Adding Aesthetic with Atmospherics
Lesson 18 from: The Automotive Photography WorkshopAaron Brimhall
Adding Aesthetic with Atmospherics
Lesson 18 from: The Automotive Photography WorkshopAaron Brimhall
Lesson Info
18. Adding Aesthetic with Atmospherics
Meet Aaron
13:26 2Workshop Overview
02:53 3Equipment Breakdown
16:16 4Building Your Brand
07:32 5Getting Work Through Spec Shoots
25:39 6Pre-Production
09:29 7Shooting Hero Shots During A Technical Angle Study
15:44 8Getting Creative with Exterior Detail Shots
08:10Shooting Interior Panoramas of The Dash
13:38 10Illustrating Motion with Rolling Shots
09:34 11Editing Concepts & Philosophy
02:10 12Editing: 3/4ths Front
20:06 13Editing: 3/4th Rear
15:03 14Editing: Finishing the Interior Dash
18:13 15Editing: Making A Preset
32:33 16Editing: Adjusting Presets for Specific Photos
09:39 17Shooting Rollers of the GT3 RS
10:49 18Adding Aesthetic with Atmospherics
16:44Lesson Info
Adding Aesthetic with Atmospherics
(whoosh) All right, so you saw the arm and what we were able to do and capture with that. Like you saw pretty dynamic, really cool shots. I think we got about like one, I think maybe three shots that we could use from that, which is a bonus. Now, we're gonna step away from the car and we'll do some like static place, the car in different spots. Kind of wanna, like, since it's a tight narrow road I'm gonna place it to where it looks like it's drifting. And then in post we'll actually do some motion blur some, I don't know, some like smoke from the tires. And then we brought a fog machine up too, Big Bazooka. We'll we'll fog this place up a bit. Give it a little bit more of, a little bit of another element with the photos. So yeah, let's go have some fun. (calm music) Uh, try to steer to the right. (engine whirs) (uplifting music) (percussive drums) That was wild. There's like way more traffic here than I thought. (he laughs) But it's sick. (engine whirs) Yeah, why don't you go dow...
n to base camp. Now we will have like a way to like, do some more, like pull out stuff. Let's go down to base camp. I don't have like a total concept in mind right now but we kind of just wing it and I always have stuff flowing through my head. So, whatever we get out of this, will be really cool. I'm shooting on like a Pro-Mist filter and what that does kind of enhance the, any type of light. Just makes it a little bit foggy, with just this little filter on, which is cool. So we'll mess with that and we'll mess with like some other different elements that I have with filters and just kind of get weird and some lights? Oh, right. We also brought some Titan tubes as well so we'll shoot a little bit after blue hour and then we can mess around with these lights, get some foreground action and as well as like different elements around the car and mess with like blues and pinks and whatever kind of color we wanna mess with. So, yeah. Let's get it going. The tubes, like maybe like five feet like spaced out would be kind of sweet behind behind the car. Like right, like here. Yeah. Okay. That'd be kind of sick. Yeah. So I'm gonna light paint the car now. So, I'm gonna have Ethan, I'll give him like an eight second shutter, he's just gonna walk across the light, walk across the car with the light above the kind of the whole frame of the car and then I'll have him get the, I'll have him get the wheels after too. So, we'll get the whole car lit. It's gonna be nice. Sweet. What? It's called light painting. Sure is, bud. (indiscernible words) Well he's he's camouflaged, so won't be able to see him, so we can go. (laughs) Okay. Turn on your camouflage. Dude. Where's your body? I don't know. Cam, there's that- see the floating head? What's that? You see the floating head? Floating head? (laughs) He wants to, didn't you say you wanted to- (laughs) All right, (laughs) hold on. Ready? Yeah. Go for it. (camera click) Well, yep go for it. (birds chirping) Okay. Hurry, get out. (camera click) Oh boy. Let's do that again. You might wanna go closer to the car. Just a bit. (camera beeping) Get out of the frame. Oh, that's too late. Hey, can we get an apple box for Ethan? (laughs) All right, Eth, you ready? Yeah. (camera beeping) 1, 2, 3. (birds chirping) (camera click) It's kinda nice. Ethan. Let's do the wheels. Just do the, do the front wheel first. Okay. (camera beeping) Um, go for it now. (birds chirping) (calm music) (camera click) (car tires rustle) Nice. Cool. Let's switch this thing up a little bit. We got it. (camera clicks) Can I get you to move the car again? Let's just have you come like right here. (footsteps) Just like face this one way. Just like just straight on. (engine starts) Can you go to the right a little more? Keep going, keep going, keep going. That's perfect. All right, where do you want light? How tight are gonna be, Aaron? (calm music) I can even paint with this guy, a little, if you need. You can go tighter on the Titan tubes. Hold on. Like real tight. Even those first two- Like, closer together or? Yeah. So- Do you want like a, like a alley, or do you want 'em staggered like- Like a full alley towards the, hold on, I'll come even closer. Like, right there. Hold on, bring your side out more this way. (car passing) Yeah, like, barely that last one. Like that? Sam, go high. (crunching footsteps) Sam, go, focus this. That's cool. (footsteps) And then... Tell me what, if I'm in your frame. (rustling) Do you want these in more? Yeah. From there, this one, like right there. This one here. Is that even close? Can't really tell. Let me know if it looks good. Maybe I might just have you, why don't you just light the car with the pink. That's cool. I think these ones look, look kind of cool. (crash) Ooh. The ones in the, these in the foreground, kind of close, look cool though. Maybe just get a little on the ground. Oh