Guy Kawasaki - The Art of Enchantment
Lesson 10 from: Secrets from Silicon ValleyReid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha, Spencer Rascoff, David Goldberg, Chris Guillebeau, Guy Kawasaki, Megan Smith, Glenn Kelman, Sarah Leary, Toni Schneider, Pamela Slim, Gary Swart, Nirav Tolia, Niniane Wang, Tim Ferriss

Guy Kawasaki - The Art of Enchantment
Lesson 10 from: Secrets from Silicon ValleyReid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha, Spencer Rascoff, David Goldberg, Chris Guillebeau, Guy Kawasaki, Megan Smith, Glenn Kelman, Sarah Leary, Toni Schneider, Pamela Slim, Gary Swart, Nirav Tolia, Niniane Wang, Tim Ferriss
Lesson Info
10. Guy Kawasaki - The Art of Enchantment
Day 1
1Chase Jarvis - Introduction
03:29 2Pamela Slim - How to Quickly Move from Idea to Action
1:21:10 3Chris Guillebeau - The $100 StartUp
1:11:09 4Niniane Wang - Creating a Great Website on a Budget
59:44 5Glenn Kelman - How to Sell Your Company w/o Selling Your Soul
1:10:26 6David Goldberg - The Art of Asking a Question
1:12:37 7Nirav Tolia & Sarah Leary - Look Before You Leap
1:18:13Day 2
8Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha - The Start-up Of You
1:22:42 9Spencer Rascoff - Lessons from 15 Years in Tech
1:09:03 10Guy Kawasaki - The Art of Enchantment
1:19:14 11Gary Swart - How to Get More Done
1:04:23 12Toni Schneider - Managing a Distributed Workforce
1:13:17 13Megan Smith - 21st Century Collaboration and Opportunities
1:09:49 14Chase Jarvis - Wrap-Up
04:27Lesson Info
Guy Kawasaki - The Art of Enchantment
This guy has been a mentor to me personally has been a huge inspiration he's got twelve books to his name and I think I've read I think I've only got eleven, so I gotta fear which one I don't have um he was an apple fellow uh, really early evangelist for apple back when no one knew it that was he said, I think he literally invented that term I think he's going to be talking to us today about one of my favorite topics that he talks on, which is the art of enchantment. Please give a warm, creative, live welcome, mr guy kawasaki looking over your shoulder a first of all a point of information I didn't invent the term evangelists because there was jesus before, brother. Yeah, history evangeline is jesus than guy. Thank god, kawasaki yeah, so a little bit more introduction for me. My name is guy kawasaki and I was the chief evangelist of apple of the software evangelist. That apple I worked in the macintosh division working in the macintosh division meant that I work for steve jobs, which w...
as a very interesting experience, if you know what I mean. Uh, he was a very difficult person to work for, but really truly a visionary and a genius, and I consider myself honored to have worked with him uh I I have seen many, many high tech speakers and I'll tell you and this is over the course of thirty years how they're two key points about high tech speakers first most of them suck on second they go long and if you think about it that's a deadly combination because you know if your speeches short and you suck who cares right? And if your speech is long and your great who cares but if you sock and go long that's like the stupid and target it's just it's just a bad combination so what I do is I use the top ten format for all my speeches so that in case any of you think I suck here or on the internet you know that I'm going to have ten points in my presentation today so you contract my progress you know about how much longer I will suck if you think I don't I think you'll think I saw I hope you don't think I saw but just in case there says ten key points so my topic is the art of enchantment I think in silicon valley if you look at the companies that truly have changed the world they went far beyond simply closing a sale or getting people to use the service they enchanted their customer they enchanted their users and so I work for apple which was truly enchanting company or still is a truly enchanting company and I wanted to pass on this knowledge to the next generation of entrepreneurs and leaders and not for profits for profits whatever it is so they could change the world my personal mantra for my own existence is to empower people so with this book enchantment and with this kind of presentation I hope that I can empower people to change the world so let's start off right away they're three pillars of enchantment first kill irvin chapman is likability and if you think about it have you ever ever been enchanted influence persuaded by someone you didn't like probably not and so if you really want to enchant people you first have to be likable and this is a picture that I think really expresses likability this is me on the left and that's sir richard branson on the right and scenario here is that we're together in moscow uh in a speaker ready room were both speaking at the same conference and he comes up to me and he asked me what you would think richard branson would ask you which is do you fly virgin guy and I've seen me on his person I am seeing richard I don't know what to tell you but I have never flown on virgin on the united airlines global service level customer I don't even know how I got to be global service that's like beyond one hundred k so I don't want to jeopardize my globe service level status with united and when I said that that's what he did, he got down on his knees and he started polishing my shoes with his jacket. And so this is the moment that I started flying virgin america on. So I think this picture just personifies, like, of us to keep this in the back. You mine, you know, think richard branson, billionaire owns islands, bones, airlines owns god, I don't know what he doesn't vote and yet he's willing to get down on his knees so that there's one more passenger on version that's likability. Now the start of all likability is a great smile. This is not a great smile since another airline smile. This is the pan am's smile many of you here too young to know what pan am is penn was an airline that existed a long time ago before the internet and this flight attendant working for pan am if you look at her face she's kind of dreaming and very issue like acting like she's really happy to see the passengers, but truly she's not happy she's faking it, she's sucking it up, she might as well have a pencil in her teeth that's the kind of smile that's not a great smile, that's a smile, that's on ly using her jaw a great smile is called a duchenne smile and a duchenne smile uses a second set of muscles the eye muscles so the key to a great smile or the eyes not the jaw, the eyes and the consequence of a great smile is crow's feet so actually you want crow's feet so don't do both talks adult the classic surgery it'll make you less enchanting you want kroc? So remember nothing else from this creative life session? Just remember you want crow's feet, crow's feet is a good thing. So what? When I write, you save ten grand right there. Not that you would need it. So the key here is this great smile and I wanted a face, a smile that illustrated duchin, right? My first choice, honestly was george clooney, because if you ever see a picture of george clooney smiling, if he has crow's feet, I mean his crow's feet that could hold water they're so deep, but I found out to use his picture legally. Anyway, it costs a lot of money, and so my second choice is this woman mari smith. Mari smith is a facebook marketing expert, and so I sent her an email. I said, mario, good news for you and bad news the good news is I want to use you in my speech this means I'll tell tens of thousands of people about you all over the world every year the bad news is mari, I'm putting you in my presentation because you have crow's feet being the good person shoes, she said, ok, the rest is history make a dish and smile think mari smith the next step in likability is to learn to accept others for what they are another test for you you know when you meet someone and you can just sense that they don't like what you are they want you to change political party they want you take the jewelry off your face they want you to change your sexual orientation or your religion or your social economic status or your car your sports affiliation it's hard to be enchanted by someone like that, right? Someone was trying to change you and so the second step of being likable is to accept others for what they are no matter how much jewelry sexual orientation, gender, political status, economic status, whatever it is, just accept others for what they are third thing is to learn to default t s defaulting t s means that when you meet new people, you're always thinking, how can I help you? What can I do for you, which is very different than thinking what can you do for me? Or how can I say no to this person if this person ask me to do something you might think that there's a great down side to this which is what if the person asked me to do something that takes advantage of me and I'll tell you that having done this for about twenty five years the upside of defaulting t s informing