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Playback Menu

Lesson 22 from: Sony A6500 Fast Start

John Greengo

Playback Menu

Lesson 22 from: Sony A6500 Fast Start

John Greengo

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22. Playback Menu

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Lesson Info

Playback Menu

Next big tab is the playback menu, and so items dealing with playing back images and how you see, view them, and work with them. Deleting, there's a garbage can on the back of the camera which is perfectly usable for deleting images but sometimes it takes more button presses than it does here. If you want to delete multiple images you could do so here, however there is a certain philosophy with cards and deleting that you shouldn't delete anything in the camera. Just shoot it all in the camera, download it to the computer, and then deal with it there. Every time you delete something on the camera it's potentially dealing-- It's going to be dealing with the communication system between the camera and the card and it could cause a problem that might cause a corruption. I don't have a problem deleting a few images here and there. I just would rather spend my time doing that on the computer when I have a better view of the images. For the viewing mode you can choose what type of files you ...

wanna look at. If you only wanna look at movies or you only wanna look at stills or a particular style of movie images. Because each of those have different type of file naming protocols that they go in, the camera can look for those and kind of narrow the search for the images that you're gonna be looking for. Image index allows you to choose either 12 or 30 images when you go into that thumbnail view. Choose one or the other. It doesn't really make all that much difference. Display rotation. Manual will be the best for TV playback 'cause it's always good for kind of the horizontal view. Another option is Off and that will give you a maximum file size all the time. That's what I would normally choose, but they have a new option called Auto which automatically rotates the image no matter how you are holding the camera. If you wanna get a larger image on the back of the screen of the camera all you have to do is rotate the camera, whatever orientation gets you the largest image size. If you wanna hook your camera up to a TV you can do a slide show. If so, you just hook it up with the HDMI cord and then come in here to Slide Show and set up the basic parameters of how you want it to be seen. If you need to rotate a vertical image for the slide show you can manual rotate an image if necessary. Only two pages in the Playback menu. You can enlarge the image. There's actually a plus button on the back of the camera to go in, but if you want to reassign that someplace else you can do that. Protecting an image will prevent you from deleting it. You can still reformat the card which would delete the image, but it prevents the casual, accidental pressing of the garbage can button. You can hook your camera up to a printer and print directly from it. If you need to do that, this will allow you to go in and specify exactly which images you want and some of the print settings that are available in there. As I gave a demo earlier on, you can play back a video and capture a photo image from it, a still image from that. This is a way of doing it through the menu system. You can do it anytime you are in the playback mode that you want.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

SonyA6500 Keynote Slides
SonyA6500 Recommended Settings

Ratings and Reviews

Nichola Johnson


Lee Kneisz

I bought the a6000 course a while back and when I upgraded to the a6500 this was a no-brainer. I love how comprehensive the coverage is and it was a great refresher on previous features. If you're a newbie to the Sony a6500 this is a must!

a Creativelive Student

I've owned the A6000 since it came out and still learned a TON from John's A6500 class. I will definitely be getting his original A6000 class. I'm SO glad he's doing Sony cameras now. Thanks John G. - You are a truly great teacher!

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