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Lesson 1 from: 3D in Adobe Illustrator CC

Jason Hoppe

Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: 3D in Adobe Illustrator CC

Jason Hoppe

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1. Class Introduction

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Class Introduction

welcome, everybody. I'm Jason Hoppy, and this video is going to be all about creating three D objects using Adobe Illustrator CC. So this isn't about going in and doing three D on the three D grid, which illustrate Ercan dio we're gonna show you how we're going to use the three D effect on how we can extrude and revolve shapes to create all sorts of awesome cool fun shapes. So we're going to start off here with just kind of a quick overview on what the basic things weaken dio with any of our extrude or revolved tools. So I'm going to start off here with just a basic shape on the picket color here. I have no stroke on there. You'll see why very shortly. And we're going to show you all the different effects that weaken Dio using the effects panel and all the three D effects extrude revolved, rotate. These are all cool things we can do with three D. If you've never used this before, this is definitely going to be a whole lot of fun. So with the types of three D effects that weaken do thes...

e were all effects, which means our actual artwork just has this effect applied to it until we actually render the shapes. So I'm gonna call up and we get started going to effect three D and I'm gonna choose REVOLVE, which is one of the very basic things that we dio. Now. One of the things with the three D options here is that every time you use this, you have to click the preview button in order so that you can see what's going on. This is a very annoying feature that I would love to have fixed. Every time we use this, you've got to click the preview button. So what I did is they created just a circle a fill with no stroke, because when we go and re render these things, that stroke is going to be the outside color, and that's going to then render on the outside of the object. So starting with a circle and using the revolved method What this does is this takes the circle that I drew and simply revolves this into a donut. Or more specifically, it's actually called a Taurus, not like the Ford Taurus, but like an actual tube that's turned into a doughnut. Now, when we render this in, the preview is turned on. We have this cube here, which is our X Y and Z axis. The blue face is the face that we're looking at, and that's going to be the forward. Most object we can take our cursor. We can click and drag this face or this cube any direction that we want. And while we drag it, we're going to get our wire frame render, and when we let go, it's going to render based on our shape. Now you'll notice as we go through here and I'm moving this all around, you can see that rotation happening live. It's a pretty simple object, so it's not going to use a whole lot of memory. More complex ones will definitely suck up the memory on your computer. Take longer to draw. So this is our shape because we filled it with a solid color. We have a solid tube or doughnut here, and this is what we get a couple things that weaken do with this one of these this is taking, and it's revolving the entire thing around a circle 360 degrees. All the way around. I can take this and I can open this up so I can render Onley partial of this kind of create a little noodle right here. And I can move this around so you can see the noodle a little bit better. And here's our cross section of it being extruded say, 180 degrees right there and now I have a little half a noodle, and all it does is takes this objects and revolves it around a center portion. We can change the offset here, and the offset is going to allow us to space this out further to create more of a hole in the middle. So the more offset that we have, it's going to take that and it's going to bump those circles out further away. So as we rotate this, you'll see With that offset, you get more of a hole in the doughnut, and then you can control the angle of this as well to go ahead and give you mawr or less of the object all the way up to 360 degrees, which is going to be the complete object. The offset allows you to make this larger, smaller. And when you do that, you can then go in and rotate your object completely. Every once in a while, you're going to get some weird rendering in here. Just because this is not a super advanced state of the art high quality kind of three D render. This is kind of a basic render that we get in here. So yes, every once in a while, the algorithms don't go in and show everything exactly where they're supposed to get. This kind of little sliver in here just kind of rotated will bit differently, and most the time it just cleans itself up. So when we're done, we click. OK, now, here's the biggest thing. Once we're done with this object, we can edit this shape because it's just a shape here. I'm gonna go into preview mode just to a command. Why? And really all we're working with here is the shape with this three D effect on it. So I could go in and I could take my shape, and I could move that I could also edit that shape by squishing it a little bit too. I could go when I could meet elongated as well. I could make it bigger. Smaller doesn't make any difference. And this is just going to simply rear ender Every time I do this, if I go in and I kind of open it up in using my little split here that I can with my little we call my little Walker Walker handles this will go. We had in this will actually open up my shape cause I'm changing the shape of my circle here. Keep in mind that this is Justin preview here, just editing the circle, but I can create all these different funky shapes.

Ratings and Reviews

Nelson Mueller

Good course! It does exactly what it says, teaching 3D in Illustrator. He explains the different kinds of features very easily and what they do when applied. How different shapes transform when using different kind of options. It is a small course, but it was definitely worth it. I wanted to understand 3D in Illustrator and it fully delivered that.

Barbara Ash

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