stronger relationships with people far out seeds the downside danger of being taken advantage of I think in my whole career maybe five people tried to take advantage of me and arguably those five were not worth enchanting so whenever you meet people always be thinking how can I help the other first that what can I do for the other person regardless of what status what fame what power what level how can I help the other person three key points of likability now the next step is to achieve trustworthy is because if you think about it you can be liked but still not trusted you could like a hollywood celebrity but not trust ah hollywood celebrity an extreme example would be you could like charlie sheen but not trust charlie sheen is a big difference between liking and trusting how do you get people to trust you step number one understand the sequence of events here the way it works is you trust others they come to trust you so guess what this is not chicken or egg there's a definite sequence here you have to trust the other people before they will trust you three examples amazon dot com kindle they sell kindle books kindle has a return policy of one week I'll think about it many people could read a book in a week many people could read the book and return it right no questions asked for return no problem I was on trusting not to defeat it system by doing that and so I think because amazon social such trust to readers readers buy more books, they buy books that they weren't quite sure they wanted. Amazon trusted the customer the customer has come to trust amazon second example zappos hominy buy shoes to zappos everybody yeah so here's the key does apple so pretend it this is ten years ago where nevers apple started and you meet the cofounder it's tony shades told you know tony, tell me your business model and tony says, well, my business moments to enable women to buy shoes without seeing them we're trying them on you would say to tony, tony, you're freaking nuts no woman why shoot all seeing this? You're trying it on and yet clearly millions of women do this and why do they do this? Because they trusted his apples and why do they trust apples is because apple's trusted them first zappos trusted them first by giving them a policy where you buy the shoe we will pay shipping both ways if you don't like the shoe send it back. We will pay postage back to us. I don't know if any other company that does something like that. And because apple showed such trusts of women, women trust ids. Apples in the classic traditional brick and mortar example is, of course, north shore, where nordstrom, which we all know, sells clothes and stuff like that. Believe it or not, they once took a return of a used tire. Nordstrom does not sell tires, and yet it wanted to show that it trusted people so much it would take a return of a product it clearly did not sell. You know, it's one thing to take a return of a shirt or pair of socks addressed that it might have sold but tire there's no way that it sold that tire and yet it took the return. So step one in achieving trustworthiness is understand the sequence of events. You have to trust others before they will come to trust you. Step number two is to reorient your philosophy in life towards baking, not eating. Let me explain the difference and eater sees the world is a zero sum game. This is the pie there only so many slices in the pie. The pie is only so big, so this means that if you eat more the pie, I eat less this means that I'm better eat is much as I can, as fast as I can, because if you eat it it's gone, I can't eat get a baker doesn't see the world as a zero sum game like that, the baker says, wow, I can bake more pies, aiken, big bigger pies. I can bake cakes, aiken, make cookies, everybody can have more desert. So the key here is that you know who would you trust more? Someone who thinks like a baker, thinking that while we can all have mohr of desserts, mohr of the good life, more money, more whatever, or someone who's thinking is the only a set pie. After grab as much of the pie as quickly as possible, bakers are more trustworthy than eaters. Next thing is to find something to agree on when you try to enchant people give you two examples with apple. In the mid eighties, we tried to make macintosh a spreadsheet, database and word processing. She many of you are not old enough to understand this, but apple was zero for three. There, the market would not agree with apple that mcintosh was a good spread. She database a word processor. Luckily, there was a product called page maker and page maker created this great thing called this top publishing and desktop publishing saved apple if it wasn't for desktop publishing ergo if it wasn't for page maker there would be no apple today apple would have died if there was no apple guess what we don't have phones with real keypads we have phones where wade have phones with the battery lasted for more than a day you know we have phones where if you put in for for for de haro it doesn't take you to marin it would be a different world the message here is that apple tried to make macintosh a spreadsheet database and we're processing machine it didn't work but they finally found something to agree on with the market which is macintosh is good for desktop publishing find something to agree on now you may be looking at this picture when what the hell does this have to do with anything so the story goes to latin american countries big diplomatic crisis they meet in a neutral third country nothing happens for a few days no progress is made finally one chief still a man says to the other chief different that we need to resolve this by friday because on friday I must go home I must go home because I promised my wife I would take her to the opera I hate the opera my wife forces me to take her to the opera but I promised her I would take her to the opera the other diplomat who has agreed with nothing the person has said all week says, oh your wife forces you to take her to the opera too I also hate the opera on my wife forces me to do that so the message here is to find something to agree on it could be desktop publishing it could be a dislike of opera it could be a passion for the blackhawks or the bruins or the forty niners or whatever team find something that you can agree on to make some beach it in this enchanting relationship number three number three comes from my experience I have tried to enchant people with great stuff and I have tried to enchant people with crap and let me tell you it is a lot easier to enchant people with great stuff than crap I'm gonna walk you through what are the qualities of great stuff? Great stuff is deep deep means lots of features lots of functionality when you use a macintosh you don't run out of power you know there's lots of stuff for you waiting for you as you come up the power curve great stuff is also intelligent when you look at that product used huh? This company understood my pain this company understood the opportunity of fixing this pain let me show you an example is an analog example this is a geeky five hundred shelby mustang says they really bad ass mustang this mustang has six hundred fifty horsepower if you're not into stats like that this is roughly six point eight priuses okay, so I fifty nine years old going through midlife crisis feelings of emasculation feelings of impotence feelings, feelings of inadequacy so what a great car if I could buy this too compensate for all these changes that I'm going through in this crisis of my life but you know what? I have four children. Two of those children are boys teenagers with driving licenses and I know that no matter how carefully I planet there will be an instance where they drive the mustang right dad's going out of town he needs a ride to the airport this drop him off at sfo in the mustang and then we can tear us back home. This car can go over two hundred miles an hour. The thought of either of those two boys driving this mustang is absolutely frightening to meets on the borderline of immoral to think of those two boys driving a car with six hundred fifty horsepower but ford has a very intelligent product it's called the mikey and what the mikey enables you to do is control the top speed of the car with the key so the day that they take me to sfo I would that then used the key that was programmed to go no faster than fifty five miles now in case you decide to do this just understand that the mikey controls the top speed of the car not how long it takes to get to the top speed of the car intelligence great products are also complete it's the totality of the product in the software business you know what it's not just the software it's the software the reseller the consultant the webinar the conference the documentation the online tech support it's the totality great products are complete great products are also empowering they make you feel better about yourself not worse about yourself macintosh makes you feel more creative and more productive the other operating system