Day 1
1Class Introduction
11:28 2Photography & Outdoor Experience
30:38 3How to Create Timeless Images
14:19 4Pismo Beach Walk Gear
18:44 5Yosemite Trip Gear
09:38 6Gear Q & A
17:58 7Water Housing Photography
47:25Shooting in the Water
08:52 9Water Photography Q & A
05:08 10Researching Your Location Before Shooting
40:50 11Timeless Images at Glacier Point Shoot
44:45 12Pismo Beach - Shooting on the Pier
32:26 13Pismo Beach - Focus Point
19:56 14Pismo Beach - Composition & Tips
25:22 15Pismo Beach - Shooting Under the Pier
07:44 16Glacier Point: Shooting Stars & Night Photography
21:35 17Equipment & Tools for Night Shooting
39:18 18Basic Night Shooting Q & A
25:47 19Post Processing Tools
09:46 20Organizing with Photo Mechanic
25:02 21Post Processing with Lightroom
39:20 22Importance of Saving to DNG
05:32 23Post Processing Q & A
13:47 24Yosemite Hang Gliding Shoot
22:34 25How to Utilize Social Media
27:17 26Social Media Analytics to Utilize Social Media
25:01 27Social Media Best Practices Q & A
24:49 28How to Upload Photos to Your Social Media
07:42 29Appealing To & Working with Brands
38:39Day 2
Lesson Info
Water Photography Q & A
let's hit these questions right off the top uh still unclear on how you make sure your images are focused in the water while the housing is covering it not sure how to answer that one because there was just a thirty minute video that explained all that so what I would say is re watch it because that's not something I could even remotely explain but synopsis of that would be um still unclear and how you focus when you're housing is covering it well just to reiterate two types of focusing wet and dry dry is when there is no water on the lens you do that by applying greece to it the water beads off very simple you can focus auto focus through the lens wet is when your housing your port is meant to be covered by water you do this because you are not focusing you on ly khun do that when you're shooting a wide angle lens fifteen millimeters of thirty five millimetre does that make sense to you guys you guys able to watch those videos and you know do that I just want to make sure because this...
is like that's the reason you have to like have these things showing people demonstrating with with a source of water in it because it's just it's almost impossible to explain verbally you know you have to really see it but yeah it's a it's a tricky process now I would anybody who really does want to go in the water I would definitely recommend re watching that section a couple of times that you get a very clear understanding of how that works and what it's meant to do because really it's two different types of shooting for a multitude of different scenarios and you kind of you pick the scenario that you're that you're going to be shooting what you plan to shoot and then and then kind of apply it from they're so cool how long are usually out there to get a shot like that it all depends you know sometimes the light is only good for the first fifteen minutes of the day so you'll be out in the water you know five minutes before the sun rises and you know shooting about you know ten to fifteen minutes after that you're done sometimes the serf only last so long so it all depends on what you're shooting if you're shooting a photograph of a boat or a yacht in the water or someone swimming or whatever I mean totally depends I guess for me I tend to try and shoot as long as the light's good or as long as the conditions last so there's been sessions that air six hours in the water that air pretty brutal on their sessions that air like twenty five minutes you know like um but you typically you know if you're getting your housing already and you're getting out there you're trying to get you know as much as she can you know yeah cool recap on the settings for shooting and water are you shooting and shutter priority didn't miss what mode he's shooting and for these yeah sorry for going over that one kind of quickly the typical settings that I use it depends on the housing you guys keep in mind if you're using one of those sport housings it doesn't have a lot of buttons you're limited because you want to go into the water with all your setting set if you have a housing like this where every single button is there I can literally turn my camera on when I get in the water so there's no rush to make your settings until you get there typically my typical settings or tv mode shutter speed priority I'm putting my shutter between eight hundred and a thousand eight hundred twelve hundred depends on how bright it is um I s o two hundred and then my f stop is obviously exposing based on my shutter and the important part is obviously the burst priority mode um and I'm also one that's important I'm usually putting my my uh my exposure dot at the centre exposure meaning you know you have a most two different exposure modes I'm putting its center why am I doing that because if I am shooting if I'm shooting in a tube in a barrel for example it's extremely bright out and then all of a sudden everything gets darker and darker and darker and darker and darker so you have to make sure you're exposing for that one person or else your exposure might be over here where um I'll try and find it a version like you know this is kind of the uh I'm not sure if I have one in this little portfolio here but um it's just it's super crucial that basically that the subject is kind of lit up right so I think it's always important where um depending on what you're shooting you know if you're further away like in a scenario like this where you can have you know your it's okay for this all to be even but if I was shooting right here looking looking in it would be much darker inside their rights so I would need a little more open of exposure and it's really tough you guys to get a perfect exposure when you're when you're in the water when you're shooting like that right it's a very it's a very tricky thing this is kind of why it takes just a lot of trial and air sometimes you're not going to really get what uh what you you think you are something like that it's just kind of happens as it goes so um you guys have any other questions on on the water housing stereos on wind to shoot what and this is kind of the time to answer those there's absolutely no dumb questions but I just want to make sure that they're all everything's kind of understood
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Ratings and Reviews
Matt Redfern
This class was packed full of amazing knowledge. I really enjoyed the topics covered and have found it super helpful for my work. I have had so many takeaways ranging anywhere from how to put myself out there, finding my style that stands out, practical applications, etc. I would highly recommend this class to everyone interested in photography! Big thanks to Chris and CreativeLive for putting this together.
I've been staying up all night to watch the live broadcast. As somebody else here mentioned (latsok), it's emphasizes on the non-technical aspects (emotion, engagement, colour and composition) rather than the technical stuff like shutter speeds, iso and f-stop. Although I can use some help in both, the technical aspects are not only camera specific but fairly objective as well. The non-technical aspects however are something much harder to grasp. Getting help in this by no-one less than Chris Burkard is just amazing. I bought this class so I can re-watch certain parts of the broadcast again whenever I need it. But also to show my appreciation for Chris Burkard and Creative Live for providing this great online course!
Tara Stanhope
This was absolutely brilliant. Learned so much and was very motivated and inspired. I felt like this answered so many questions I didn't know where to being to find the answers. Really appreciate being able to access this great course. Thank you.