yeah, the ground would be cool, actually, too. (car door shuts) Like just like a little bit. Yeah. Like that, looks sweet. (car passing) Like just barely. Even if you were like- That? Even like... Want one on the other side? like that would be sick. Let's see. Okay. It's like really tight. Yeah. Sam come bring those two over here and come above. Am I in your shot right here, Er? No. You just call me Er? Err. Come on my side, though, Sam. (beeping) It's really, it's eight seconds. Yeah. Go as high as you can. Here, I got one. (camera clicks) Bring it this way. You can. Let's just cut that light. Yeah. (beeping) Should we light paint it with the red? Yeah, it'd be cool. Um.. See if that one works. Do it like that, but don't go like, just go like right over the top of everything. And go for it. Same with you, Sam. Go that way with it. Perfect. Do it one more, actually, let's just, without light painting it. Let's just do this real quick. Grab this shot and then we'll do like a, an interior. (rustling) That looks sick, whatever is happening. Do you want just like all these down here? Just, just a lot of like underlay. Yeah. That'd be good, looks really nice. (rustling) That looks fuckin' sick. No, that's it. Shut up, Ethan. It's sick. It's, it can't- Sorry, earthquake test! (camera clicks) All right, let's get an interior. (camera clicks) Red? One more real quick. (beeping) Do you want to tap brakes? Nah. Okay. Interior, you want red? Uh, let's see what it looks like, but yeah probably red or, red or blue. Okay. I'll just put a couple blue so we can swap, easily. Cool. Pull that ND off if we're gonna do interiors. (harmonic beeping) Yeah, do that one on the rim. Yeah, that's good. And then one more, let's have' em like, kind of over there. All of them? Actually, you can just one, one looks really nice. Yeah, that looks good. (beeping) (camera click) Ooh. Like try any different colors, feeling good. What is that one? Cool. I'm happy with it. Okay. Let's do one interior and I think we'll be good. Okay. So Aaron, what are you gonna try and capture on the interior? Basically just the whole dash. Like from, well, I'm gonna have the door like slightly closed, so I get like- So, Sam, go on the other side. the driver door. Obviously be very- Um, And then we get, we see the seat, the stitching of the seat, steering wheel, the dash, and then like the middle console. So, like basically the whole cockpit. Let's each be holding two, Sam. That would be just like a major for me, which would be really cool. And if we could get the GT3 RS, like- Then Logo that's like lit up would be really nice too. So Aaron, we can go overhead like this. That looks sick. Do you want any like accent color or are you like just this overhead? I think if we could do it one pole with like some light inside, I can tone this way down. Just grab one of those Eth, and do like a blue underneath his frame. Dude, those look sick. (door shuts) Go over Sam. (calm music) Like a blue, like this? Yeah. And just, I would kind of go either like, just right under in front of Aaron's feet basically. But stay low. That's a- Just go under the door, yeah. It's pretty. Too much? Yeah. Even just this, would be really nice. Okay. Cam, can you go like higher? Higher? Yep. (camera clicks) (camera clicks) And then Sam, you wanna go higher? Here, Sam, I got one. Oh, like purple looks sick. Like even just like right there. Like this looks amazing. You want purple? Whatever's happening right now. Like Sam, go back to where you just were. Yeah, that looks nice. Go down lower. Go lower. Yeah. Right there. Even lower. Yep. Out of frame? Yeah. If you want to duck completely, that'd be nice. I got you. Um, just g- Like out of, like duck down where you're at. Unless you want a cameo. Why isn't- my camera keep moving? Wanna hold it, just so it doesn't move at all? (rustling) My camera just keeps taking photos by itself. (beeping) Cam, let's try it. (camera click) Like go even lower. Like back lit almost? Yeah. Like almost like, not even back lit. Maybe like towards me more, like that. Like, and then Sam keep where you were just at too. Down lower. That's too much light. Too much light? Yeah. Like right there is kind of sick. Go back to where you just were. Right there. Sam go lower. (beeping) It's too much light where Sam is. Sam go lower with the light. Yeah. Right there. (beeping) Sam kill your light. Yeah. That's nice. This is good. (beeping) Sorry. You're good. Take a little more of those. (harmonious beeping) Thanks, Pete. Yeah, man. Appreciate it. You're the man. (both laugh) Thanks for sitting in the car all day. (Pete laughs) Crushed it. (car engine revs) All right. That is a wrap. Pretty stoked on the stuff we got. All the rollers are amazing. The arm obviously worked really well. We were able to get a bunch of detail stuff even interiors. I'm pumped. Can't wait to do it again. (uplifting music)
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Ratings and Reviews
Ben Waugh
Worth Every Cent! Keen For More! This was awesome, definitely keen to see more of these in the future! Keep them coming dude! Loved seeing your edit breakdown and workflow. Would love to see some more of the behind the scenes of planning a shoot too - @benwaugh
Allison Gregory
From Zero to Hero Awesome workshop to not only get my first taste of automotive shoots, but I am walking away with a shoot set-up and planned to create speck work and present brands with decks. I loved how Aaron really explained everything he was doing. He rocks.
Adrian Mirabal
Amazing and WORTH IT! I have followed Aaron Brimhall for a while now and when I saw he was releasing a workshop I knew I had to get it! If you are wanting to shoot anything in motion or automotive action this is the workshop for you!
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