you fight macintosh becomes one with you it empowers you great products finally are elegant someone cared about the user interface so the three pillars of enchantment eighty percent of the battle is that you're likable, trustworthy and high quality you're competent your dicey your deep you're intelligent your complete you're empowering and your elegant step four is to launch your product or service the key to a great enchanting launch of a product or service is to tell a story a personal story why did you create this product why did you create this server why did you create creative life tell a story it's not about patent pending curve jumping paradigm shifting enterprise class scaleable crap okay it's about why you created his let me tell you some great stories that worked in silicon valley my buddy and I, we thought we always want to use a personal computer, but there's no such thing as a personal computer with the drive to university with the drive to a government agency to drive to big company, why kept a computer be smaller and cheaper and easier to use? So we started apple in a garage or my girlfriend collects pez dispenser. She wanted a way to sell pez dispensers to people all over the world. She wanted a marketplace for pez dispensers. She couldn't sell her pez dispensers online, so I created ebay story of ebay total bullshit story, but it is a great, great story stories absolutely false it's a great, great story. The pointy ears in your introduction tell a story. Stop using adjectives patent pending curved jumping paradigm shift the enterprise scaleable because every company uses that you know it's called the the guy kawasaki opposite test, which is is your competition saying the opposite of what you're saying? Because then you're different. So if your competition is saying my product is buggy, slow, hard to use a piece of crap that ok, go make an announcement where my product is bug free, fast, easy and not a piece of crap, then you're different. The problem is everybody uses the same adjectives tell a story next thing is to plant many seeds it used to be good marketing. One point. Oh, a top down world. The way it worked is there were these very important people. They work for the wall street journal, new york times, wired, mashable, techcrunch read white. Okay, you sucked up to them. You sucked up to them, and you hope that they liked what you did. And then they would tell the great unwashed masses they would tell the hoi polloi you should use this phone. You should use the social media service. You should use this computer. You should use this car. Ok, I was marketing one point. Oh, suck up to the powerful people. They tell the hoi polloi what to do. Marketing two point. Oh, nobody's are the new somebody's. And now, it's, these people that are not so easy to identify. They don't work for the wall street journal, new york times, washington post they are lonely boy, fifteen at a well dot com. All right, let's, talk about lonely boy. Fifteen today oil dot com. He has fifteen followers. He still lives with his mother. He sleeps on buzz lightyear sheets, right? He's, not this powerful mogul. He's lonely boy fifteen but lonely boy fifteen has fifteen followers and they have fifteen followers each and so if you get the little boy fifteen and he loves your phone or loves your computer and loves your website or loves your photo sharing site he spreads the word and in that world you have to plant many seeds before you could focus on these big journals these big magazines these big sites but now it's lonely boy fifteen and how do you find lonely boy fifty very hard really? What you have to do is you have to let mony boy fifteen find you and how do you that it's? By planting many seeds get your product out there in some demo format at your service out that encourage people to sign up plant many seas remember nobody's are the new somebody's in this world next thing is to be sure to use the salient points to describe what you do on the left side we see the technical term on the right side we see how people are thinking so let's say you're in the organic local healthy food business, right? So you go across the street to whole foods market you pick up a bag of chips, you turned the bag of chips over and in four point great type you try to read the fda information that says there are two servings in this bag of chips three hundred calories each two times three hundred six hundred calories if you eat his bag of chips you would ingest six hundred calories do you know how much better would be for the world if you turn over that bag of chips and it said if you eat this bag of chips you have to run twenty miles that's the salient point it's not how many calories it's how many miles and the not for profit business many not for profits like to describe their business in terms of the size of their fund right how many millions of dollars that we have in our fun but you know what if you're a donor what you want to know is if I give you five hundred dollars that buys one year of food for a family in ethiopia that's what I'm thinking about how much food does it by not the total size of your fund if you're in the gadget business how many of us wake up in the morning saying man if only I had thirty two gigabytes of storage my life would be complete right people wake up in the morning saying can I get something cool and thin and beautiful that can hold ten thousand songs and one thousand movies and one hundred thousand books people are thinking in terms of songs and movies and books not gigabytes not dollars not calories used the salient points number five number five is two over resistance to your enchantment? I wish I could tell you that if you created a dicey product or service, the world would just roll over and embrace you it's not going to happen arguably the more innovative in the more revolutionary your product or service the mohr you're going to have to overcome resistance. This is a short story about overcoming resistance. In the mid eighties, the electronic gaming business was tarnished so tarnished that nintendo was afraid that retailers would not stop its game it's elektronik game so what it did is it added a robot to the game and repositioned it as an educational toy. So imagine the difference back then for a child asking his or her parents for one of two things mom and dad buy me an educational toy to learn robotics versus mom and dad buy me a game to shoot stuff up with that's how nintendo overcame resistance it added a robot to a game and made it into an educational toy. Another way to overcome resistance is to provide social proof that is to enable your customers to show that they're using what you provide. You know every time you send a message from your smartphone unless you've changed it there's a signature at the bottom this is sent viet and tea for g l t wireless network, right? And every time somebody receives that just just a little bit more this person is on at and t four g lt this person is on eighteenth e four g lt after while you figure what everybody's on, that must be a good network. Apple did this with ipod when the ipod first came out. White earbuds no such thing as a white deer blood before. So guess what you notice the white earbuds pretty quickly learned white. Your body goes ipod the more white ear buds. You saw the more character, the more that the thought of buying an ipod became comfortable because, well, lots of people using it must be good, right? That's social proof. So at some point, resisting apple is futile. And you want an ipod, right? So now when you want an ipod, guess what, there's? One more set of white I, but, uh, ear buds in the world. So you added to the pool of white earbuds. More people saw white here, but more people about ipods, more people bought ipods, more white earbuds, more white earbuds, more people bought I pod's it's. A beautiful thing provides social proof, figure out a way, show social proof. Next thing is to use the data set to choose to change a mindset, very powerful, very powerful book. This is from a website called gap mine, the gap minder dot org's lots of great examples of using data to change minds so this is a graph that shows in nineteen fifty this access shows the life expectancy of people in a country this axis shows the number of children per woman in that country the colors show what part of the world you're from ok, so in nineteen fifties fairly accurate to say that you lived in america and western europe you had a long life and few kids but if you live in the rest of the world you had a short life and lots of kids that was true in nineteen fifty but I think if you ask people today is it's still true that if you lived in most parts of the world except the united states except western europe they have lots of kids and they're all dying young there may be a causative relationship there but that that's a different topic so the question is how do you change that mindset let's suppose you had a challenge like that you wanted to change the minds of the people think that you