1Superior Drummer 2.0 Intro
09:37 2Toontrack Solo Mode
15:01 3Memory and Status
19:35 4Layer Limits
14:40 5Voice Limits
11:22 6Cached Mode
06:01 7Expansion Libraries and Kits
07:38SDX Libraries Explained
14:18 9Producer Presets
13:29 10Envelope and Pitch Settings
28:27 11Humanize Settings
32:28 12Instrument Settings
39:08 13Easy Mixer and Mixer Tab
26:55 14Mixing Presets
08:05 15Bleed Control
29:14 16Using MIDI
21:58DAY 2
17Mapping MIDI Notes
38:31 18Mapping Velocity Control
16:32 19Mapping MIDI in a DAW
23:20 20Mapping MIDI Nodes
12:46 21Adding X-Drums
43:00 22Microphone Assignment
28:07 23Routing Superior Drummer in Pro Tools
32:25 24Bouncing in Superior Drummer
27:04 25EZ Drummer 2 and Superior Drummer Workflows
15:44 26Superior Drummer Q&A
20:38Lesson Info
Expansion Libraries and Kits
we're in. Avatar. We know that this is the default kit we're in. We know that there's a full kit which would bring up everything. Look what that does to our memory again. Important to know, we know that there's a basic kit again. You go three of these in every expansion pack has these different presets so that you can sort of play as an artist as a producer, right? What I've done is I've gone up here, right? So here's the menu we've been in. What's come up? One menudo Avatar, This is your expansion library menu. And as you can see, working for tune track, I have a lot of expansion media Weird, right. But ultimately it's going to break them into two different types of expansion. This is your STX is your superior libraries. And then you're gonna have your easy exes as well. Because if you are an easy drummer user, all of the expansion from Easy Drummer also works and opens flawlessly in spirit number two, it does not work. Conversely, you cannot open superior media in these derma tube ju...
st won't work. So there are some really cool features. For instance, when you open avatar. As we've been looking at, if we go to the default kit, every expansion library has its own set of presets. Combined presets and tool set makes sense and all of these things. Ah fact, what we've been talking about down here, right? So right now again we see all zeros, which is great. The snares connected. Let's make sure that we're on unlimited Right Unlimited, which is great. We could set it too large. We need a small unit, we said at the small doesn't take that much off does. It's like this is the least you can get by with. This is where it's at. Okay, so I said it the small now user presets. This would be if I had any presets that I created here for particular kits. Same thing. Next load selected only. So, for instance, on the snare drum, right? It's the six by 14 black beauty. I've got this selected now. So if I went into my default menu here and went next, load selected only and I wanted Teoh load, let's say the full kit. It's loading and it's gonna have the same stairs because it's the same snare drum so horrible example. But the idea would be that the next snare drum from a kit that had a different snare drum would come up only because there's only next load selected. Only you're gonna load that preset just on that snare drum. Simple enough if you're uneasy. Germer to user again. A lot of these things are familiar. Wherever there's a triangle, you have a drum selection. Now you do not have selection over every single drone that's ever been recorded for superior drummer ever. And there's a reason for that. What you're looking at in these drop down selections are drums that were recorded in the studio that this kid was recorded in. That's very important, right, because you want to make sure that there's a continuity between the microphone set up and the way things sound would be very weird. Although doable to bring a drum that was recorded from another studio into this studio and expect the room likes to be exactly the same, and in the same breath I say that. But who are we to tell? You can't do that, so we're gonna show you later how you could do that as well. But Ultimately, every expansion media is going to have its own set of unique tools and presets. The reason I'm going to stay in Avatar for the majority of this class is because it's the stock library that comes a superior two point. Oh, and if you have superior, you have it. But again, any time you want to understand more about our expansion media, see what else is available. You can always go to to track dot com check everything out there. Okay, so we're winding down, and now you can see what's to day classes. We basically just talk about memory for an hour, but all worthwhile. So when we come back when we come back from the break, what we want to do is we want to sort to move into some of the things you can expect out of an STX. We want to go through some of the other settings, and we ultimately want to make sure that we've tied these two things together to the point where we don't have to talk about him for the rest of the time because they are going to matter as we get into some of these other options they're going to start looking at. So last chance. Work with me. Talk to me if you have any questions regarding to track Solo, which is the application that we're gonna open. Superior drummer to in. If you have any questions about some of the basic construct features, any questions about memory and status or voicing layer limits and how they affect your production or performance, now is the time to shoot Drew. Question. I'll recap settings. We've done memory