a layer effect getting Photoshopped to give that pumpkin carving effect. It's actually pretty easy. It is. It really is. You just take pumpkin and you put it on there and you map it to the surface and it's a whole lot less messy. That is in no seeds either. And, uh, CD Walker. What about trying the new puppet warp. New puppet warp. Oh, my gosh. Puppet warp with pumpkins that would work. So, Carol could me see new refine mask. You could just You could put it right in front of the camera. There. Right there. Hold it right behind you. Why? It is the camera. Turn around and hold it right up there. There we go. Hold it up to the camera. A little bit towards your mom. There you go. And turn it a little bit. Very nice. Very, very nice. I like the teeth on it. Carol. Here, let me pick it up. It's getting close. Yeah, So there we have that. I like that one. Carol. I didn't think you had it in here neither, But whatever it was, it certainly got out. So we've just got to more holdouts here. The last one we have not seen at all. We've seen Patricia's. Yeah, Carol Braca Cat online says that it looks like Shrek with teeth or with years in years, But are Shrek with teeth? I know where you parked and I know what you drive and that Green bird wants to know where those to fix that you used. And there are no I m's Spoon, fork and spoon, forks and spoons. Our finest china. I actually like the forks. The four times are very nice. I think the best I could get done here. Okay, let's show it off. Here. Here you go, Carol. Which, like your hat back, I'm not a good thing. I I'll have my friend grab it when she gives you her. Yeah, let's set it right on top of Carol here. Wonderful. Okay, here we go. As we got the nice little appetit. Let me turn it correctly. Here. Here we go. Is that like a little piggy? Yeah. I'm gonna have to hold that on their c o. You forgot Carol's hat. No. Yeah. Thank you. You're welcome. So, Jason, China shot bowl on Twitter is joining us from Bristol UK. Yes. Enjoying the fun in the studio here in the UK were having a carving competition at our party tomorrow. So very much appreciates the tips. Oh, my gosh. You come in and just blow them out of the water. Totally winning winning prizes, for sure. Oh, yeah, no doubt. No doubt. Help. Now it's interesting because looking at the pumpkins all lined up here. The one that I did, the surface carving on right here, down below actually stands out a lot more than all the other ones that we've actually carved right through. Looks really good if I do say so myself. Okay, Patricia, put your pencil down. The test is over. You'll have to hold it up in front of the camera, because I can't. Well, okay, I've got to take this one down or else Carol's gonna fall over. Okay? Okay. Here we go. And Patricia took one of the templates here, and she decided that she was gonna make it around, and she kind of separated it all apart. And then So we did way. Hold this up here. Cautious is a heavy pumpkin. Good grief. So this is the one that she did and then had the tattoo on the back as well? Uh huh. Yeah. So yep. You have nothing is going to stand on Carol. Very well. So there we have it, folks. We have the entire got the entire family of pumpkin carving. Bracco Cat says Yea. Patricia J A. Well, thank you. Everybody for tuning in on this. Ah, Inauguration Day on Studio one P and ah, joining us for our fun and frivolity here. I guess the audio and video feed were working. So this is perfect test. Absolutely. It looks like it worked. Good job, Jason. Absolutely. Can't way will lose the pumpkins A A. Thanks. Everybody go out. Use power tool safely, but use them. That's what they're there for.
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
What an absolutely wonderful class. Some might wonder "why take a class on carving pumpkins?" It's easy - you learn a better way of doing it. Jason is very warm in his teaching approach and uses his expertise in working with wood to transform pumpkins into creations that anyone could accomplish. Definitely a great class!
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