know your your lg you're lt network isn't that good or they have a mind set that mcintosh is not good for anything except that's not publish you some kind of mindset you want to change it use the data set so I'll show you over the next fifty nine or sixty years what happens so we are observing a very interesting demographic phenomenon here the whole world is moving into that upper left hand corner till today most of the world is living a long life with few kids most of the world the part that's not true is the blue which is africa but other than africa, all of us china, asia, vietnam you know all these countries we all have long lives a few kids when you can animate data like that it's a very powerful method. Next thing to overcome resistance is to be sure you and champ all the influencers in a consumer setting. Many companies assume it's the dad you would be wrong most of the time. It's the mom sometimes it's the sister in law sometimes it's the grandfather in my family it's the daughter all right, so if you want to get to me, you get to my daughter. It is literally that simple because my happiness is gated by how happy my daughter is. So if she's happy, I'm happy if she's not happy I'm not happy it is that simple. So be sure you enchant all the influences don't just think it's the dad don't even just think it's the mob enchant all the influences next thing is to make your enchantment endure this is a picture of the grateful dead banner how what's happening here is the grateful dead is a is an organization has endured for decades literally decades and you have to think about that now why does that happen? How come the grateful dead there's third fourth generation grateful dead fans will tell you one reason at a grateful dead concert unlike most concert they have set aside an area for people to pirate the concert they call them tapers nobody uses tape anymore but they call them tapers so if you go to a grateful dead concert there's a place for you to record the concert then they want you to share the meal isaac now wrap your mind around that right so while the rest of the record industry is suing little old ladies for downloading cello music thie grateful dead is encouraging you to pirate their concert and why did they do that it's because the most vehement grateful dead evangelists is that the concert so let's let them make us more successful let's help them help us let's help that grateful did believer come through the concert record the concert and share it because that grateful dead evangelist is going to find mortgage rate ful did fans for us and that is a good thing as martha stewart would say second build an ecosystem again wrap your mind around the fact that it's not just your iphone it's not just your and joyful it's not just the food at the restaurant it's not just the digital download of the software it's not just the service at the website it's the totality of resellers webinars documentation fans it's taken analog example restaurant what's the ecosystem around a restaurant well, obviously you have to serve good food. So is it just the chef on the food? I don't think so. Probably there's the union of the waiter and the waitress is probably there's the valet service. How about the organic farm that provides the vegetables in the meet in the chicken? How about that? How about your fans on yelp? That's the totality of the ecosystem it's not just the food it's, not just the download apple with tens of thousands of ios developers. Imagine if there were no ios developers, you know would they be seven hundred fifty thousand different aps. All right, if that's the kind of phone you want, just use a windows full point here is that an from an ecosystem makes the product better. The ecosystem does things you are unwilling or unable to do build an ecosystem. Next thing to make your own chairman last is to invoke reciprocation. Reciprocation is a very, very powerful factor. The expert a reciprocation is this fellow bob sheldon e he wrote this great book influence recommended required reading everybody in this business should read influence so two examples of reciprocation this carpet shows when mussolini the italians invaded ethiopia when that happened, the people of mexico collected money and sent money to ethiopia to help the ethiopians fast forward eighty five years big big earthquake in mexico however, the people in ethiopia were going through a famine they weren't exactly sitting pretty but the people of ethiopia collected the money they could and sent money to mexico eighty five years later because they remembered when mexico help them fight the italians another example right after the civil war the people of new york bought the people of charleston so people of the north but people of the south a fire truck because they heard that in charleston the way you fight a fire is a bucket brigade. Unfortunately, the first fire truck was on a boat that sank the people of new york had to buy them a second fire truck. Ok, so now fast forward one hundred fifty years nine eleven happens guess what the people of charleston did. They raised money and bought the people of new york a fire truck in order to reciprocate for what new york did when charleston needed a fire truck. Reciprocation is a very powerful way to make your enchantment last I'll give you two power tips about reciprocation that I learned from bob children first let's say you will be my subject ok, so let's say I default to yes let's say I think like a baker not in either and I do something for you tell six million of my closest friends on social media to use your product use your web site you know whatever I do something for you okay so you thank me so the question is what is my optimal response when she thanks me it is not simply you're welcome it is I know you would do the same for me I know you would do the same for me I'm telling her she's a good person she has class I know you would do the same for me I'm also telling you I know you will do the same for me I am putting her on notice yes I will make you do so when pam slim asked me to write a foreword for a book and I do it and she thanks me I tell her I know you wouldn't say for me fam because someday I'm not ask you to do that that's tip number one tip them or two is now what do I do to make our relationship go deeper stronger more enchanting you know what I enable you to pay me back? I tell you this is how you can pay me back because you may want me to do more for you and I as a defaulter t s as a baker not a neater I am perfectly happy to do things for you I'll do more things for you but I am not clairvoyant so we are stuck you don't want to ask me to do more stuff because you don't want to take advantage of me or seem like you're asking for too much and I am sitting here fat, dumb and happy I don't know what else you want, so we're stuck so what I can do to make this progress is I'll tell you this is how you can pay me back you khun post a review of my book at amazon that's how you can pay me back by letting her know what to do she pays me back we clear the decks that she is free to ask me to doom or we can go on to an even more enchanting relationship. So the two power tips of reciprocation r I know you would do the same for me and this is how you can pay me back very powerful ways to make reciprocation acre enchantment endure next thing is the word of wisdom for you do not rely on money to make your enchantment last. If you have a trustworthy, likable persona with the great dicey product or service, you do not have to rely on money if you ever are in the situation where the reason why you think people are enchanted with you is because of your money you are in trouble because your money might go away someday or someone may pay mohr to those people who are attracted. You buy money, don't rely on money. I'm not saying you shouldn't pay people. I have all people understand the power of money. But if it's the core of your enchantment, something is wrong. Number seven, number seven is that great? And chancers our great presenters. So let me give you some power tips about presentation. Power tip number one is customized. The introduction thirty seconds. Just to show that you know where you are, you know who you're talking to customize it somehow this is an example. So I use these two photos when I was in brazil speaking to the latin american management of lg. Okay, this is an lg washer and dryer. Now give you the back channel story. I was already in brazil when I figured out, you know, guy, you're talking to lg. If you really had your act together, you would have had the picture already, but I was already in brazil, so because I understand enchantment, I thought I'd invoke a little reciprocation, right? So I sent a text message to my two older boys, the two boys I don't want driving the mustang, and I invoke a little reciprocation I see, you know, get off call of duty that I bought you on the export that I bought you in the house that I bought you and go downstairs with the iphone four's that I bought you and take a picture