usage limits. We've talked about the memory and the status and the voice and layer limits. So when we come back, we're going to talk about all of the features that are available. All of the tool sets. We're gonna work with the envelope for every instrument. We're gonna talk about some of the kind of humanizing features in the instrument selections, and then we're going to start to dive into the rest of the settings and some of the lesser sort of functions that you just want to keep working with in order to keep things moving forward. Yeah, anyone, even one question. Now and then we'll go to break what STX packs and samples are mixed, in which ones are unmixed. I'm sure this will be covered later, but just wanted to ask before I forget. Great question. Um, all STX is come to you raw the way they were recorded. So every superior expansion media is basically the drums recorded with all the mixer channels the way the producer in the Engineer recorded them. When you go to the easy X format Easy Drummer. One of the things that makes it easy Drummers we've done or the producer The engineer have done a lot of that for you sort of whittled it down. Okay. Instead of three kick drum channels, they'll be one, maybe two. But I mean it ultimately, easy. Drummer is that Hey, we've applied compression que We've put some things in play to give you a more polished sound. And that's reflected when you open an easy X and superior drummer. But the STX is the full, and that's why there's a big difference. For instance, the pop rock Easy X, which was the original core library for easy drummer one which doesn't exist anymore. So now are on these Germer too, but an easy drummer. One. The Pop Rock library was recorded in Avatar. It's the same recording session. It was 1. gig in the superior STX, The avatar that comes with you, right that comes with Superior. You know, it's it's 19 gigs and that's, you know, own compressed lossless data. That's and that is, roughly again worked within and tweaked on our end to make sure that it's still manageable. So we have asked the X libraries, for instance, that are 75 gigs. We have STX libraries that air fifth. I mean, they vary between because they are the files the way you get them. And then you can turn the kits into what you want to, whereas with easy drummer stuff. A lot of that work has been done not only to get the memory footprint down, but to give you a more polished sound right out of the box. Awesome. Yeah. Yep. One more question to easy drummer sound packs. Actually, performer sound better and SD tours there No difference between either software platform. Is it gonna is subjective? I mean, it will it will not perform better from a CPU standpoint. Easy drummer to and superior Mature, built on the same sound engine. So both sound amazing. He's a drummer to again, the biggest difference between the sound set when open and superior versus a superior. And we can talk about this a little bit more after the break to I think it'll be a great jumping off point is that your you will be dealing with processed sounds. You'll be dealing with less raw audio options than you may be with, You know, things that come into here. So there's no right or wrong. There's no better, is subjective. But certainly it is different, and we'll talk about a little that I think when we come back, I think it's worth kind of going into a little deeper.
Ratings and Reviews
Shayne Sheldon
I am very pleased with this course. It was originally presented as a free live stream and is the first CreativeLive course that I have taken in. I am so impressed, that I have purchased it. If you are a current Toontrack Superior Drummer 2 user (or are thinking of buying SD 2) and are looking for a guided way to learning this software, this course is one of the best learning methods I have ever come across. I doesn't matter what your experience level is with Superior Drummer-- there is something here for beginners, intermediate, and advanced. Though I would recommend having a working knowledge of MIDI, audio and computers. Absolute beginners to using software instruments and creating music in their computer might find the information in this course a bit overwhelming. Instructor Rikk Currence takes you thoroughly through basic to advanced concepts showing the true depth of this virtual instrument program. Rikk takes you through the program settings and options; creating custom virtual drum kits; settings for MIDI controllers and E-Drum kits; using the SD 2.0 as a stand alone virtual instrument, as well runninf it as a plug-in in a Digital Audio Workstation (D.A.W.) like Avid's Pro Tools. So much more is covered in this course, that I can't fully begin to share it all in this review. The knowledge I gained from this CreativeLive two day course has given me extra insight, increasing my functionality with Superior Drummer 2. Two thumbs up for this Master Class-- I can't recommend it enough to all Superior Drummer 2 users Thanks to Rikk Currence and CreativeLive for a superior course on Toontrack's Superior Drummer 2.
Ian Stephenson
Great course, the tutor kept it entertaining and held our interest whilst still getting over a huge wealth of detail for all levels of user. recommended :-)
Killer class! Well worth purchasing. Each lesson is effectively thorough, as well as comfortably paced. And Rikk’s sense of humor makes the learning process all the more enjoyable.
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