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Thinking Outside the Box Part 2

Joel Grimes

Thinking Outside the Box Part 2

Joel Grimes

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Class Description

Experiment with alternative ways of creating! Create shallow Depth of Field using ND filters and Strobing outdoors. Increase your Mega Pixels—make a 22 MP camera into a 50 MP! Create a lens perspective that does not exist in one image. Stack images to create long exposures without the risk of noise, take out movement (moving leaves, cars, people, etc.), double or multiple exposures to create painterly images, and increase your Depth of Field (landscapes, macro, etc.).

Software Used: Adobe Photoshop CS6

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Ratings and Reviews

Varga Sándor budapesti esküvőfotós

Very good and interesting course! FotoCraft eskuvoi foto creative photo

凯 丁

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