of the washer and dryer that I bought you okay so I don't know if any of you have teenage boys but you understand that nothing happens so I have to do a little bit of follow up right okay so I said that you have to understand the names of the two boys so nick is the older boy no is the younger boy okay nick noah I send the message to my older boy nick I say nick have you got my text messages there son nick responds well noah said he'll take the pictures and since you're talking to lg can you get us tio welcome to my life and then you know there is defaulting to yes there's thinking like a baker not an eater and there's also stupidity so this is why I never tell my sons who I'm speaking for anymore because then they're going to ask me for free tvs my point here is to customize introduction let me show you how so I love to do it with pictures so when I was in russia I opened up with this speech my opening line in my speech in moscow was wow I didn't have any idea that you russians have such big balls putin esque as we say when I was speaking in edinburgh I opened up with this picture this is a picture of me of krom ease quality meats learning about saugus again I didn't say I ate the hogs I learned about the hog it's but a scottish audience loves the fact that you went to krom bees and learned about august but is my favorite picture of all this is me and the grand bazaar vis ted bull in istanbul when there's no riots is one of the most enchanting cities in the world truly love this then why go back to this temple in a second so this is in the grand bazaar the grand bazaar is like this total mall on steroids you could spend it could easily spend two or three days in the mall it's having any of you been to istanbul it's a great place right greatly so anyway here's a scenario so I'm in this shop this the guy who owns a shop behind me he has glasses on so you can't see too well but let me tell you something there's crow's feet right there freaking guys happy guys happy he's smiling he's enchanted he's happened you know what he's thinking he's thinking this dumb ass american is going to buy this fast well yeah this dumb ass american this office has been in my shop for three generations and finally I found someone dumb ass enough to buy this fist. Trust me when I tell you you open up a speech in turkey a picture like this, you own the audience, you own the audience, customize your introduction. Next thing, when you talk about your product or your service, you should sell it as a dream. A dream of thinness, coolness off beauty there's an app for that, right when steve jobs introduced an iphone, he didn't hold up the iphone and say I have one hundred eighty eight dollars with the parts here today, it's manufactured in china at a factual where people are killing themselves. I want you to buy this new iphone one hundred eighty eight dollars worth parts manufactured in china that's not how he positions an iphone and iphone is about beauty and coolness and hipness and powered thinness and just all the good stuff you know fricking change her life, this phone and you well, you're lucky to buy. This phone is so great. Sell your dream last part of this presentation about presentations is the ten twenty thirty rule of guy kawasaki power point optimal power point. The optimal number slides in apartment presentations. Ten, ten, not forty, not fifty, not sixty ten. You'd be lucky to get ten points across now it's intelligent audience you think in god such a hypocrite you telling us to use ten slides but you're like a number forty already what's the deal here right is such a horrific it let me explain you are not to me you need to use ten slide you to chase you meet these ten slides you should be able to give these tense lives in twenty minutes two minutes heat something like that now you may be warning why is it that when most meanings or sixty minutes guys telling me to be able to give the presentation in twenty minutes what's the extra forty minutes right well you know to this day let's just face it about ninety percent of the world is using a windows laptop right there using this big thick black plastic ugly laptop right and so for that ninety percent of the world guess what they need forty minutes to make it work with the projector so in order to make this rule is generally applicable it's possible I have to say if everybody in the world had macintosh it would be ten sixteen okay it's not true so it has to be ten twenty next thing is the ultimate size font in a presentation is thirty points not eight, ten or twelve fuse a ten or twelve gonna put too much tex you put too much text you're going to read the text when you read the text, the audience is going to figure out one slide into your presentation. You are a bozo. This bozo is reading the slides to me verbatim. I could read silently to myself faster than this bozo can read them to me. Why do I even need to listen to this bozo? And you lose your audience? Now you want a rule of thumb about this part of the rule? Figure out who the oldest person is in the audience divide his or her age by two. So you're pitching the sixty year old people thirty points, fifty year old people, twenty five points, something maybe pitching a sixteen year old ventricle was that they got blessing. Use the eight point, but until that day, tense lies twenty minutes, thirty point thought. Number eight, we are in a great time to enchant people with technology. Because social media is fast and it's free and it's ubiquitous, it cannot get better than that in nineteen thirty. If dale carnegie wanted to get convinced people and educate people how to win friends and influence people what's the best he could do fill up a hotel ballroom. Maybe he had a microphone right? That's the best he could do. We have twitter, facebook and google, plus a tumbler and pinchers and lengthen hala frickin who how much better equipped we are so step one and using technology is to remove the speed bumps this is a speed bump called capture how many even in college did capture everybody's encountered capture what's the purpose of capture it's to reduce the number of customers you have right okay so we forced everybody in the world to type this soon first word is holbert okay you know a little difficult but ok the second word what is the second word any of you even know what language that second one is ok it's hebrew now if you happen to know the tea brewed how many of you have hebrew keyboards oh none of you okay so none of you could get past his captures kind of a problem you know I'll show you coming here has overcome this speed bump or not this people but a speed bump son jeopardy in the business of solar panels what's one of the speed bumps in any kind of home improvement project the person has to come to your house look at your house make an estimate this means that the schedule the appointment person has to show up you have to be there all that stuff son javadi they just want your home address guess what they do it the home address they look it up on a satellite photo from the satellite photo they know which way the sun is setting. They can mock up the roof. How big a panel could we put there? How much would that panel cost? And we can tell guy this paddle could put out x number of watts all by providing a home address moving the speed bumps second, if you want to be success with social media, you have to provide value. Value is not my cat rolled over. Value is not. The line at starbucks is law. Value is not. Click here to buy my new book value is information what just happened? What happened at the two thousand thirteen apple worldwide developers conference? What happened at google? I o what happened at facebook's conference? What happened? Or insights? Oh, man, that s rat this s should be here. It's probably running on a pc that incites meaning. What does it mean that apple announced this? What does it mean that google announced this? What does it mean? That facebook and what does it mean that the nsa did this? What does it mean? That there was this political change? What does it mean? Next thing is assistance to wraps crushing killing me chase you're killing me assistance howto make a good thing happen how to avoid a bad thing so the key to social media is you provide value. Think of npr and people npr provides great value going it's like standing from this you don't see the bad raps so the key to npr is that they provide great value three hundred sixty five days a year wait wait don't tell me this american life fresh air tech nation right great content provides such great value all year guess what? Every once in a while they run the telephone we tolerate the telephone, we even sometimes donate money. Why is that? Because npr has provided such great value we want to reciprocate and donate money we need to pay them back. They have done such the great job that should be your orientation for social media provides such great value information, insights or assistance so that every once in a while when you hit them with the promotion they not only