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The Dream Version of Your Business

Lesson 2 from: Visualize & Execute the Future of Your Business

Tara-Nicholle Kirke

The Dream Version of Your Business

Lesson 2 from: Visualize & Execute the Future of Your Business

Tara-Nicholle Kirke

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2. The Dream Version of Your Business

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The Dream Version of Your Business

the reason we're even here having this conversation in the first place is that there are changes that you want to make to your business. Either you see that something is not sustainable that you were doing or you need to make more money or whatever it is. Maybe you want to upgrade your systems or upgrade your team or change your entire business and sell something different and it removed locations, whatever the change is, I want you to press pause and list out 10 reasons why you're deciding to make this change right now, okay, Why now and not a year from now. Why are you so ready right now to make this upgrade? Um, and now I want to go even deeper with you on getting, creating a clear, actually like documented like a memorial izing a written, clear vision. Um that's sort of the dream version of your business now, before I even begin, just know that you know this, this, this exercise dreaming is actually free. It doesn't cost you anything to allow yourself to want what you want. I reall...

y common pattern that I see in entrepreneurs who have been through a really challenging season, like we've all been through is that their inner critic sort of shuts them down before they can even really want what they want. So I want you to for the purposes of doing this exercise, just allow your own dream version of the business to and dream version of your life, allow me to prompt you with my questions to write out that dream version without judging it without shrinking it down and without letting your inner critic convince you that you're being irresponsible to even want to try that or that that will never work and no one will buy that. Okay, like for now, just turn off your inner censor your inner editor, your inner critic And allow your own desires to actually come out on the page. All right now, I'll guide you through a series of questions that I want you to consider as you build out this one year, 12-18 months. Let's give it that daydream style version of your vision. And part of the power of this is you may be surprised at what comes out, um part of the power of this exercise. You may see how the business that you're actually actively building right now. Today is slightly off kilter for what you want things to look like in a year and that's a beautiful, powerful insight to have so that you can course correct and uh, make sure that the, that the business that you're building actually does line up with what you want things to look like in a year, right? It may often see um, client, I have clients do this exercise all the time and I often see them create a vision and then us compare that to the business they're building and then be like, whoa, whoa, whoa. We've got to stop doing that offer. We've got to stop start charging. You know, we've got to start increasing our prices. That's the clarity that I want you to have out of this. All right. So here are a few questions that I want you to consider and to actually journal too. Um press positive if you'd like to at any time, but I'll just go through them and um maybe even close your eyes and just listen to me go through them all at once. Uh once one time through and then come back and listen to them again and pause between. So the first question is one year from now. Where do you live? What are the highlights of your work week? What is an ideal weekend look like? Or ideal days off look like? What are your close family relationships like? Is you were made or partner supportive? And if you have one, are they supportive? Are they involved in your business? Do you have entrepreneurial kids in your life, whose vision you're fostering? What are your team relationships? Like, what are your relationships with your employees? Like? Do you have, do you actually have a team? What are your friendships? Like, how do they support your business? How do you feel when you wake up in the morning, literally? What are the emotions you want to feel as you wake up in the morning or get ready for work? Do you have time to read or to learn on a daily basis? And if so what are you reading or learning or listening to? What kind of physical shape are you in? What fitness challenges have you taken on? Um in order to feel electric and feel vital and feel strong and able to carry out your business vision in your physical body? How do you think about your work? Do you have a, do you call it a business? Do you have a practice? Do you have a salon? Like describe the business you have or the career you have? What words do you use to describe it? What do you wear to work every day? Where do you go to work every day? What things do you do personally in your business? What things do you delegate in your business? What things do other people do? How do your business life and your personal life interact and vice versa? And then let's talk a little more about your team. Do you have a team? Is your team employees? Are they contractors or vendors? Are they both? What does that look like? Are they do they literally work for you physically? Are they remote or virtual? What do you love about your team? Zooming out a bit? What are three big things that you big things to you that you spend money on every year? Could be anything could be travel, it could be travel, it could be travel because a lot of us want to travel coming out of this, this pandemic. It could be seminars and conferences could be coaching. Could be cars could be experiences could be vacations, could be real estate. What are the things that the three things that are your sort of big things that you spend money on every year and in your business? What are you selling? What products, what services One year out 12-18 months out, what do you want to be selling? What experiences do you want to be selling? What do your clients or patients or customers tell other people about you and your business? What do you want that to be like 12-18 months from now? Kind of? What's your dream review or referral? Say the substance of it? What has become possible in your customers lives as a result of you pushing past the season that we've been in keeping on, keeping on right and having that sort of steadiness and patience and willingness to continue working on your business. What is different or possible or available to your customers or your patients or your clients? And why? Why are you doing this? Why do you continue to do this business? What do you continue to do the work that you do? Um Now it's entirely possible that for someone, the answer is I don't like 12 or 18 months from now, I don't want to be doing that work. So if the answer is you don't continue to do this work, what do you do instead? 12, 18 months out? And the last question is doesn't seem like a business question, but it's very relevant. 12-18 months from now. What do you love? What do you just love about your life? That's the energy I want you to get into. I want you to live in all of those questions for a half hour, even an hour and just paint a picture, paints a picture for yourself. A clear inspired vision. This vision for what you want to have in 12 to 18 months will make it relatively, you will be surprised at how immediately you'll see the things that you need to start doing now to get there. Um this is also this really clear vision exercises a little bit your insurance policy against freaking out, it's your insurance policy against panicking because because listen, everything's take the time that they take and everything good takes a little bit of time, right? So I really invite you to try on the world view almost of a farmer, right? Farmers when they want to grow a crop of, let's say corn, they plant seeds and then they cultivate the seeds, they tend the rose, they let other things come in and collaborate to grow those seeds, they let the rain come, they let the sunshine and most importantly, they don't dig that. They don't get frustrated when the seed doesn't immediately sprout into a full field that can be harvested right now, right? They don't go back and dig the seed up too soon. That is often what I see happening with entrepreneurs. Um We set a new strategy or a new vision. We start a new instagram channel or a new marketing plan and it's really the right plan. But we look for those results to happen overnight instead of having that longer game mentality. Right? So I invite you to let this vision begin informing your right now action steps and the things that you need to put in place to be in alignment with this vision 12 to 18 months out. And don't dig the seeds that you plant up too soon. Don't overly judge or rush or track even track your progress. Yes. Keep and I on the basic, you know, key performance indicators of your business, you have to do that, but don't uh don't overly fixate and give up too soon.

Ratings and Reviews


First, let me say her voice is so soothing, I love it. I could listen to her teach me anything for an hours. She doesn't talk too slow and she doesn't talk too fast. Secondly, the best part, I love all her questions. This video helped me to feel excited about my dreams again.

a Creativelive Student

Short and sweet! I loved having the list of questions to work through, as well as the specific tools to implement to see the vision to fruition. Thank you Tara-Nicholle!

Robin Spencer

Such incredibly valuable advice and tips. Love Question #32 and the 4 Tools. She is so easy to listen too and very inspiring.

Student Work
