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Class Introduction: Finding Images

Lesson 1 from: Sharing and Publishing in Lightroom Mobile

Jared Platt

Class Introduction: Finding Images

Lesson 1 from: Sharing and Publishing in Lightroom Mobile

Jared Platt

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1. Class Introduction: Finding Images

Lesson Info

Class Introduction: Finding Images

So once you have adjusted your images you've worked on your image is inside of light room. You've probably sent him to photo shop and worked on their brought him back. You have this amazing little catalog right here in your IPad or even on your phone. So in your pocket you have thousands upon thousands photographs. And if you continue to collect in tow one catalogue all of those photographs, whether you're using light room desktop or whether using light room classic, um, you are going to have amazing catalogue of photographs available to you anywhere you happen to be so inside of light room mobile. There are the options of separating your images via albums. So any time you find some images and you want to collect them for a given purpose, you can do that inside of an album. But the trick is finding the images themselves. And so what I like to do is just kind of scroll through photographs and find images. And when I find an image that I really like and I want to save for us, but for a s...

pecific purpose, I'm once I find the image, I'm simply going to save that image into a particular catalog or a particular album. I'm sorry, not a catalogue, an album. So the way I do that is simply by clicking on this little set of lips is up here, these three dots and in it I'm gonna kick, select and just select the one photograph that I want to save. And then I'm going to come down to the bottom here, right here, this area. So let me select that image and down the bottom. I can either remove it from that collection or that album. I can share it. I can copy and paste the settings, or I can move or add it to another album. If I move it, it's gonna move it to another album, so it's going to take it out of this one. Put it in another one. But if I add it to Aiken, simply come through here and find on appropriate folder for it and Simon to put it in my portfolio, adds and hit ad. So now it's in both places, is in the it's in this profile section. This album's called Profiles, and it's also up here in the portfolio adds right there. So I can keep doing that. And I and I like to do this a lot, especially when I'm flying on a plane, and I and I don't want to be really working very hard. I like to just flip through photographs and collect them into various albums. I have albums that are for portfolio purposes. I have albums that just show the difference between one lighting technique and another lighting technique. I have thousands of albums, which is why, when I scroll through him, you see so many because I like to collect them into purposes so that I can use them for ah, portfolio or for a new art book or for something else. It can just kind of keep going on because I teach. That's a very useful tool. But for those of you who don't teach something, you might just want to start collecting your images for future projects. Maybe you have a project that you think I could do an entire book on my Children's portrait's that the photographs I take of Children so start collecting images, and every time you find one that you like, just collect it and put it into a new album, and those albums will obviously show up inside of light room, classic or inside of light from desktop, um, back on your computer, where you're going to share them or use them or build an album out of them or something like that. So start collecting those now. Some of the tools that you have at your disposal in in selecting and finding images is, um, first off up in the right hand corner, you see a filter, and I can click on that filter, and I can filter by all sorts of things. Stars, flags. So you see the stars. There's flags. There's can, uh, media type camera, the people who were actually in them, the location, the keywords and the edited like what's been edited on them so I can click on. So has it been edited or not been edited? Who's actually what people are actually in it? Um, what camera was used? All of those things I can filter by. But the other thing that I can look for is just searching now. This is going to be very different than what you would experience in light room Classic Light room classic. When you click on the search and you search the keywords or you search any information in the photograph. The search term is on Lee looking for data that you inputted so you have in order for you to look for a bride or a woman or a child, you have to actually have typed in child or bride or woman into the keywords or into one of the titles or descriptions of the photograph in order for it to find it. But light room mobile is actually tied really heavily to the cloud. And so when you do a search, it's gonna search based on not only any keywords that happen to be in the photographs, but also it's going to search visually because Sense A, which is a computer in the cloud. It is a machine learning AI type of system that's going to look and it knows what things look like. It knows what a hat looks like. It knows what address looks like. It knows what water looks like, and so I can search, and I could actually kind of scroll through. I could go all the way back upto all photographs, and then I could just simply search all of my photographs and say I am looking for a circus and hit. There we go. I've got images that remind sense A of a circus, including a wedding that has a tent. So I I never keyword that saying circus, but it looks like a circus, and so it brought it up. So this is a really fantastic way of finding images. So now that I found the images, I just simply click on those ellipses again and hit Select. And then I start looking through him and say, Well, I want this image and I want this image. Ah, those were the only images that I want. Actually, I'm gonna collect this image to right here, and I'm gonna take those images and I'm going to add them and go back into my portfolio. Adds and hit ad, they're So now that I've got my images, I'm gonna go into my portfolio ad. And now here's all of my images that I've added into the portfolio. And now I can share them. I can work on them. But I've collected those images

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Workflow in Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom Mobile Cloud
Adobe Lightroom Image Pipeline System
Black & White Preset Collection
Color Art Pro Profiles