don't mind they will actually take you up on that promotion because of reciprocity. The next thing is some rules of thumb of engagement I think its social media a tweet last about four hours email last seventy two hours maximum I wish I could tell you answered all my email in seventy two hours I cannot do it either, but that's the goal you have to do things fast, you have to do things flat remember that lonely boy fifteen at a well dot com if he sends your company a message answer it's a no brainer if it comes from w s j dot com and nytimes dot com wash po dot com I understand that you got your p r people you have all this kind of stuff to take care of that what happens is lonely boy fifteen at a oil dot com writes to you you answer because lonely boy fifteen at aol dot com may make you tip last thing is you have to do this all the time. It's no longer true that social media is sort of an experiment something you do off to the side it is core to marketing existence number nine how to enchant your boss very easy. When your boss asked you to do something, you drop everything else and you do it that's it might not be optimal my not even seen fair. What can I say? The way to a chance your bosses to drop everything if she asked you to create a power point presentation for drop everything else men in this audience if you're married your wife asks you to do something. Drop everything else that's how you have an enchanting relationship do not argue with their wife about what you are currently doing is more important than what she's at asking you to do because you are wrong drop everything else so let's say your boss asked you to do power point prototype fast. Come right back to her show over. Umbach off a prototype with just attacks. A few illustrative graphics dropped in and go back to your boss and say ok, you asked me for a power point presentation. Um, I on the right path. This has two very great effects. One is tangible proof that you dropped everything. You coming right back to her with the prototype. Secondly, it gives you more time to fix the prototype and make it great. You're not popping up at the last possible moment. Third way to enchant your boss is to deliver bad news early. The concept that you should deliver bad news late just before the bad news becomes reality is flawed. The thinking is I'm going to deliver bad news late because prior to the bad news happening, the miracle will occur. And the bad news walt actually come true. Never happens like that. Deliver bad news early. You should never surprise a boss with bad news. The faster you bring bad news to your boss, the more chance you have to fix it. The more chance you have to prevent it. Deliver bad news. Early number ten. How to enchant people who work for you arguably, just as important, the key to enchanted people work for you I learned from a book called drive by daniel pink, daniel pink basically says pay people adequately but if you want to take people to the next level to truly and chant temas employees, you provide a map the m and maps that's for mastery you come work for me, you will master new skills. You will be a better employee when I'm done with you come to her for me master new skills and by the way, the conditions under which you work are autonomous, you will work independently. I'm not gonna breathe down your neck and tell you how to do everything. So come work for me. You'll mass two new skills we working autonomously towards a higher purpose. We don't simply make money here we're changing the way world we're making people more creative, more productive. We're giving people peace of mind we're ending bad things were perpetuating good things were not simply tried to make a buck come work for me master new skills working autonomously towards a higher purpose second way is to empower action to tell people I think you're very good. You have good judgment, I empower you to make a decision do what's right for the customer and the third way to empower people and to make them a great, loving and chanted employee who works for you is to learn to suck it up suck it up. So how did you watch dirty jobs, mike rowe? That is a great show. What makes micro so enchanting? It's the fact that he is willing to suck it up? You work in the paint factory, the poi factory clean the outside of a skyscraper. You go underneath the house and get the dead scum. He would get the dead rats out of the sore. He'll perform artificial insemination on llamas, chickens, turkeys, pigs. He will do the dirty job. If you want to enchant your employees, show that you will do the dirty job. Suck it up. Don't ask employees to do anything that you yourself would not do. So these are the ten key points of enchantment. Remember the three pillars likability, trustworthiness and quality, right? So you have the quality of apple. Great stuff you want. The likability of richard branson got down on his knees so I would five virgin and you want the trustworthiness? Is apple's, where women will buy shoes without seeing the shoe or trying them on. So the likability of branson trustworthiness examples and quality of apple that's. The art of enchantment. A secret of silicon valley. Thank you very much I certainly feeling chance and I know I've just been looking here on the old information super wire there a pile of questions coming in okay, I'm sure that you folks may weaken queue up a couple of questions for those of you reach for a mike and uh thanks man. You're amazing to have you saying you would do tio he's good can let's go to you on the internet? Well, first I just want to read off some comments that are coming in because people have been loving your presentation net native s I love the way guy talks lee interested the kawasaki is enchanting my two year old son asked daddy why are you smiling so much? A cz watching this and again hilarious love this presentation from gov three but ready for question really let's let's hit you with questions all right, so this one is from rumi who says when you're looking at entrepreneurs or people to hire what are the top three things that you look for besides a great standard references et cetera. So when most people look at a candidate, I think the two things they focus off our education and work experience right? So you'd want the right degree and you'd want the right work experience I would like to add a third the third is does the person get it? Do they understand that we make this product does he or she loved the product does he or she get enthusiastic can you see that person evangelizing the product or service and I would make the case that if you were if I were to stack rank those three qualities educational work love of what we do I would make love of what we do the most important um if you look in my case when I got hired at apple my background was I have a degree in psychology because it was the easiest major I could find I was working in the jewelry business literally counting diamonds but when I saw macintosh for the first time it was a religious experience the clouds parted are hurt angels starting to sing you know you're it's a long time ago but back then you know you were lucky if you had a twenty four by eighty monitor you lucky if he had cursor keys and to see mac paint to see mac right where you integrate graphics and multiple fonts and text it was a religious experience so if you look a guy kawasaki on paper apple should have never hired me because I was counting diamonds with a psych degree you know that that is not exactly what you would say no we need someone like this to evangelize a computer someone count diamonds and has a psych degree so I think the most important thing is that they love the problem I'll give you a second little tip this is called the guy kawasaki stanford shopping center test so let's say you go to stanford any shopping so it doesn't have to be stanford shopping center so you go the shopping center and your shopping and you see someone that is interview and your company the distances from me to the back wall so about thirty feet right? So I see that person I saw that person I saw that she was interviewing in my company or our company you could have one of three reactions one reaction is you just make a beeline right over to you know I met you you're interviewing our company I really hope that you come work for our company, we're changing the world, you know, I think you could be part of our team with really the great stuff that's reaction number one ration number two shopping centers not that big if I really just happened to get in her face because we're at the same you know, I don't know lucky gene story yeah, I'll say hi, but if we don't happen to be at the same lucky gene starting, I won't say hi third reaction is I'm going to get in my car and go to a fricking another shopping center so I would make the case that in your hiring you should always have on lee the first reaction if you see a candidate and the candidate has not seen you, your initial reaction should be now I got to get my ass over there and say hello because I want that person to come work for our company. Amazing advice coming more you wanna go? And we got some of the audience so I'm gonna go to you guys right after anyone more from candy. Ok, great. We have a law. A lot of questions coming in that guy, man, I know exactly exactly. So this was an interesting one when, as a as a newbie entrepreneur, this is from where is roni? How can you get on your industry's radar and get invited to speak, take part in a panel or have other opportunities to present. So, first of all, what if the only boy fifteen rights and somebody will now be o s o? I think the key is probably to use social media that if you want to get on somebody's radar email is not so effective anymore. The most e mail is screened uh and or ignored. I have noticed that if you tweet somebody it's mohr likely that that person will respond if you email somebody so it's using twitter or google plus, which is my favorite social media site and what you do is this kind of the art of sucking up here so you go and look for this person social media presence and hopefully this person's intelligence so this person post something intelligent and then you respond there you comment intelligently so if if reid hoffman post something about the you know trends in millennials for hiring, you would post a comment to reid's post about well, I just read in wired that millennials have you know, different priorities and needs from companies and here's a link to the wired article or uh, you know, I've also read that pam slam wrote an article about what millennials I want you know, they don't want to be stuck in cuba they want to change the world so read you might find this interesting too so now you're on reed's great are because, you know, like the other idiots who posted high l o l m I l a oh, you know, uh this person has an intelligent comment with a good length and added value to my folks so you get on reads radar as for getting invited to speak at conferences, you know, the number one test is guess what, you have something to say which many speakers don't pass that test? I hate to tell you so they view that the reason why they want to speak at this conference is because it positions them as a as a thought leader a sector experts so it's all about them right but really what the meeting planner wants is for it to be about the audience not the speaker and I'll use aa book analogy if you're an author or want to be author imagine you're in amazon's home page or imagine that you're in you know one of the last hundred bookstores in america and so you go to the bookstore or you go to amazon and you see this book by colin powell one hillary clinton clayton christian pamela slim malcolm gladwell geoffrey moore bob sutton everyone has a story you know bob something the no hassle rule clayton christiansen innovator's dilemma malcolm gladwell out liars tipping point all that everyone has a reason and then you see your book in your book you're name is joe schmo so you're a book called the small way and is published by schmo press ok so you have to ask yourself why should my book be there what do I offer how can I be on the same table with malcolm gladwell, geoffrey moore, bob sutton and clayton christiansen and if you cannot answer that question then you shouldn't have a book and you shouldn't to be speaking so the answer to this question is you have to have something good to say what a concept hey speaking of books going to ask you for second about eight your last piece which was never you know I would do this same artist publisher entrepreneur great creative lives yes way no his most recent book and I was knee book, which is an amazing spirit we talked about that as well, but artist publisher entrepreneur you published it yourself talk to us about that experience is very different than sure than were some of the big guy, so I have been published twelve times the first ten times traditional publishing agent advance all the good stuff the last two times were what the plus, which is a book about how to use google plus and I had such problems. So publishing what the plus that I decided to write a book called ape author publisher entrepreneurs to explain how to self publish a book so that people wouldn't have to like got out the difficult process that I went through and so I noticed that there's basically three steps have to write the book author you have to publish the book, produce it and then you have the entrepreneur or sell it and marketed. And so this is a book it's like everything I know about how to write, publish and sell a book on uh how can they get it where they go that comes out it's a kindle e book it's also paper back and I promise you that if you're thinking of writing a book it's very good, very good it has I think they look at it it has about five hundred reviews on amazon it's about six months old and of the five hundred reviews about four hundred and ten are five star so none of that is through cheating none of that is really mean none of that is paid that's really like people put up four hundred ten or so five star reviews that's very, very impressive questions from the audience I know we've got a bunch you got some microphones and hands I'm gonna go to you give it up yellow or your orange jacketed guy so I thought I saw him on the freeway picking up trash wait ok what's the question all right, so today started recently following you on twitter yeah, and I was telling pamela slam my practice for twitter and I really need to improve this but I kind of treat twitter like an r s s feet and she was chastising me two tickets on an email account I read everything that everybody tweets if I missed something for sixteen hours, I go back and read everything you know that no, I know you do the nation we don't they're nuts I know you need a life thing everything they never read the articles so twitter stresses me up one of the things you were talking about it's fast frequent flat how do you manage us know what you see? You have a team doing social media it also ties in with another question I had there was when you were saying and champ all the influencers so hearing that I just thought ok overwhelm what do you suggest on how to break that down so we can amplify that without the team that you have? Well, the toured answer is man up but to go deeper which is one of the ways yeah, I think he's going to call it live in his orange jacket we could it be and he was saying happening here way cash no question he was getting beat up here last point is that really show you this live his limousine and we're all trying to get the euro in zane doesn't know now your question is a really good one so it's just going ok? So first of all, if you were to count all the people were helping me on social media it's roughly another person and a half so it's not like I have fifteen people helping me, okay? And I have very different philosophies for each service. Twitter is primarily contributed blasting out links twenty four by seven my links my tweets are repeated four times eight hours apart which boggles most social media experts minds because they say you should never repeat a tweet you should be personal, sincere, transparent you know that kind of stuff none of which they are and so twitter is just blasting google plus is a complete contrast on ly I do google plus no contributors, no ghosts, no nothing in all social media. If I respond, it is me so of you post something, and I respond to your comment or your tweet, it is me, it's never a contributor or ghost. Uh, when I post something on google plus a virtual assistant takes it and puts it on facebook manually puts it into linked in using either buffer or hub spot, so I have a bunch of things not help spot hoot suite ups, so so I have this this persona here, the most pure form of guy online is google plus, because I just love that service the most. And so it is about a person and a half who helps me and it's because, you know, for me, social media it's, not a hobby, it is not I'm trying to I'm not going to get more friends, I have four kids in a wife, I have all the friends I can handle, I don't want to make game or friends, okay, I just I want to have, like, this amazing marketing platform for which I will work very hard and pay the price, but and that's a very pragmatic attitude for social media from and that's what I do if you want to read in much greater detail exactly how I do all of that, if you got a hub, spot it, you be spl t and search for kawasaki I just posted there exactly how I do everything so I could truly explain because, you know, you can accuse me of many things, but not of being not transparent. I am very transparent. You may not like what you see because of transparency, just like you know, not everyone should walk around naked butt, but I am transparent. I'll tell you exactly what I do, I don't make any bones about for example on pinterest I don't understand interests pinchers I mean, that is just like a chick thing, right? So so so the pinchers account, my pictures account is done by a woman who truly understands pinchers, so I have a lot of followers on pinches because of her, not because of me, so but I you know, I don't hide that fact and that I am what I am ok it's good honest response transferred that goodell everything you needed out of that, you have a question. Okay, cool let's, go back. Actually had some other folks. Yeah, I know you wanted to chat to go ahead since the my going to sell me a lycan microphone before yeah, actually limits thumb and I think my question is a general question that kind of follows along what you were just talking about you're obviously very talented person with many diverse interest and you've got this huge network that you're maintaining I know you have some help, but do you have any general of advice to offer myself and any other entrepreneur? But I personally do have very diverse interests. I'm in oil and gas attorney also has a love of hip hop music in new york city long story but you know, just how do you manage your day? How do you pick the most important things? How do you manage your time? Well, first of all, you're assuming that I do management this's a very big assumption. So, uh I'll tell you a typical day for me, so I get up at about seven this is during the year get up around seven I take my daughter to school, the other the other kids drive themselves or once in college, you know, whatever you think I'm sorry I did hear the mustang no, no must so I take my daughter to school after that, I go to aa cafe and I answer email, I look at it social media for about an hour hour and a half and then I go and play hockey and then I eat lunch then I answer email do social media for another hour and a half I pick up my daughter I go home sometimes I help her with her homework then I do social media for another hour hour and a half uh wait we eat then you know more homework then then from like nine to midnight email and social media s o now that's what I'm not writing a book when I'm writing a book exactly the same except from eleven to twelve I right now eleven to twelve all right is asked backwards because when you're writing a book you should get up in the morning and write and then get the writing I'll away and then do the other stuff the rest of day but I do it ass backwards completely wrong don't do what I do do what I tell you if you're writing a book you should write first not get totally focused with social media and email so that is kind of my day um I also advised motorola now and adviser to seal motorola so that now I go to motorola lot uh but you know I I'm at the stage of where I don't want to manage people I have no problem managing myself and so that's that's my day I don't you know listen I'm not exactly being featured by um what's the guy's name who get anything's done guy david alan yeah he would puke if you saw trust they're not holding me up is an example. They're not you know, they're not asking for guests blog's from guy getting things done now it seems like you're doing a good job, right? Well, from the outside yeah, you know, yeah. That's actually, I'm going to stay away from that. And just like you mentioned a lot of tools, you know, you mentioned social networks that you're hot on. You mentioned a couple services that used to help you catch me. They want to talk to us a little bit about your suite of productivity's toe a case and my sweet of productivity's cools. So get your list ready. So number one I use a mac book air. I just bought the new air because it says it has twelve hours. Battery life. I have not been in a situation to test that yet, but I bought it air. My word processor is word I use my my sort of to compensate for my oh, seediness I use evernote. Evernote is I put every airline receipt every reservation, every everything and evernote, every clipper, every website, I think every idea, every password confirmation, everything isn't evernote moment of disclosure, I advise ever notes I'm conflicted um I used dropbox public folder on public photo folder and drop box where I keep my manuscript that way I believe that the closer you are to your deadline the more likely your laptop will get stolen or you'll overwrites file so I always need multiple copies of drop ball multiple copies of my manuscript so that's in dropbox I keep my most important stuff in dropbox I have a one terabyte account with dropbox so all sixty thousand of my photos are the catalog is on my local computer but the files are in dropbox because I have two hundred seventy five gigabytes of photos that that's arguably the most valuable things I have so I can't just keep that on one computer so that uh I used you send it to send large files around my manuscript typically gets larger than ten megabytes and a ten megabytes lots of service kicked him out so I used you send it love did you send that you can have you can limit the number of downloads of the file or how long the link will stay alive so that way if I send out my manuscript of fifty people I could say well fifty five people can download it and it only lasts for a week whichever comes first so that's very valuable you send it to produce a book I not I but the person who produces my book uses adobe inn design we found that that's the best way to take word shove it into in design then send it out to moby e pub and pdf hub and spoke how being adobe inn designed for my phone I currently use motorola phone that doesn't exist. Um, I'm a big and joy fan. I love angela. I think android is better than ios for many reasons we don't have enough time to go through, but I love android uh on my on my phone that doesn't exist ah kie aps off course. Ever note dropbox is their trip it trip it is a thing where you set up an account and then you email your hotel reservations, your airline reservations and trip it understands the format and builds itineraries from it. So let's say you get a reservation back from virgin america and you also get one from mrs chase four seasons. So you forward, you forward both reservations and the trip it looks at the virgin america reservation and the four seasons reservation says, oh, you know, july first to july fourth, there's a flight july first, san francisco to new york on virgin america returns on the fourth and there's also reservation four seasons in manhattan, july first to july fourth so we'll put those two together and make a new york agenda new york itinerary for for chase so that's that's how I do my travel also, you can have an assistant, you know go into that and put in your car pick up in all that speaking of car pick up chase introduced me to uber on love over the last time I was a jfk you know I see this line of like fifty people standing in line for a cab that's the ninety nine percent right I would fall over boom two minutes later I got my limo right and I look at that say well what? Okay, so the cost to go from jfk to manhattan was I think ninety but anybody that thinks the cat would have been sixty bucks so for thirty bucks I could save forty five minutes standing in line in ninety degree weather easy question is easy quick ah love uber uh what else? That's kind of that's pretty comprehensive militia that's uh, so I'm android for smart devices my I use I used to tablets to read I use the next two seven or love next to seven I like the seven inch format the way I decided on the ideal size format for tablet is I want the largest size that when you fall asleep and it falls on your face and won't hurt you so ten inches to big ten it will hurt you seven inches perfect so use that I also use a kindle paper white because a few weeks ago I read that if you expose yourself to the lighting from tablets it reduces the amount of melatonin you have and so it ruins your sleep I don't know if this is true or not so I started not using the nexus seven at night because I was not sleeping well sonar use a paper white because theoretically it doesn't reduce your melatonin I have no idea if this is true probably like a thousand people are now writing in saying true or not true so that's that's kind of like a camera talking about cameras right? So I use a d eight hundred um usually only for sports photography I used the eight hundred with the three hundred millimeter lens I love the d eight hundred what about the fourteen twenty four that well, the fourteen twenty four men and you just have to get to you have to get two in people's faces for the camera and by that I don't know so I used that I would do it for you I use a three hundred millimeter for sports photography for my kids I use a fifty fifty fifty year most of the time but really now I I only use of the eight hundred for sports photography arm using a fuji film x one hundred s great camera love that camera so it's really like twenty three millimeter fixed lens great for street photography you get a leather case for it it looks like a camera that's like you know, fifty years old, nobody wants to steal it, because I think, you know, why would I steal like this film camera? And what kind of shoes do you know? What kind of jeans? Lucky he's, lucky days. Thank you.